MJTBQ Member


  • We all want the answer to this question... but how long has it been since you are losing the weight? It takes up to 6 weeks to redistribute. My belly is last to go. I'm not the exercise expert but age old sit ups ... all the different ones that work the abs. If you go to the gym there are great machines. If at home,…
    in Belly Fat Comment by MJTBQ April 2013
  • I believe in moderation. If you are on the cleanse challenge I would recommend the cleanse with hot water or find tea. But I have my french pressed whole bean 1/2 french roast 1/2 buzz free decaf whole foods with 1/4 cup whole milk & 2 tsps of sugar in the raw only on the weekends with my fiance, or when I'm really in the…
  • Well today is first day I recorded my shake and because of the fiber pro calcium pro ionic supreme berries and spinach it was a whoping 436 calories... I am going to cut it in half. I'd suggest adding frozen berries and spinach to your shake if you blend it, if not, add some to your snacks as healthy antioxidants and great…
  • It is recommended to do the shake meal shake. I can't do it. I do one shake a day but I use all the products. Can't live without the Cleanse for life. Add ionic supreme, fiber pro, calcium pro to my shakes. aging essentials product B. I enjoy the fiber snacks, slim cakes... I watch the sugar. You can use isagenix however…
  • Yes I have it with "hot" water as tea and sip it throughout the day. But I get the liquid and still like it plain. I don't like the ionic supreme as much so add 1 scoop powder to my shake and then if feel have another oz mixed with my water.
  • Also check Facebook it will take you to great recipes lots of shake recipes. I add spinach rasberries and blackberries to mine. Today I had a full 2 scoops which is the first time I measured it all out so now I am reducing to 1/2. But with the 2 scoops I added 3/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen blackberries, 1 cup…
  • Anyone here I think has the same goals to lose weight and be healthy. I just turned 51 am 5'4" and looking to lose 20 lbs. Anyone feel free to add me. I'm sending out friend requests now. I started about a week ago, I think. Looking for friends.
  • Love that expression: Breakfast is King, Lunch is Prince, and Dinner is Pauper! Fabulous :)
  • It depends on what you generally eat. You don't want to go from 3000 calories a day to 1000. I used the tool to put in what my height and weight was and got my recommended calories. Most people think a bigger breakfast and lunch is best and not to eat past a certain time at night, like 6, 7, or 8 pm. I still like my eddys…
  • I'm new and looking for friends and support. Please feel free to add me. Thanks!
  • No I started with the shakes with my boyfriend (now fiance) ... we added coconut water, spinach, raspberries and blackberries and a scoop of ionic supreme. I now have it without the coconut water. But I have been on for over a year and take many of the products. My current issue is trying to figure out the vitamins in the…
    in Isagenix Comment by MJTBQ April 2013
  • I have been doing isagenix for over a year now. I have a shake every morning and add a scoop of ionic supreme and add frozen raspberries, blackberries and spinach and blend. I gained about 15 lbs. the last few mos due to work and life stuff and going off isagenix. Drink the cleanse in the morning and sip throughout the…