

  • 14 lbs, for the people who I work with every day (that I DIDN'T tell that I was eating differently) no one else has really said anything at all.
  • The manager had no right to treat you rudely, that's first and foremost. He should have helped you find what you were looking for. BUT, just to give him the benefit of the doubt for WORD CHOICE...perhaps he meant "every day" workout wear meaning they didn't carry the specific "specialty" running gear (or brand) you were…
  • Same here...and I drank a lot of it. I lost 70 lbs 5 years ago...kept it off for 3 years, and then put about half that back on...darn life events getting in the way. I have cut down from far more than I'd like to admit to 3 cans of diet coke a day...I, personally, don't have more cravings for sweets, and I'm seeing weight…
  • It depends on your program...Weight Watchers used to have a long list of "free" foods. In general, healthy foods are more get a larger bang for your calorie order to go calorie for calorie with a cookie or might be able to eat 5 tomatoes...far more filling, AND better for you.
  • I DON'T log 0 calorie drinks (I'm a diet coke fiend, I drink tea, etc...I don't log them, because they are 0 calories and don't have any other things I keep track of in them) Everything else, I log
  • It's tedious for sure, but "if you bite it, write it" even the little stuff...because you may think you're OK, but if you've had 3 tbs of ketchup and a splash of cream in your coffee, and that "one bite" of all adds up, and may be the thing that's keeping you from your goal.
  • I read it as "quite ******* true" (which is funny, since it's not a word I use.)
  • I just had a child tell me ugh about dinner. She is 12. I told her she is more than welcome to do the cooking...but she's not allowed to feed us like we're 4. Guess who ate the dinner provided.
  • I don't. As I tell my daughters and my student all the time..."You can only worry about yourself. You don't need to worry about anyone else." Also..."you can't know anyone else's story." I find that a lot of people, after they do something that is hard (lose weight, quit smoking, you name it) apparently think it's OK to…
  • breakfast for dinner...the best kind of supper!
  • likely you won't keep that rate up...the first week is always the best, in my experience. I lost 6 the first week, and now I'm on a steady 1-2 lb loss a week some weeks 1, some weeks 2)...Started April 1, and I'm down about 15 lbs.
  • quitting smoking on it's own won't make you gain weight. Substituting an edible for smoking will...So, if you decide you're going to have a chocolate bar every time you crave a cig, you'll end up putting on weight quickly. If you decide to go for a walk, or have a glass of water or run up the stairs every time you crave a…
  • Sounds like you're at about 2 lbs a week, which is a good, healthy weight loss. I don't recall GAINING weight on Zoloft, and my daughter hasn't gained inappropriately (she is a growing child, so she SHOULD gain weight) It could be what the meds are TREATING are making you gain weight...and if that's the case, you're doing…
  • I miss pasta. I just feel icky when I eat it, so I don't. (I'm prediabetic, and I just can't "overcarb") I can have some as a side dish...but I can't have a big ol' spaghetti dinner without paying for it later. Other than that, I eat what I want. The other day, one of my co-workers brought in 2 bags of really good…
  • I eat when I'm hungry...I TRY to do 3 standard meals...but I don't always get breakfast in. I snack throughout the day, if I'm hungry....if I'm not hungry, I don't snack. I stop eating when I run out of calories for the day, or I go to bed....whichever comes first.. I think, if you feel the need to strictly stick to…
  • There is evidence that there are a few types of group, who genetically, needs to eat low carb to lose weight. Another, genetically, needs to eat low fat to lose weight. One more who needs a balanced type diet to lose weight. If you are not a person who needs to eat low carb to lose weight, then it's not going…
  • I'm consistently under 1200 calories, and have to work hard to get more calories in. I eat huge salads at lunch that don't log a lot of calories, I eat a yogurt for breakfast that keeps me satisfied until no need to snack (and no time to snack, with my work schedule) I eat a healthy dinner with a protein, starch…
  • this sounds fabulous!!!
  • well....human's are designed to drink HUMAN milk for the first portion of their lives. Technically, those who say humans aren't designed to drink cows (or goats or whatever) aren't WRONG...but no...drinking it won't harm you (unless you have an intolerance or allergy)
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