Chiqueta Member


  • I don't think that eating a little snack before bed time would be bad as long as it fits into your calorie budget. If I'm hungry (actual hunger and not craving) before bedtime, I eat. Also, what do you usually eat for breakfast? I usually have some low-fat yogurt mixed with mixed nuts and grape nuts and that usually keeps…
  • Couple of questions: How far apart were your weigh-ins? Is 1650 the amount of calories that MFP prescribed for you? I ask because even though I weigh myself every day I only count the official weigh-in which is exactly one week. My weight fluctuates on a daily basis and at times I have "gained" 1-2 pounds in the span of a…
  • I don't really see anything wrong with that. I wil sometimes eat a little less on some days if I know I'm going to eat higher calorie stuff for a special occassion.