

  • I recently lost a significant amount of weight too. Do you know of anyway to keep the weight you lost maintained, because I think maintain it is harder than loosing it. When you loose weight everyone is in a hurry to compliment you, but then you loose the weight and it seems like family members try to give you the green…
  • I understand. Usually family members are the worst at making us feel bad. I am an emotional eater now just getting on track. I found that joining a support group helped and/or having someone to talk to that is not in your family. Sometimes you got to stand up for yourself and tell the family member how you feel so you…
  • Yeah, I was on here a few months ago myself but then I started back on so I could keep track of the foods I eat and not to yield to emotional eating. Anyway, my name is Jen. I am 34. I can be a good support person for you as I need support to stay on my goals as well. Anyone on here can feel free to friend me.
  • pure America whey protein powder has many varieties but it does cost about $28. If you buy in bulk you can save money, but I would not recommend buying in bulk until you are sure you like the taste. Walmart sells a jillian Michael's protein powder. I use body fortress whey protein powder from walmart. Does it taste good?…
  • My nutritionist recommends not going over 80 protein. High protein low carb items like tuna, peanut butter, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese can help. I know what you are going through. Hang in there. The problems I have experienced before is with the carbs and sugars and fats. Nuts and nut butters have good fats so don't…
  • I'm Jennifer. I'm 34. I have 4 kids. 3 girls and 1 boy. I hope to be of help to others You can add me if you want.