dazed and confussed



  • hardlyreal
    hardlyreal Posts: 8 Member
    Everyone else has said pretty much what I would have, but I'll add this.

    I have totally done the starvation/anorexia thing, and it really screws you up. Do NOT be surprised if you GAIN weight when you go back up to what MFP has recommended as your daily intake. Your body will do that because it is freaking out, it thinks it's winter in Russia and you have to store fat for some upcoming hibernation. If you eat the amount MFP tells you to, it will normalize, and you will begin to lose weight again. But seriously, try to meet that net calorie use at a nice 0, so don't forget to add in any cardio you might do. When I was anorexic, I lost maybe 10 lbs immediately, and was elated. Then it stopped, I went back to my old eating habits, and gained close to 20 lbs. I've been using MFP for almost a week, and I've lost 5 lbs. And that's with eating what I want to eat, just in smaller amounts. I like this much better than when I was eating 200 cal/day, and weirdly I haven't felt "starved" once, even though my portions are so much smaller than what they used to be.

    Oh yeah, and good luck!