ModelMomMD Member


  • It would be my pleasure to add you too ;) We all need encouragement and new ideas to try. I too lost over 50 pounds using WW after the birth of my son, but with my diagnosis of Crohn's disease and the usage of prednison, I slowly accumulated weight back, and I'm 5'9 weighing 183...not a great look health wise. My goa in…
  • You ladies are doing a great job being consistent and determined, and I LOVE it :) I had two rest days this week due to paper being due to finish out another of my BSN classes...yay! I have two more classes to go and my BSN will be complete. But it starts all over again as I am in the process of applying to NP programs as…
  • Yep, I took today off as well! I was sore today and I remember reading in one of JM's books that when your body is sore or achy, that should be when you listen to it and rest. So, I'm resting, but my food choices were very BAD today. We took our son to see Monster's University and I ate popcorn along with a mini pizza, a…
  • I wish it was an off day for me, well not really! I usually feel great about myself after I workout. I just need to get my shoe situation under control. Today I did JM's Banish Fat Boot Metabolism dvd, and it killed me. It is only 40 minutes, but it's a killer for the entire 40 minutes! I see why you burn so many calories…
  • My husband and I are treating me to... 1. Workout VSX sports bra (medium support) 2. Workout VSX shorts 3. Workout VSX Dri-wick Y-back shirt (in case I decide to go to my Zumba class) 4. Nike Shox turbo 5. Polar FT60 HRM Watch in Lilac I have been going back and forth about workout shoes. I love Nike Air Max shoes, but…
  • I would love to get my workout in first thing in the morning, but my fatigue is a killer in the morning. As my day progresses it get more energy, and as soon as I get the first idea of working out I instantly capitalize on! It's the BIGGEST mind game EVER! But, when I'm doing it and finished I feel it's…
  • With encouragement and positivity we can all handle this ;) I remember feeling that same way after my son was born, and I never really got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 135...not sure I will ever see that weight again ;) However, I did get down to 155 and I loved it! It took determination and the use of WW's,…
  • That's awesome that your 5 year old wants to participate too, mine love to run and workout with me as well. I would have to say that his favorite exercise is Dance Central for Xbox Kinect. We a have health/weight set backs, but it looks like you are bouncing back very well. Besides you have us here to keep you motivated…
  • Thanks for posting this! It allows me to pre-plan my workouts in order to create workout combination that burn the most fat...I LOOVE it :) Thanks again1 ModelMomMD
  • Well Everyone, Jillian successfully kicked my butt today! Her Extreme Shed and Shred is AWESOME, I was sweating so much that I could feel the sweat rolling from my under arms down to my legs! The only issue I have with it is that it's a new routine for me and feel like I can't get into it and keep the best posture and…
  • One more do I get that pound counter for the bottom of my posts?
  • Hi Everyone, I am starting to workout again after a huge lag in time! I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and my diet and eating have been out of whack ever since. I am an RN, married for 5 years with a 5 year old son ;) I weighed 150 going into the illness, and with being on steroids and eating what felt good to my…