roseenk Member


  • You can do it! I researched a few websites to see what my body needed daily to maintain. Fitness pal said I should eat 1200 calories a day, which I did not think I could do --- too restricting. So, I started at 1700 calories. I was amazed at how much I could really eat if I made good choices. I am about 80 days in and have…
  • Took me 45 years, but I took a good, hard, long look at the people in my life. I realized that most of the people that were the meanest to me ... were family. So, I unfriend all of them and removed them from my life. I am happier, and focusing on MYSELF for the first time in my life, instead of trying to make everyone else…
  • WOW!!! You look incredible! And the best part ... your smile!! Keep up the good work! :)
  • I am six weeks into my "diet." Eating 1800 calories or less a day ....(never lower than 1400). In my second (going into my third week), I hit a plateau for 10 days .. did not budge an ounce. I kept at it .. and on the 10th day, dropped two whole pounds over night. Keep it up ... and know it will work. If you create a…
  • Thank you for the correction. Maybe you would like to contribute something else that is actually useful? ;)
  • Low calorie, low fat diet combined with cardio and strength training...... hard work, but like my doctor told me .... "If a good body came in a pill, shake, or fad diet, there would not be one overweight person on this earth." Good luck! :)
  • After yo-yoing back and forth also, I went to the doctor and took exactly what I was eating. She decided to check my thyroid ... and wala .. it was bad. Now I am taking Synthroid ... and am able to lose the weight .. and keep it off. Just a thought?