dazed and confussed

Hey ya'll I'm Sarah and I'm 250 lbs and 6 feet tall. I have always been "thick" growing up and I since I have had two children I have gotten thicker.. and with c-sections my stomach just hangs there! I have been working out almost everyday if not every otherday! I usally do a hour of strength training and about 45 mins of some kinda dance weather it be zumba or with my kids on the WII just dance! .. but I did no lose any weight!! NONE !! I have a small family who does not mind eating healthy but were southern folks.. my husband and kids love there meat and potatoes!! So I cook there supper and I usally just snack on a protein bar or a hand full of peanuts! I eat grapefruit or peaches for breakfast and i usally skip lunch .. i did come to realize all them times I had my hand in the ice box i wasent hungry i was just bored! Plus I gave up DR.PEPPER which i use to could drink at least a half a 12 pack a day by myself if not more!! I drink atleast a gallon or two of water everyday now! So i know i cut back on eating and cokes BIG TIME!!! STILL HAVENT LOST THE WEIGHT!!! I usually weight my self every week .. the first two week i lost 15 , the third week nothing .. :( tonight is my next weight in and Im scared that if it says NO WEIGHT!!! that im just gunna give up and quit!! ...I dont wanna do this for nothing! and it already starts to feel like everytime before!!!


  • kabullard
    Ok, on average you should lose about 2 pounds a week. So in that first week of losing 15...it may take a few weeks for you to see another weight loss. Give your body time to adjust and catch up! I was the same way. I lost 6 my first week...then nothing the second. This week, week three, I lost 2 more! Hang in there, don't give up and let the weight win :)
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    How's your Sodium intake?
    Did you take measurements? have you lost inches?
  • bgagn085
    bgagn085 Posts: 14 Member
    It sounds like you are doing the right thing by excercising, although I know that for losing weight cardio tends to be the most effective. Maybe spend some more time walking or running rather than weight training.

    Also I would caution you about skipping meals because it can trick your body into thinking that it needs to store fat rather than burn it. It sounds crazy, but eating smaller portions and snacks little and often really helps, (as long as their healthy options!).
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    So your weigh in as at nigt time? Of so switch to tomorrow morning. Always weigh in the mornings :] thats your true weight, at night it includeds food and all the water you are carring. In the morning after using the bathroom, and before you eat :] most accurate
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Hang in there!

    I have a few questions...1) how much weight are you doing?; 2) how many calories are you eating a day? (your log isn't public..which is fine..mine isn't either). You NEED to eat. As a fellow Louisianian, I get where you are coming from. BUT, you need to eat. A handful of peanuts isn't a meal. It might be a snack, but certainly not a meal.

    Last night I had scrambled eggs with cheese, pancakes with syrup, and beef bacon.

    The night before I had hamburger steaks with gravy, rice, greens, and homemade bread.

    You CAN eat real food. I promise! The secret is portion sizes, and lay off some of the "fried".

    Edit: oh, yes, I forgot to mention to weigh in the morning (nekkid or in panties) after you teetee, before you eat or drink anything. Night weights fluctuate too much.
  • sassysarah25718
    Thank you so much! I am doing this alone and its really hard when you don't have someone beside you telling you that you can do this! I have joined the myfitnesspal about 3 weeks ago and I just had time to sit down and figure out post on the message board! lol thank you again for responding! I really do appreciate it!
  • Thorneapple
    Hi Sarah!

    Have you checked your measurements? Sometimes you will see a change in inches before you see it in pounds. Also, make sure you are not eating too little! If you eat less than 1200 calories a day for a long period of time, you could throw your body into starvation mode ... your body will start hanging onto every ounce if it thinks its not getting enough fuel.
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    Are you logging your food intake? I found I wasn't eating enough and it slowed down my weight loss. Don't give up. Track your eating and adjust it to what works for you.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    are you tracking and logging your calories? sounds like you may not be eating enough and your body has slowed your metabolism, this is known as "starvation mode"

    don't give up. dont lose hope. analyze what you are eating and go with the recommended alotment of calories (TRACK EVERYTHING), keep drinking water, and exercising.
  • sassysarah25718
    I eat less than 600 calories a day some days I eat less than 200!!! I dont go hungry either! I mean I do feel worn out everyday but when i start working out I start to have engery! Its weird!..
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I eat less than 600 calories a day some days I eat less than 200!!! I dont go hungry either! I mean I do feel worn out everyday but when i start working out I start to have engery! Its weird!..


    No wonder you aren't losing weight! you should eat AT LEAST 1200 a day. your body relies on that energy.

    I find that i eat more food more now that i did when i wasn't losing weight...the difference is, the food is good for my body unlike the garbage i was eating before.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I eat less than 600 calories a day some days I eat less than 200!!! I dont go hungry either! I mean I do feel worn out everyday but when i start working out I start to have engery! Its weird!..

    Here is the problem. Your body is probably eating away your muscle and holding on to everything you eat for dear life. You are starving yourself. Eating only 200 cals a day? That is so unhealthy girl! we all care about you :] 400 and below can be considered anorexia...
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    hang in there the weight will come off. You need to make sure you are eating enough though so your body doesnt go into starvation mode thinking it needs to hang onto everything because it isnt going to get fed. Do not skip meals, and eating a protein bar or a handful of peanuts for a meal is not good. How many calories are you eating a day? You need to eat at least 1200 cals a day. Dont give up it will come off. Take advantage of all the encouragement and motivation on the boards, if you need help, encouragement or a question please ask. You are not alone in this. You can do it
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I eat less than 600 calories a day some days I eat less than 200!!! I dont go hungry either! I mean I do feel worn out everyday but when i start working out I start to have engery! Its weird!..

    You aren't eating enough, that is going to be your #1 problem.. Your body NEEDS 1200+ to function, or it will not burn calories properly.

    Exercise is a big energy creator :smile:
  • sassysarah25718
    Nope I sure havent! I havent check any measurement. I am going to go walking tonight and also do measure.... where do i measure at ???? And yes I do keep track of everything I put in my mouth! Maybe yall are right I cant do anything else but take yalls advise.. I will try to eat more everyday! I just thought.. with out food .. it would burn the fat that is already there! ?? Thank yall so much.. im glad i finally figured out how to communicate on here lol .. thank you all again!
  • laurie_powers
    laurie_powers Posts: 103 Member
    If you are eatling less than 600 calories a day, you are in starvation mode. Follow the calorie guidelines on this website and you'll see losses and you'll be doing it the right way. If you starve yourself, once you start eating normally again, you'll put weight right back on.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Also, your recommended allotment of calories on MFP is slated for weightloss, so once you add in exercise you should eat some of those calories back.

    my daily calories are 2000. I try to get as close to that every day because my BMR (calories i need to stay at my current weight) is over 3000. so i should lose weight based on calorie intake alone. once you add exercise and lean muscle, your body will burn fat at a fast rate.

    hope this helps.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Nope I sure havent! I havent check any measurement. I am going to go walking tonight and also do measure.... where do i measure at ???? And yes I do keep track of everything I put in my mouth! Maybe yall are right I cant do anything else but take yalls advise.. I will try to eat more everyday! I just thought.. with out food .. it would burn the fat that is already there! ?? Thank yall so much.. im glad i finally figured out how to communicate on here lol .. thank you all again!

    unfortunately your body will attack your muscles first and slow your metabolism to preserve energy, so you don't burn calories at the rate you should.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    As most have mentioned, you are not eating anywhere near enough. Here are some really good threads that explain metabolism, MFP calculations and why eating too little will slow or stop weight loss (and make you unhealthy.) MUST READS!




    Your body needs fuel, or it WILL rebel! Be patient, eat your allotted calories and it will work. Be the tortoise, not the hare! :wink:
  • sassysarah25718
    If all of ya'll are saying it, then it must be true... so apparently i have wasted the last few weeks by putting my body into startvation mode! .... I will deff eat more a day thank all yall so much and i look forward to talking to yall soon !! THANK YOU