Not enough calories?

Hey Everyone,

My name is Sara. I'm not a morning person and my classes don't start till 11:30. I'm usually running late and grab a granola bar on my way out the door. Because I sleep till late morning everyday I pretty much skip breakfast....with the exception of the granola bar. By the time I'm finished logging in my lunch info I still have over 1,000 calories left. I try to eat a hearty dinner....usually around 700-750. But when I finish logging MFP tells me I'm starving my self? I try to snack in the evening...but I'm just not hungry. Any ideas on how I can accomplish my daily goal? or at least meet 1,200 cals?


  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Indefinitely try to wake up earlier to give yourself time to eat breakfast. I have learned how much of a difference breakfast actually makes. with either a big lunch or dinner and a snack in between. This way your not stuffing yourself completely. Eat just enough to feel full.
  • Sara7Taylor
    Sara7Taylor Posts: 112 Member
    Yeah, but I have a hard time eating in the morning. I can try adding a yogurt to the granola bar. I think I might try to take some fruit and trail mix to classes with me and snack a little during lectures. :)
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    My hubby has the same problem. Always has been a late riser. He basically had to "retrain" himself to get up at an earlier time in order to get any breakfast.
  • hardlyreal
    hardlyreal Posts: 8 Member
    I'm the same way. I freakin' hate breakfast, too. My solution has been a Carnatoin instant breakfast with rice milk (I'm lactose intolerant) for breakfast, and snacking. Then I'm left with a manageable number for dinner.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    What about a slim fast or a protein shake? They aren't much in the way of calories but they are tasty and add protein + vitamins to your day.
  • Cradle2GraveWVU
    I use to be the same way then I got a job where I didnt get to eat lunch till real late. Start off small and gradually make a bigger breakfast. After a while you will not be able to start a day without it! Also to get you 1200 a day, try and add a small snack here and there and you should have no problem.