Operation Hot Bod (8/19-11/23)



  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Well, got to use my HRM for the first time with my trainer tonight - makes me think I'm going to have to seriously evaluate my food intake. For the last 6 weeks I've been just using the generic MFP 60 minutes strength training to log those sessions, which I think estimated ~300 calories; tonight stopped the HRM and my calories burned - 876, quite a bit of a difference. I may be able to get 'away' with that for a little longer with the weight I still have to lose but I think soon enough my body will revolt on that.
    This is probably going to sound like a worlds smallest violin type of problem, but anyone else have trouble after eating at a large deficit for awhile going up? Right now I'm so used to eating at the level I am right now it's hard to imagine going up even that 600 cal's a day difference.

    Hey Josh I had a similar issue a while back (I lost a bunch of weight a couple years ago) and I ended up meeting with a nutritionist. I was eating 12-1400 calories a day but working out 1-2 hours a day burning about 6000 calories a week. I was losing - but only a pound a week, if that. I saw a nutritionist because it wasn't making sense and she told me to eat more and I should eat around 1800-2000 calories a day (which I suppose would have been no more than a 1000 calorie deficit a day from my BMR as opposed to 2000). I was totally freaked out by that and was worried I'd gain weight or sabotage my success and eat too much! She suggested I up my calories to 1500-1600 calories to start out, see how it goes weight wise and then after a week or two add another 100 calories. You could try that? If you're burning so much, I think you should eat more. But MFP has you eating your exercise calories, right? So that wouldn't be an issue if your net was "x" amount.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey everybody! Can I just say, it is really helping me to have just the few of us sticking together and staying accountable. You're all motivating me to push it!

    QOTD: What is your favorite, quick and healthy dinner?

    A lot of us struggle with making healthy choices, especially when rushed during the week. Let's get some ideas!

    QOTD: My favorite is slow cooking a turkey withe veggies in a crock pot while I'm at work. Just involves me throwing it in the pot before I go and it's ready when I get home! But say I'm rushed in the morning and can't get that going, then I like making stir fry, that is super easy, precut frozen stiry fry veggies, grilled chicken or shrimp and quick cook rice! I usually keep some boca burgers in the freezer too for when I'm in a pinch!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I'm thinking perhaps we need a challenge per week to keep us 'focused' and a weigh-in day to keep us accountable.

    I'm thinking Fridays? Shall we all re-post our losses (or gain.. eek) on each Friday?

    Should we aim to 'collect' points to keep the motivation? Say 2 points for a loss and 1 point for each day, that we drink, the allocated water amount + 3 points for whatever challenge we are doing for the week?

    The challenge for the next 3 days (till this Friday) could be to run/walk/jog an extra 15 minutes to normal (for 3 points)

    Up to you guys... just a thought. I could do a tally board of the scores? :wink:

    Ps. T, I'm a school teacher and I'm exactly like you are with your kids. I don't force them to eat all their lunch but just make sure they eat the healthy parts of it. I was always forced to eat everything on my plate as a kid and it gave me a weird relationship with the plate and food. I used to always feel likeI had to stuff myself and leave nothing on the plate! I've rectified that... by making the plate smaller and less full :wink:
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    QOTD: What is your favorite, quick and healthy dinner?

    My meal choices are so boring, lol - think I need to come have dinner at your place =p
    I generally just do chicken breast, veggie and either brown rice or a wheat pasta. If I go outside that norm it'll normally be on weekends, did do a lean ground turkey meatball w/ wheat spagphetti thing not too long back that was actually amazingly good. Throw in egglant w/ the turkey - was totally surprised.
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Hey Guys,

    I'm thinking perhaps we need a challenge per week to keep us 'focused' and a weigh-in day to keep us accountable.

    I'm thinking Fridays? Shall we all re-post our losses (or gain.. eek) on each Friday?

    Should we aim to 'collect' points to keep the motivation? Say 2 points for a loss and 1 point for each day, that we drink, the allocated water amount + 3 points for whatever challenge we are doing for the week?

    The challenge for the next 3 days (till this Friday) could be to run/walk/jog an extra 15 minutes to normal (for 3 points)

    Up to you guys... just a thought. I could do a tally board of the scores? :wink:

    Ps. T, I'm a school teacher and I'm exactly like you are with your kids. I don't force them to eat all their lunch but just make sure they eat the healthy parts of it. I was always forced to eat everything on my plate as a kid and it gave me a weird relationship with the plate and food. I used to always feel likeI had to stuff myself and leave nothing on the plate! I've rectified that... by making the plate smaller and less full :wink:

    I'd be down for a weigh-in - I normally only weigh in every other Friday, but I'm sure I can get at least my weight every Friday.
    As for challenges, I'm up for one - guess up to the group if people want to do points and everything along with it. Either way I think weekly challenges could be fun.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey Guys,

    I'm thinking perhaps we need a challenge per week to keep us 'focused' and a weigh-in day to keep us accountable.

    I'm thinking Fridays? Shall we all re-post our losses (or gain.. eek) on each Friday?

    Should we aim to 'collect' points to keep the motivation? Say 2 points for a loss and 1 point for each day, that we drink, the allocated water amount + 3 points for whatever challenge we are doing for the week?

    The challenge for the next 3 days (till this Friday) could be to run/walk/jog an extra 15 minutes to normal (for 3 points)

    Up to you guys... just a thought. I could do a tally board of the scores? :wink:

    Ha ha Josh! I'm totally impressed you stick to your diet if that is as exciting as you get! lol :) Good for you, seriously!

    Laura, Yes! A Weigh In Day! How could we forget something so important?! Lets do Fridays, that sounds great!!

    As far as challenges, I think that is a good idea, but as far as points, I don't know if I have the energy to keep track of points on top of everything else lol. I like the idea of having challenges to increase exercise, drink "X" amount of water, etc. what does everyone think? Laura, do you want to be challenge manager?? :)
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I totally want to do challenges. I don't want to get stuck in the same ol same ol workout routine! And weigh ins sound great for Fridays, that's when I usually do them anyway. :happy:

    QOTD: What is your favorite, quick and healthy dinner?

    We LOVE fish around my house. And it's so easy and quick to fix. I buy flounder or tilapia filets individually sealed, then when I get home I take out however many I need (depending on if we have DD or not) and thaw them in water (still sealed) while I'm fixing the rest. Usually whatever fresh thing I have around. Spinach salad (our favorite is spinach with grapes and cucumbers), sauteed squash and zucchini, or sometimes I just cut up a bunch of fruit and veg and set them on the table with vanilla yogurt and greek yogurt for dipping. I usually roast some baby potatoes too, sometimes sweet potatoes if I have them. Then for the fish, I slice lemon and lay on top, sprinkle with Mrs. Dash, put in foil pockets and throw them in the George Foreman for 5-10 minutes, depending on size. YUMMMM
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    QTD: Favorite healthy dinner

    An italian sausage wrap:
    1 flat out italian seasoned wrap
    1 mineo & sapio low fat italian sausage patty
    1/2 c lettuce
    1/2 tomato chopped
    1/4 c kraft fat free cheddar
    a small amount (1 tsp or less) of hot sauce, webers horseradish mustard or light miracle whip

  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Oh and I like the idea of a challenge. I definately need it! Oh by the way, someone walked by me at work today and said "Hey Slim". I had to look around to see if anyone else was there....nope, just me. Huge NSV moment.
  • lux1990
    lux1990 Posts: 6
    I won't have access to a scale for another two weeks (I know I could buy one, but I am a very poor college student here), and once I begin school, I can use the scale at my gym. BUT! I am so down for a weigh-in day. It will push me a lot, lot more.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Oh and I like the idea of a challenge. I definately need it! Oh by the way, someone walked by me at work today and said "Hey Slim". I had to look around to see if anyone else was there....nope, just me. Huge NSV moment.

    Awesome! That must have made you feel wonderful!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Hopefully back in the swing of things today with food. Yesterday was a low calorie day for me due to a switch to some homepathic meds for my low potassium levels and Addisons Disease (Im just going to call it Addisons? Disease sounds so gross) They are both drops - one directly under the tongue and the other mixed with water. They actually take my appetite away, but I don't want to go into starvation mode so I will make sure I get the majority of my calories in. Already logged my planned food for the day, but don't have any sugars left....what to eat to use up the last 250 calories that won't put me over in sugar??? Even my almond butter has sugar in it..... The one drops I take are supposed to raise my potassium and electrolyte levels so I don't crave salty food so much, but it hasn't kicked in yet. By 11:30 pm I am digging through the house looking for something salty to eat.

    On another note, I found the bikini I purchased earlier this year hoping for a bikini bod.....hmmm, it seems so ..... tiny! Now I know why they wrote the song - "Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini"
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Hopefully back in the swing of things today with food. Yesterday was a low calorie day for me due to a switch to some homepathic meds for my low potassium levels and Addisons Disease (Im just going to call it Addisons? Disease sounds so gross) They are both drops - one directly under the tongue and the other mixed with water. They actually take my appetite away, but I don't want to go into starvation mode so I will make sure I get the majority of my calories in. Already logged my planned food for the day, but don't have any sugars left....what to eat to use up the last 250 calories that won't put me over in sugar??? Even my almond butter has sugar in it..... The one drops I take are supposed to raise my potassium and electrolyte levels so I don't crave salty food so much, but it hasn't kicked in yet. By 11:30 pm I am digging through the house looking for something salty to eat.

    On another note, I found the bikini I purchased earlier this year hoping for a bikini bod.....hmmm, it seems so ..... tiny! Now I know why they wrote the song - "Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini"

    I can relate about the losing your appetite, one of my medications has a similar side effect and I don't like it at all. What's really helped me is trying to keep a schedule for eating, if I don't I skip meals and don't realize it =/.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Hmmm...well maybe we can do it on a honour basis. If you cheat you're only cheating yourself anway!! Post your weight on Friday and if you made your water quota on Thursday!

    Points up for Grabs
    *Weight loss- 2 points
    *Drank 8 glasses on Thursday- 1 point

    Trispire... do you have a list of all the group members and starting weights/measurements? If not, just the names will do!

    That's a total of 3 points that we can gain by this Friday, to get the ball rolling!

    Good luck!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hmmm...well maybe we can do it on a honour basis. If you cheat you're only cheating yourself anway!! Post your weight on Friday and if you made your water quota on Thursday!

    Points up for Grabs
    *Weight loss- 2 points
    *Drank 8 glasses on Thursday- 1 point

    Trispire... do you have a list of all the group members and starting weights/measurements? If not, just the names will do!

    That's a total of 3 points that we can gain by this Friday, to get the ball rolling!

    Good luck!

    Sure, just what is in the thread (username/realname/ starting weight / goal weight for challenge):

    Kacylaine / Kacy SW: 171 GW: 155
    Lindre / Linn SW: 180 GW: 155
    Curlywurly88 / Susan SW: 165 GW: 145
    Menzerj / Josh SW: 216.5 GW: 190
    Trispire / Melissa SW: 173 GW: 145
    Lux1990 / Kay SW: 160 GW: 140
    Anacsitham5 / Cana SW: 136 GW: 130
    ljbhill / Laura SW: 121 GW: 116
    Mamax5 / Maryanne SW: 252 GW: 225

    Maryanne hasn't posted since she signed up the first day. I'll send her a message and see if she is still in the challenge!
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member

    Been off the radar for a few days. All I'm going to say is, HUGE leaving do with lots of calories both during and after (damn hangover). However, it is the first time in months that I've touched alcohol, and will be the last time for many months (not a big drinker). Hmm detox needed methinks. As of tomorrow I'm back on track!

    Hope everyones faring far better than I am.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    OK, time to play catch up...sorry everyone, I'm a newbie and I'm still figuring out the site.

    OK, What is the reason I want to loose weight?

    Well, first of all I want to loose weight to get rid of this sloppy feeling I have all the time. Next is to keep diabetes and hyptension away and to look nice in my clothes and out of them too!

    Next, I've been having my weight yoyo on me...it went from 252 to 255 then back down to 253. My official weigh-in day is tomorrow and I'm going to have my own little "Last Chance Workout" in a little while. I now undertand the whole net calorie thing and I want to change my eating plan to not go under 1200 net cals.

    I have been drinking quite a bit of water, I cut out soda completely....even tea and I have been having headaches every now and then.

    I have also challenges my husband to a weightloss competion for a little extra motivation. I will check tomorrow and g/l everyone!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey everybody!
    How is everyone doing? Today I got in my Turbo Fire, yay! I missed it! Remember, Laura challenged us all to drink lots of water today to flush ourselves clean for weigh in tommorow!!

    Anyone have a QOTD they want to pose?
  • texastae1010
    Is the group still open? If so would love to participate if not Good Luck and hope yall rock it out for Turkey Day :)
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Hrm, QOTD - I imagine these will get hard to think of as we go all the way till 11/23 - that or they'll go silly =)
    But, I'll give one a shot -

    QOTD: What NSV/Self Reward are you most looking forward to?

    Many of us setup rewards for ourselves for hitting mini goals, or maintaining, etc - just wondering what people have out there that they are exciting about getting/doing? Or on the flip side, what NSV are you most looking forward to?

    I think I'm looking forward most to a NSV; with my work, our employees are spread all over the country, we rarely if ever see each other. The last any of us did was back in April (before I joined MFP and I was ~250lbs, my highest, at that point) - this was also the first time I had met my boss, and the majority of my co-workers as I had only just joined this firm. Well, we have an all company meeting again near the end of October - so excited to see everyone again, especially with how different I already am (~35lbs down) and another 2 months to go =).