Dolphin Jewel here to lose at least 65 pounds and get fit!!!

:Hello Everyone,

I just joined Myfitnesspal about a week ago after being advised to do so by my personal trainer. When he told me he wanted to sign up for this site, I wasn't too thrilled about it as I had been keeping a written Food Journal, for several months, and had become accustomed to doing so. But, since I have signed up with it, I have lost two pounds and it has helped keep me accountable to how much I eat! I have found it very difficult to manage to stay under my allotted 1200 calories a day, unless I add a significant exercise to help me get through and, when I do that, it makes it much, much easier. I've been dieting most of my life and am obese and am a very frustrated dieter. I'm 43 years old and weight 230 pounds and am 5'3" and it seems like, the older I get, the more pounds I seem to pack on and the harder it gets. Plus, I suffer from Hachimoto's Thryroiditis which makes my metabolism especially slow. I have lost ten pounds, in the last six months, after working out with my trainer and he has been great, but it's quite pricey and I need to find a full time job soon or another job, so that I can afford this. Anyway, I am excited about this site and hoping to make new friends to support each other. I think being accountable, with this site, is the first step. Losing weight and keeping it off is extremely tough but I think it just takes a commitment. I'm a vampire/late night person and tend to eat out a lot too, which packs on the calories and probably pounds. I'm trying to eat out less and do a better job monitoring calories. I'd love to hear people's success stories with this site and also if you follow any other type of diet, in addition, like low carb,, South Beach, Sugar Busters, Weight Watchers, etc. Looking forward to losing half of me! :tongue:


  • tiptoe6
    tiptoe6 Posts: 68 Member
    Good luck!!
  • hardlyreal
    hardlyreal Posts: 8 Member
    Man, I hear ya on the late night thing. I usually don't get out of work until 9 or 10 PM, and Del Taco was a frequent stop (because who wants to cook at 10 PM?). My solution has been Subway. There are a ton of locations that are open until 11 PM (or even later), and there are way better options there than at the Del, and at least I'm getting in veggies. Good luck!
  • Peanutmanda
    Im around 210, down from 220. I started this a little over 2 weeks ago. I also want to lose about 65 lbs.

    We can do it, im already down 2 belt holes. I work out 6 days a week, and at first i also had a hard time staying under calorie. It gets much easier : ) Not to mention you find out how to get full, faster without all the calories.

    Im going to friend request you because we have around the same weight goal : )