Lindre Member


  • I was 240lb after having my first child and then I dropped down to 175ish. I gained all of it back with my second pregnancy. I started back up on MFP in December weighing in at 235lb, and I'm down to 205lb now. My goal is to get to 150-160lb by summer and feel comfortable taking my girls to the waterpark/beach. I think…
  • WoW! I'm blown away by what you've accomplished! Thanks for the inspiration.
  • I'm a SAHM to two little girls 2 and 3 month old. I've got quite a bit of pregnancy weight to lose and I could use some support. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • I'm a gamer :) These days I only play the occasional console game like skyrim, harvest moon, zelda etc., but I used to spend so much time playing EQ, WoW and other mmos. I'm looking for more friends on here for support so anyone feel free to add me!
  • I'm from Meriden. Moved to CT from Norway just a couple years back. I'm looking for more friends for support on here, so if anyone wants to add me go ahead :)
  • Blown away! You look amazing and glowing!
  • Weighed in today at 183, so that's a 2lb loss. Back on track and my knee is feeling a lot better. I'm off right now to go looking for some better shoes (definitely a shoe issue) and knee straps so I can keep it up. QOTD: What do you tell yourself when your inner voice tells you to give up? When it tells you to just eat…
  • Just got back on. I flew right into a hurricane it seems lol. So, I haven't been on plan this week to be honest, apart from with my water. I think I got tendonitis? and I totally let it get to me. I weighed in at 185 this morning, so I think my initial weight was just a tad higher, but I haven't lost any this week. I'm…
  • Just checking in real fast to say I'm still here and still on track, just have a busy weekend (on vacation with family) and next week I will be traveling for 2-3 days. Just letting you know so you don't wonder if I'm a little inactive on here right now. Laura, I hear you. I married into an italian family where everything…
  • Today I completed W1D3 of my couch to 5k program and stayed on track as far as food goes. My daughter is sick today and it's been such a draining day. Normally I would throw myself on the couch and stuff my face with chocolate on a day like today, but thanks to this group I've stayed on track. Now I get to kick back, soak…
  • QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight? So, lets see... I am tired of not finding anything that looks flattering on my body. Seeing all the beautiful outfits just hanging up in my closet that I can't wear just makes me cringe. I want my confidence and my hot bod back! I want to be lean, toned and fit again. Right…
  • I invested in some good running shoes and started it on Monday. It feels amazing to be running again and I'm glad I came across this program. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • I love the idea of a small group as well. Just a whole lot easier to keep track and a lot more accountability like you said. I started out strong and lost 60lb earlier this year, but I let life get in the way and lost track. I finally found my motivation again and I want to lose the rest of these pounds. I'm definitely…
  • I'd love a twin! SW: 240lb CW: 180lb GW: 150lb Height: 5'7 Age: 23
  • Count me in! I actually started w1d1 on Monday and it kicked my butt, but it felt amazing to be running again. I got a long way to go to get fit again, but I'm just happy I'm starting and excited to see the progress with this program. I'm hoping this will help me get my asthma under check again before my little girl starts…