Just gained back all the weight I lost...wtf!


Here's my back ground. I used to be 22 pounds heavier, but going to the gym brought it down that much. As Far as diets go I've tried everything. E-ver-y-thing. The closest I came to success was with Smarter Science Of Slim. I was doing great for a few months there and then just like clockwork, the scale started climbing right back to 260.

Now I'm trying this and on week 1 I lost almost 4 pounds. Weighed in this morning and its all back. My weekly weigh-in day will be Monday and I'm pretty sure I know what the answer will be.

It doesn't matter if its WW, SSOS, paleo, low carb, etc. my gut kicks in on self defence mode and sucks up whatever I lose in short order. Anyone else go through this? Is there a group for this? I've been at this for almost 15 years and I'm sick of it. Maybe I should go to a doctor or something.


  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    You may need to give it more time, one or two weeks doesn't seem like enough time to see a big difference. You could be carrying a lot of water weight.
    Also, my weight fluctuates like crazy. I can get on the scale in the morning and it'll be 131 and weigh myself a couple hours later and be almost 135.
    I just suggest giving it more time. :)
  • laurievick
    laurievick Posts: 2 Member
    I am with you. I lost 10 lbs, get excited and gain it right back. I track every freaking crumb that goes in my mouth and consistently stay at my calorie intake goal and NO losses whatsoever. I went to the doctor last week and I told her that I was now seriously considering weight loss surgery because I am sick of being at this size! Her advice was to go to a dietician which I guess is the next appointment I make.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Don't feel like the lone ranger that is the story of my life!!
  • roseenk
    roseenk Posts: 8 Member
    After yo-yoing back and forth also, I went to the doctor and took exactly what I was eating. She decided to check my thyroid ... and wala .. it was bad. Now I am taking Synthroid ... and am able to lose the weight .. and keep it off. Just a thought?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Tell us how much you are eating each day and how many calories burned from exercise and how often...maybe we can help better if we had more information.

    I can tell you that in my experience, my weight will vary up to 6 pounds in just one day...give it some more time and watch for trends instead of just one number at a time. Also, take measurements so you can track changes that may not reflect on the scale.

    If you give us more detail about food and exercise calories we may have more to say.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    I do a 3k uphill fast walk 3 times a week (when the weather warms up i will run it) and I do powerlifting twice a week and yoga once a week (it makes the back feel great).

    I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day and try to keep my macros at 30/30/30 like it did with SSOS because it did work for a good while.

    Maybe it is the thyroid. I'm not quitting the calorie counting yet, but considering the swing back up I have a feeling lll be having some déjà vu ;)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do a 3k uphill fast walk 3 times a week (when the weather warms up i will run it) and I do powerlifting twice a week and yoga once a week (it makes the back feel great).

    I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day and try to keep my macros at 30/30/30 like it did with SSOS because it did work for a good while.

    Maybe it is the thyroid. I'm not quitting the calorie counting yet, but considering the swing back up I have a feeling lll be having some déjà vu ;)

    I eat about the same amount as you and am less active and female only 5'2" tall...I think you may not be eating enough with all that activity. have you calculated your TDEE and BMR?
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Questions off the bat.

    1. Do you weigh everything on a food scale or estimate?
    2. How many times a week do you eat out?
    3. Do you have a cheat day where you eat whatever and don't log?
    4. Would you open your diary?

    The scale on a day to day basis can fluctuate so its unreliable. Have you only weighed yourself twice? For instance, after the night I play basketball I will weight 3 lbs less than on a day where I don't excercise. THe trend over time is what you want to be concerned about. Give it 4 weeks and if you are weighing, excercising, and eating 2000 calories every day, I feel confident you will be down around 8-10 lbs. I started at 254 and after about 2 months of eating at 2000 a day I was 230.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    After yo-yoing back and forth also, I went to the doctor and took exactly what I was eating. She decided to check my thyroid ... and wala .. it was bad. Now I am taking Synthroid ... and am able to lose the weight .. and keep it off. Just a thought?
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Ok, so maybe there are even more things to try. Didn't realize there are so many out there.

    I just made the diary public.
    I don't actually weight the food. When it says 1drumstick, I just record that but don't weigh it.
    Cheat days are probably the weekends but its mostly out of inability to sit down and organize myself.
    I eat out 3-4 times a week.

    My bmr is approx 2300-2500 calories according to a couple web tools I tried. Never looked at a tdee.
  • scottcd
    scottcd Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe you're just constipated.
  • Ok, so maybe there are even more things to try. Didn't realize there are so many out there.

    I just made the diary public.
    I don't actually weight the food. When it says 1drumstick, I just record that but don't weigh it.
    Cheat days are probably the weekends but its mostly out of inability to sit down and organize myself.
    I eat out 3-4 times a week.

    My bmr is approx 2300-2500 calories according to a couple web tools I tried. Never looked at a tdee.

    This will teach you how to set up your calories.


    THIS!!! Listen to Pu_239!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Maybe you're just constipated.

    Strong first post.

    Also, OP, follow the link PU gave. It sets up a common sense way of losing weight. Worked for me.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Ok I bookmarked that post and will delve into it tomorrow. Never heard of tdee but ill figure it out.

    Thanks for that!
  • 51change
    51change Posts: 2 Member
    See "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and "Hungry for Change" on Netflix. That should take care of it.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    I LOVE YOU! I mean..... It's refreshing to see a guy with the same problem. :) I was totally expecting to see a woman, and was going to say it's water weight. Do guys get water weight?
  • Ok, so maybe there are even more things to try. Didn't realize there are so many out there.

    I just made the diary public.
    I don't actually weight the food. When it says 1drumstick, I just record that but don't weigh it.
    Cheat days are probably the weekends but its mostly out of inability to sit down and organize myself.
    I eat out 3-4 times a week.

    My bmr is approx 2300-2500 calories according to a couple web tools I tried. Never looked at a tdee.

    You eat out 3-4 times a week? I would start my investigation there
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    See "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and "Hungry for Change" on Netflix. That should take care of it.

    all the OP really needs to do is figure out a sensible calorie deficit and be patient with it. I fail to see how spending time watching Netflix is going to take care of it. Sounds like he's tried enough plans/programs, why throw a load of propaganda at him?

    Get a food scale.
    Accurately weigh and measure your intake, you could really be overeating and not know it.
    You could also be undereating. Follow the link PU gave you, it explains TDEE.
  • pghlulu
    pghlulu Posts: 42
    I am a petite girl and my weight can fluctuate +/- 6 pounds at times. Usually due to sodium intake, what I've eaten or had to drink recently (consider the weight of the actual food/water you are putting in your body), time of day, regularity etc.

    Also, your diary looks like you go over sodium, often. It's possible you are retaining water. But it's also possible you are just dealing with regular fluctuation.

    You need to give it a few MONTHS and then see what your progress has been.
  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    I do the same thing. The weekends are hell for me. I am in a band with a bunch of guys, and after practice Saturdays its beer wings and pizza at the bar. The next day I am usually sitting around in my pj's and having a reprise of leftover pizza. I just recently told myself that it's time to cut the *kitten* and do it.

    For right now, I just have to treat this like a new job. I totally stole that from an old post. When you start a new job, you don't get any days off, you can't come in and slack off, and you can't schedule vacations. For the first 3 months you have to be on time, working your butt off and proving that you can do it. I feel like weight loss works the same way. Fully commit for 90 days. That means planning for the weekend as well. (i'm half telling you and half telling me)

    We are a huge network of people who want you to succeed. Some will coddle, some will give tough love. But the most important person to have on your side, knowing you can do it is you.

    I have to give myself this advice just as much as you. Good luck to you!

    edit: I forgot - weigh EVERYTHING! And preplan those lunches out! I'm always completely floored how much my sushi calories are. Unless its just sashimi that sushi rice adds up!