Operation Hot Bod (8/19-11/23)



  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Is the group still open? If so would love to participate if not Good Luck and hope yall rock it out for Turkey Day :)

    Your name implies you are a Texan, so I'm inclined to allow it (though I don't think it's my call =)
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    My most anticipated NSV is finding a wedding dress that looks awesome and feeling not the tiniest bit self conscious in it!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Is the group still open? If so would love to participate if not Good Luck and hope yall rock it out for Turkey Day :)

    Josh, you're funny! We may have to end up with silly at some point! It's everyone's team....it was closed but why not, sure you can join. Welcome!!
    We are just trying to keep the group small so we can give each other proper attention and encouragement with food diaries, workouts and posts :) We are trying to have a small group of motivated people that will stick with it to the end! Please go to the first page and copy and paste the entry stats and reply.

    Since that first post, Laura has become our challenge manager :) She challenges us to mini challengs throughout the week. Today's is to drink at least 8 glasses of water. Our Weigh In Day is Friday.

    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    NSV: To confidently wear a bikini is a dream. I have worn one that was pretty full coverage when I was about 15 pounds lighter and only when I went on a cruise and didn't know anyone lol. So Is want to wear any bikini I want with any people present and feel confident! I want to be inspiring to other people because if I can do this, anyone can!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    I want to rock a bikini. Vain I know, but after having 5 kids I want women to look at me and think "I wish I looked like that".

    I did say it was a vanity thing, sad - but I WANT TO ROCK IT!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Hrm, QOTD - I imagine these will get hard to think of as we go all the way till 11/23 - that or they'll go silly =)
    But, I'll give one a shot -

    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    Many of us setup rewards for ourselves for hitting mini goals, or maintaining, etc - just wondering what people have out there that they are exciting about getting/doing? Or on the flip side, what NSV are you most looking forward to?

    I think I'm looking forward most to a NSV; with my work, our employees are spread all over the country, we rarely if ever see each other. The last any of us did was back in April (before I joined MFP and I was ~250lbs, my highest, at that point) - this was also the first time I had met my boss, and the majority of my co-workers as I had only just joined this firm. Well, we have an all company meeting again near the end of October - so excited to see everyone again, especially with how different I already am (~35lbs down) and another 2 months to go =).

    With you losing 35 lbs already I would say it will definately be noticable. I have had family and friends that I haven't seen in a while, completely blow me off, only to come over later and apologize because they didn't recognize me. It is an awesome feeling. Enjoy it when it happens!
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    I want to rock a bikini. Vain I know, but after having 5 kids I want women to look at me and think "I wish I looked like that".

    I did say it was a vanity thing, sad - but I WANT TO ROCK IT!

    Lol - you are sooo not alone on this. Well, let me amend - I do not want to 'rock a bikini.' But I am with you on the vanity part of it - I totally am going all the way to a 6-pack. I'm a software developer - I work in IT, not many of us with killer bods so to speak. So, have to be completely honest with myself here and admit there is a huge part of vanity to it for me too, definitely want to take off the shirt at the beach/pool/whereever not just confidently but get that impressed reaction from folks =)
  • texastae1010
    Thank you for letting me jumping on in the group I understand about trying to keep it small so again thank you. Yes I am from Texas born and raised from the Houston area.

    Name: Shauntae
    Height: 5’4.5”
    Starting Weight: 227 (as of Monday 8/22)
    Goal Weight (11/23): 190ish
    Exercise Plan: Turbo Fire and muscle work 6 days a week
    Eating Plan: Consume no more than 1200 calories per day (at this time the doctor does not want me to eat back exercise calories plus being extra fluffy I burn a lot of calories I guess it’s the perk of being extra fluffy) I am trying to eat healthy – or what I think most people are calling clean but not sure as I am noticing others have a difference of opinion on what is clean….so trying to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables with lean meats etc

    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    For me to feel more comfortable with myself and being out and about I have lost weight before but I gained it back because I did it for other reasons that for myself. Also my mother was recently diagnosed with cancer (she is a skinny thing lol) but me being extra fluffy puts me at a higher risk to get cancer and so trying to also lose it for health reasons

    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?

    To put myself first I have made myself a schedule of exactly what I want to do I guess more of a plan. I am also starting to drop contact with negative people there are people in my life heck maybe even yours that their words can be so hurtful that I end up eating all the bad stuff. I am the one doing all the shopping for my household so I have control over what is even in the house which is great because my husband can eat everything and anything and not gain a pound I smell a twinkie and I gain 5lbs lol.

    QOTD: What is your favorite, quick and healthy dinner?

    I have an odd love for sweet peas so my easy dinner is grilled chicken breast and sweet peas ….I am sure I could broaden my horizons but it is quick.

    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    We will be moving near a beach in a few months so I am looking forward to being able to go to a beach and not feel like I need to be wearing a big black mu-mu or sitting back in my house.

    Ok I have worked out every day this week burning about 600-1000 calories a day per TF calendar yesterday should have been my rest day but I didn’t take it…so I am taking today off as my rest day well because my legs feel extra heavy so no workout for me….the one reason why I dislike not working out is that I always seem to feeling hungrier or snackier (is that even a word lol) it is like exercise is the best form of appetite suppressant for me but I also know that I have to listen to my body and it wants a day off lol
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Thank you for letting me jumping on in the group I understand about trying to keep it small so again thank you. Yes I am from Texas born and raised from the Houston area.

    Name: Shauntae
    Height: 5’4.5”
    Starting Weight: 227 (as of Monday 8/22)
    Goal Weight (11/23): 190ish
    Exercise Plan: Turbo Fire and muscle work 6 days a week
    Eating Plan: Consume no more than 1200 calories per day (at this time the doctor does not want me to eat back exercise calories plus being extra fluffy I burn a lot of calories I guess it’s the perk of being extra fluffy) I am trying to eat healthy – or what I think most people are calling clean but not sure as I am noticing others have a difference of opinion on what is clean….so trying to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables with lean meats etc

    QOTD: What is the reason you want to lose weight?

    For me to feel more comfortable with myself and being out and about I have lost weight before but I gained it back because I did it for other reasons that for myself. Also my mother was recently diagnosed with cancer (she is a skinny thing lol) but me being extra fluffy puts me at a higher risk to get cancer and so trying to also lose it for health reasons

    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?

    To put myself first I have made myself a schedule of exactly what I want to do I guess more of a plan. I am also starting to drop contact with negative people there are people in my life heck maybe even yours that their words can be so hurtful that I end up eating all the bad stuff. I am the one doing all the shopping for my household so I have control over what is even in the house which is great because my husband can eat everything and anything and not gain a pound I smell a twinkie and I gain 5lbs lol.

    QOTD: What is your favorite, quick and healthy dinner?

    I have an odd love for sweet peas so my easy dinner is grilled chicken breast and sweet peas ….I am sure I could broaden my horizons but it is quick.

    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    We will be moving near a beach in a few months so I am looking forward to being able to go to a beach and not feel like I need to be wearing a big black mu-mu or sitting back in my house.

    Ok I have worked out every day this week burning about 600-1000 calories a day per TF calendar yesterday should have been my rest day but I didn’t take it…so I am taking today off as my rest day well because my legs feel extra heavy so no workout for me….the one reason why I dislike not working out is that I always seem to feeling hungrier or snackier (is that even a word lol) it is like exercise is the best form of appetite suppressant for me but I also know that I have to listen to my body and it wants a day off lol

    Yay! Welcome Shauntae! You even answered all our back questions, you are an over achiever my dear!!

    Turbo Fire, yay that is what I'm doing too!! MS, is that TAM? I have that too :) I stopped for a while though and am doing CHalene Extreme instead because I want to get strong for a race. But plan to go back to TAM once I get thinner because I think her method does wonders depending on your goal.
  • texastae1010
    Yay! Welcome Shauntae! You even answered all our back questions, you are an over achiever my dear!!

    Turbo Fire, yay that is what I'm doing too!! MS, is that TAM? I have that too :) I stopped for a while though and am doing CHalene Extreme instead because I want to get strong for a race. But plan to go back to TAM once I get thinner because I think her method does wonders depending on your goal.

    LOL yes I felt yall all did your questions thought I should also lol...I have CLX and TAM...I am going to do TAM I know that mostly tinier girls do it but I have a friend that was a lot heavier than I am and is getting amazing results doing just the MS portion of it....if after a month (I find that I can jump from program to program and never giving it a real chance) I feel that I should come back to it after I am closer to my goal weight than that is what I will do and then I will restart the CLX I did CLX for about a month and my weight went up and my arms got a lot bigger I understand the process of building muscle etc but even it was from muscles repairing and water retention I just didn't like the fact that I was getting bigger (does that make any sense)

    I really enjoy the pain from TAM lol I am not sure why lol

    What type of race are you doing? Sorry if I missed it in a previous post and good luck on it :)
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    I really enjoy the pain from TAM lol I am not sure why lol

    Muscle soreness/pain is addictive, for sure - I do strength training 3 days a week; basically leaves me not a single day of the week where there isn't some part of my body that isn't very sore (DOMS) (today my chest is just starting to feel normal again, but the biceps and my back are starting up). It isn't as extreme as it was when I started (which I almost miss, heh) but now its to the point where if I don't get that soreness I feel like I didn't get enough in.
    I think we like it because it's a validation of the work we are putting in - like battle scars or something =)
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    QOTD What is your favorite healthy dinner.....This would have to be fish, baked potato, and a sald. I love love love salad! I also adore fish! Having it tonight, actually!

    NVS...reward I'm most looking forward to is a tatoo and just like everyone else I want to rock a bikini!!

    Today was my first official weigh in day and it was 253....sigh....but I had gone up to 255, so it is kind of a loss then.

    I have drank my 8 cups of water today and it's just the afternoon so I may have 12 cups by the time it's all said and done!!

    I really hope I am done yo-yoing and I'll be under 250 by next week..
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I got my water in for the day! Oh yeah....and I hate drinking water. If it's not a challenge I will skip it. I have to take elete drops with water anyways right now to get my minerals and electrolytes in balance so this made it easier!
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    NVS...reward I'm most looking forward to is a tatoo and just like everyone else I want to rock a bikini!!

    Oh, I'm doing this too, the tattoo - I already have one - maybe that can be a QOTD later, tattoos. Looking forward to getting something 'big' done - course, needs to be non-visible under dress clothes, etc, so back, upper arms or something, but trying to come up with a design/ideas now while I have time to think on it.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    NVS...reward I'm most looking forward to is a tatoo and just like everyone else I want to rock a bikini!!

    Oh, I'm doing this too, the tattoo - I already have one - maybe that can be a QOTD later, tattoos. Looking forward to getting something 'big' done - course, needs to be non-visible under dress clothes, etc, so back, upper arms or something, but trying to come up with a design/ideas now while I have time to think on it.

    Me too! Just waiting for my body to be the way I want it. I am thinking of getting one along my ribs, vertically under my arm...nice and hidden but visable in my bikini I'll be wearing! ha ha
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    NVS...reward I'm most looking forward to is a tatoo and just like everyone else I want to rock a bikini!!

    Oh, I'm doing this too, the tattoo - I already have one - maybe that can be a QOTD later, tattoos. Looking forward to getting something 'big' done - course, needs to be non-visible under dress clothes, etc, so back, upper arms or something, but trying to come up with a design/ideas now while I have time to think on it.

    I already have two...small ones, but I want one more. I have it designed, it's not huge but trying to decide where to put it. Right now my idea is between my belly button and side sort of hidden by pants but fully seen if I'm in a bikini....yep I'm back to that darn bikini again!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Well today is weigh in day and challange evaluation! Post your numbers so I can tally.

    Well done Maryanne and Cana for meeting the water challange! That's 1 point each.

    My weigh in this week-

    123 Ibs.

    Seem to keep yo-yoing around this number. I've lost 26 Ib and my body just doesn't seem to want to lose anymore! That and the fact that I am no way near as focused as I was. Argh! Weekends are my weakness. What's yours?

    Challange for Saturday to Friday Week 2
    4 points for 2 weight sessions that exceed 20 minutes
    1 point for EACH day that your water quota is met

    Post next friday your results.... and good luck!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    Bikini! Flat toned belly and arms! *sigh*
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    I lost 1 pound this week from last Friday (172 from 173). This is about a 1 1/2 pounds up from 2-3 weeks ago though so it's not much of a victory, but is a loss from last week :)

    My plan to have a great weigh in for next week is to do the Turbo Fire 5 Day Inferno Plan. I'm going to start that tommorow. The last time I lost weight (I've been down to about 160 a couple of times in the last few years) I huvered around 170 for the longest time. It's psychologically where I am comfortable and/or where my body is but I'm going to break through it!

    I vow by next weigh in I will be in the 160s!! :)

    Laura, thanks for the weekly challenge! Love it!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    My weigh in: 170.2. I was SO hoping to see 160 something on the scale this morning, but maybe next week. DEFINITELY next week. My gym buddy and I both got sinus infections so we missed workouts this week, which I'm sure affected my loss. Back at it tonight though! And I did get all my water in yesterday! Good challenge, I probably wouldnt have done it otherwise. It wasn't so hard though!
  • texastae1010
    So my check in from Monday -Friday my weight loss was 3.5 so this morning I weighed 223.5 yippee not really kind of like Trispire I am getting off weight I had gained I had oral surgery and ice cream and pudding helped add some weight on so I am trying to drop weight I had already lost oh well a loss is a loss right yippee lol

    My water I drink between 96oz to 112oz a day I am just a water girl

    I am also thinking about doing the Inferno plan on the TF just not sure when I want to do it so far I have been dropping the re-gained weight pretty steady so I might save that for when I kind of stall out lol

    I am not doing a traditional type of weight work out so not sure if I can participate in that part of the challenge...but I could add on to the type of workout that I am doing if that would count??