Operation Hot Bod (8/19-11/23)

I’m looking for serious individuals looking to transform their bodies over the next 14+ weeks! 11/23 is the day before Thanksgiving so this challenge will get us looking hot for the holidays and is long enough to make some substantial progress!
I wasn’t able to find an open challenge so I thought I’d start one. So many die off or have people with good intentions but don’t follow through (myself included). But no more excuses! Tommorow is a new day!

I’m looking for no more than 9 people to join. This way we can friend each other and keep each other accountable. I want to make sure we watch each other, check each other if we fall off track and keep each other accountable.
Everyone should set a fitness goal, calorie goal and weight goal for the challenge.

Name: Melissa
Height: 5’8”
Starting Weight: 173
Goal Weight (11/23): 145
Exercise Plan: Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme 6 days per week
Eating Plan: Consume no more than a net of 1200 calories per day

Additionally, everyone should check in each day (or as much as schedules allow) to report the following:

Exercise Complete (minutes/calorie burn): Turbo Fire / CLX – 63 minutes – 700 calories
Eating Status (on plan/need help!): On Plan!

I think it would also be fun if we posted a question of the day. The first person to log in for the day can feel free to post the question if you’d like. It could be what is your favorite snack? What is your favorite workout routine? How do you stay motivated? Whatever you’d like!

If you’re interested please reply with the status information above. Also, please make your food diary public so we can check up on each other. We will weigh in on Fridays and report your weight here!

If you’re serious about transforming your body and ready to give it your all, please join me!! Let’s be the next round of before and afters! 


  • lux1990
    lux1990 Posts: 6
    Hello! I would love to be a part of this group! I feel like I am surrounded by too many people who don't have to take weight loss seriously, and therefore my eating habits and exercise routine is suffering big time. Basically, I live with three young adult males who eat, eat, eat. I need inspiration from people just like me, who want to make a difference so bad!

    Name: Kay
    Height: 5’8”
    Starting Weight: 160
    Goal Weight (11/23): 140
    Exercise Plan: Gym--cardio and weight training 6 days per week
    Eating Plan: Consume no more than a net of 1200 calories per day
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Yes! I've been looking for a new challenge with a small group. I've been in others with way too many people to keep track of.

    Name: Cana
    Height: 5’6”
    Starting Weight: 136
    Goal Weight (11/23): 130
    Goal Body Fat: (11/23) 22%
    Exercise Plan: Walking 3 miles at least 5 days a week (4.0 mph min)
    Eating Plan: Consume no more than a net of 1200 calories per day and keeping my daily sugar intake under 25 g

    I know it's not much to lose (I already lost 46) but I really need to start exercising. Up to now, I haven't done that. It's the only way I will lose the last part of my body fat. If you don't think I qualify due to the minimum amount I need to lose, let me know.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Name: Maryanne
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting weight: 252
    Goal weight: 225
    Exercise plan: couch to 5K and P90X starting in late September 5 days a week.
    Eating plan: Not sure...consume no more than 1700 calories daily...this may change though. I don't fully undertand the whole net calorie thing.

    I would like to loose more but, I'm not sure if it's possible. My ultimate goal is 150 and see how I feel...I might shoot for 130 :)
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I've been wanting to join a group! I'm in. I'm on my phone right now and it's hard to type but I'll be home to my computer in just a min and I will post stats!
  • Lindre
    Lindre Posts: 16 Member
    I love the idea of a small group as well. Just a whole lot easier to keep track and a lot more accountability like you said. I started out strong and lost 60lb earlier this year, but I let life get in the way and lost track. I finally found my motivation again and I want to lose the rest of these pounds. I'm definitely determined and I hope I can join this group!

    Name: Linn
    Height: 5’7”
    Starting Weight: 180? Haven't had access to a scale lately.
    Goal Weight (11/23): 155
    Exercise Plan: C25k program, occasional 30day shred, turbojam and exercise tv videos.
    Eating Plan: Consume no more than a net of 1200 calories per day
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Name: Kacy
    Height: 5’8”
    Starting Weight: 171
    Goal Weight (11/23): 150
    Exercise Plan: YMCA workouts at least 4x per week for at least 1 hour per workout
    Eating Plan: Net 1500 cal/day

    Really looking forward to getting to know you all :happy: I'm hoping for an active board and some good friendships in addition to getting to our goals!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Ok ladies, the challenge starts tommorow and so lets keep the team just us 6 unless a couple people join in sometime later tonight! This will be a lot easier to keep track of each other.

    I'll check in tommorow! :)
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member

    Any room for me to join? I'm in the UK so I don't celebrate thanksgiving, but I like the idea of a date in November to aim for, ready for christmas :smile:

    Name: Susan
    Height 5"3.75
    SW: 165
    GW: 145
    Exercise Plan: 30 day shred (occasional) Lots of walking and cycling, EA sports active 2 9 week programme.
    Eating Plan: Net calories of 1200 a day.

    Ultimate goal is 130lb - but will settle for what I feel comfortable with!
    A small group sounds great, I hope you still have room for me
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Yay Susan, of course! You'll be the last to join!

    Ok! Here we are on day 1!

    I'll start a question of the day...

    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    QOTD: I want to lose weight to feel comfortable in my skin. To not pull at my clothes or feel that I need to suck in, have a certain angle or being wearing a certain outfit to have my picture taken. I want to wear a bikini and I want to feel hot, hence, operation hot bod! I want to be strong and fit and not be limited by anything. I don't wany my body insecurity to hold me back! Like this year, I only watched my daughter's swim lessons and didn't take her in because I didn't want to get in a swimsuit. I made my husband take her every time. I don't want to miss out on things like that because I'm unhappy with my body :(
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    I'm fed up of being so insecure of myself. I've struggled a lot over the past few years with depression etc and firmly believe that a healthy body= a healthy mind. I love swimming but am too scared to get in a bathing suit. I'm fed up of rooting through my wardrobe and ending up crying, wearing the same things for a night out because my self esteem is rock bottom. I love excercise, but only once I'm in a routine - and this is where I struggle. I want to enjoy being me, and show myself that I can do it!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    First day in and I overslept and missed my walk! In my defense, I only got two hours sleep the night before. I will do 30 min walk on lunch and another 15 tonight! I'm not starting my first day as a failure! My healthy lunches are packed and I am set for the day. I plan on downing 120 ounces of water too. Lets go guys!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    First day in and I overslept and missed my walk! In my defense, I only got two hours sleep the night before. I will do 30 min walk on lunch and another 15 tonight! I'm not starting my first day as a failure! My healthy lunches are packed and I am set for the day. I plan on downing 120 ounces of water too. Lets go guys!

    Good for you! I was going to say, the day isn't over...get it done! We can do what we set our minds to. We make our own choices and so whether we fail or succeed, it was of our doing! :)
  • Lindre
    Lindre Posts: 16 Member
    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    So, lets see... I am tired of not finding anything that looks flattering on my body. Seeing all the beautiful outfits just hanging up in my closet that I can't wear just makes me cringe. I want my confidence and my hot bod back! I want to be lean, toned and fit again. Right now I'm currently on vacation in Spain with my daughter. We were asked a long to a water park and I could not make myself go, even for her sake. I just couldn't deal with wearing a swimsuit in public. These insecurities are holding me back and now affecting her. I do not want to pass on my insecurities to her and I've decided enough is enough. I don't want to let it get me down anymore, when in fact I have the power to change it.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    So I'm guess it's too late to join?? I
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Hey - if you are taking male applicants, I'll join up - your November end date lines up just about perfectly with my end goal.

    Name: Josh
    Height: 5’8”
    Starting Weight: 216.5
    Goal Weight (11/23): 185-190 (more of a goal body fat % ~ 12-13%)
    Exercise Plan: Streng training 3x a week, cardio 3x a week
    Eating Plan: This is hard, high protein to maintain muscle mass, maintain a good deficit - variable based on what nutritionists/trainer say over time.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    ljb and Josh, sure you can join and then we are going to create a final cut! OFFICIALLY CLOSED! We wanted everyone to participate the entire challenge and a pretty small group of dedicated people to keep everyone on track.

    See above for rules/QOTD, etc. and Welcome!! :)
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    For me it wasn't just one thing. I've always told myself I'd 'eventually' get in good shape, just eventually never came along. Then in July finally something just clicked, stars aligned, or whatever, and I decided it was time to do it. I guess added motivation is my big sister is getting married in November, so going to get to see a lot of family and friends I haven't in years - so will be a neat forum for unveiling the 'new' me.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    I want to make sure we watch each other, check each other if we fall off track and keep each other accountable.
    Everyone should set a fitness goal, calorie goal and weight goal for the challenge.

    If you’re serious about transforming your body and ready to give it your all, please join me!! Let’s be the next round of before and afters!


    Check in each day or each week on a specific day?

    My reason for wanting to lose weight ... well I've always struggled with weight since a teen but what MOTIVATED me to get into gear this year was that 8 months ago I turned 30 and decided that I wanted to be healthy and fit. Turning 30 meant I wasn't getting any younger. I want to look the best that I can, for as long as I can. This meant that I had to lose a few dress sizes! I have lost 24 Ib's so far but more recently have been on a very long plateau (2 months!) I am only a few pounds away from goal. So close I can smell it. My main aim is to tone up and see some definition, which means I need to get more serious about my exercise regime! The timing of this challange couldn't be better, with Summer just around the corner. Operation Hot Bod here I come!!

    Name: Laura
    Height: 5’2”
    Starting Weight: 56Kg (121 Ib)
    Goal Weight (11/23): 53 Kg (116 Ib)
    Waist: 83cm (32.7 In)
    Hips: 93cm (36.6 In)
    Chest: 90cm (35.4 In)
    Thigh: 56cm (22 In)
    Arm: 28.5cm (11.2 In)
    Fat: 25.9%
    Exercise Plan: Per week- RunX2, Pilates X1, Weights X2
    Eating Plan: 1200 based zigg zagging

    I've recorded my measurement details too, as that is my focus!!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    Oh, lots of reasons! I want to be super confident. I don't have to have the "perfect" body, but I do want to know that my body is healthy! I want to agree with my fiance when he tells me how hot I am :bigsmile:. I want to rock a bikini at the pool with my step-daughter and be the hottest mom there! I want to live to be 100!
    Also, I'm getting married in the spring, and I want to feel beautiful on my big day. I don't want to have to worry about sucking anything in for pictures. I want to be able to look back on those pictures in 20 years and still be happy with the way I looked in them. Vain? Maybe, but hey, motivation is motivation!!
    On the un-vain side, I don't want to end up like the generations before me in my family, with heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. And I don't want my kids to end up like that either, so I'm going to set a great example for them. Also, eating right and working out helps me feel better. I struggle with depression and anxiety, and I've had a really bad year so far with 2 miscarriages, one at 5 weeks, the other at 10. The 10 week loss was (and is) extremely hard to deal with and I need to continue to stay active and healthy, because I am prone to falling into that "I don't care about life, I'm so miserable, woe is me" mentality if I'm not careful, and THAT is NOT a good example to be setting for the step-daughter that I do have.

    On track with calories so far today, and I'm going to my second Zumba class tonight. Here's hoping I don't look like quite the idiot I did on Monday at my first class! :drinker:
  • lux1990
    lux1990 Posts: 6
    You are all helping me so much already! This morning my boyfriend and I took his sister to the airport, and then decided to have Denny's for breakfast. I know, I know--you don't even have to tell me...great way to start off my first day, huh? I just returned to my apartment feeling bloated, tired, and extremely disappointed in myself. You know that feeling when you have already "screwed up" in terms of food, so just forget about the day and indulge? I was feeling like that, planning out the other junk food I could now eat being that I had already blown any possible chance at being healthy and kicking *kitten* at the gym all because I had hash-browns and pancakes (at least I went with egg whites). I have been doing so well the last week! Then out of no where--two days ago--I NEEDED candy. and then a venti Starbucks. and then a way-too-huge serving of pasta. and then ice cream. etc. So, long story short, I felt again like I had failed today, and perhaps controlling my new goals would be more attainable tomorrow (always 'tomorrow').Then! I logged on and felt so much better! Today is not over! I can do this! Thank you all for inspiring me already :) No more 'tomorrow,' just do it today.

    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    Much like everyone else--I just want to look and feel sexy and HOT! Can we all just put it simply?? :) I want to be confident in myself. I agree, physical health leads to mental health. I cannot stress enough how tired I am of feeling inadequate, insecure, lazy, out of shape, and like I don't even want to look in the mirror. It's crazy, just crazy. I want to take control of my life: STOP craving sweets, STOP emotionally eating, STOP comparing myself to others, STOP constantly worrying about my appearance, STOP obsessing over my body weight. For once, I would like to walk into a room and feel like I am the beautiful one, instead of instantly allowing my insecurities to take control. I think we all deserve to feel beautiful and I know we are beautiful. I want us all to love ourselves and then we will truly feel unstoppable.