Operation Hot Bod (8/19-11/23)



  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I lost weight! Yeah!!!! I'm weighing in at 135.8...only down a bit as I started at 136 but its down - not up. That's good! I have already lost 48 pounds so I am mellowing out I guess. I try to remember that I'm already 10 pounds lower than the goal weight I set in January when I started this journey.

    On a good note, my body fat is 27%. Only 5% more to go and I will make my goal. I know I can do this by Thanksgiving with everyones help, critiques and encouragement!

    I have my weights and will begin using them tonight for my first workout. Tomorrow is a huge walk - last week I did 11 miles in 2 hours 45 minutes. Don't know if I will do that much this Saturday as I have a wedding to go to, but I will try!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    So my check in from Monday -Friday my weight loss was 3.5 so this morning I weighed 223.5 yippee not really kind of like Trispire I am getting off weight I had gained I had oral surgery and ice cream and pudding helped add some weight on so I am trying to drop weight I had already lost oh well a loss is a loss right yippee lol

    My water I drink between 96oz to 112oz a day I am just a water girl

    I am also thinking about doing the Inferno plan on the TF just not sure when I want to do it so far I have been dropping the re-gained wait pretty steady so I might save that for when I kind of stall out lol

    I am not doing a traditional type of weight work out so not sure if I can participate in that part of the challenge...but I could add on to the type of workout that I am doing if that would count??

    It counts! TAM makes my butt hurt like nothing else lol! I was always sore, and it is muscular work, so count it! :) My two cents lol
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Weighing in at 253.0....had all my water for yesterday at 12 cups.....and a two mile walk. in 40 minutes !( I shaved off 10 minutes!).
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I got my water in again today! If I don't make it the challenge I just won't do it. I actually stand at the water cooler and drink two 12 oz glasses at a time, come back in an hour and do it again until I'm done. I can't sip it randomly. I have to get it down and be done with it. Is that odd?

    On another note...HUGE NSV MOMENT TODAY. I switched jobs in March. I stopped by the old jobsite today to say Hello and people actually had their mouths hanging open and kept saying "Oh my God!" It was an awesome feeling! Sad thought is what they really thought before. "Boy what a cow?!" I don't know, but returning to the old me is great!

    Oh, another good note/bad note. I went to the doctor today for a lump that I found on my back (I need a biopsy, which is scheduled for 09/07/11) and of course I had to weigh in. I haven't been to this doctor since last December. When she came in she sat down and said "so we have a few things to talk about". I'm thinking....a few? It's one lump. She said how did you lose 43 pounds? I smiled (a rather large smile) and said, it was 48 pounds! and it was MFP all the way!"
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Just posting a little status, had my progress day today with the trainer, which we do every other Friday. Lost another 2.5lbs - wasn't as much as I would have liked, but it's progress. On a positive note, I did maintain my lean body mass while dropping bit more than another percent of body fat, so woot!
    Didn't get to do a full hour today strength training - after looking at the progression and such trainer wanted to talk about nutrition etc, look at everything again. Looking over everything he basically said what I was expecting - I need to eat a lot more. So that's going to be my little personal project over the next couple of weeks - trying to move up an additional 400-800 calories a day.
    Oh, I also got in my water yesterday =)
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey everybody! So I did TurboFire and Chalene Extreme today! Today is day 1 of my Inferno which is basically a 5 day diet bootcamp! No sugar, no artificial sweetners (sweetness only from fruits), and only about 1200 calories a day.

    So for those of you that check out my diary (and thank you for doing that!) my calorie count will likely be lower than usual the next 5 days :)
  • texastae1010
    Hey everybody! So I did TurboFire and Chalene Extreme today! Today is day 1 of my Inferno which is basically a 5 day diet bootcamp! No sugar, no artificial sweetners (sweetness only from fruits), and only about 1200 calories a day.

    So for those of you that check out my diary (and thank you for doing that!) my calorie count will likely be lower than usual the next 5 days :)

    Great Job Lady that rocks...I take it you are going to be following her eating plan...keep me updated on how it goes and how it tastes lol

    So its Saturday and boredom has set it which leads to snacking lol....so I am going to clean the house etc. I got my Muscle work in so far no cardio today ...and its 3pm here and I already got my water in ...guess that mean a lot of bathroom time today/tonight ...hope everyone is have a great weekend
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Week 1 Results


    No points for me this week! Bugger!!!

    Well done everyone else :flowerforyou:

    Remember the Week 2 Challange:
    1 point- each day water met
    2 points- each weight session over 20 minutes (up to 4 points)
    2 points- weight loss

    Any suggestion for the week 3 challange?

    Good luck!
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Well....I am back to 252 this morning....YAY! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!! I am hoping that I will be under 250 by friday! 249 here I come!! Anyone have any advice for running shoes?
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Well....I am back to 252 this morning....YAY! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!! I am hoping that I will be under 250 by friday! 249 here I come!! Anyone have any advice for running shoes?

    I'm not an expert at all on running shoes - just make sure whichever pair you get allows for running in good form while still being comfortable (avoiding heel striking, etc)- I've heard many times that you can go to running specific stores and get help with shoe selection. I'm thinking of going out today to get myself a pair of Vibrams' cause I think I just don't run in good form with shoes on, thinking just might be better to 'force' myself too with these.
  • texastae1010
    Well....I am back to 252 this morning....YAY! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!! I am hoping that I will be under 250 by friday! 249 here I come!! Anyone have any advice for running shoes?

    I am not a runner but my husband is and he goes to those roadrunner stores or whatever is in your area they put you on a treadmill and watch how you walk and run and fit you for how your feet move...he has a metal plate in his foot and now with the correct fitting (they even showed him a different way to lace his shoes for his feet) and correct inserts he has not pain while running lol...
    I'm not an expert at all on running shoes - just make sure whichever pair you get allows for running in good form while still being comfortable (avoiding heel striking, etc)- I've heard many times that you can go to running specific stores and get help with shoe selection. I'm thinking of going out today to get myself a pair of Vibrams' cause I think I just don't run in good form with shoes on, thinking just might be better to 'force' myself too with these

    You are brave to get the Vibrams it depends on the day I have heard wonderful things about them and then awful things about them....I have a bad knee so the thought of no shock absorption is what scares me I hope that work great for you :)

    ....Its Sunday and I am trying to figure out what I want to do today...I took an extra rest day off earlier this week at the time it sounded like a good idea but I try to set my schedule up where Sunday I am off so I am not sure if I should take it off or just workout for like 11 days straight that scares me lol....so now my own mind is working against me lol :)
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Well, the Roadrunner store is too far....6hrs away! Well, I found another place that does the gait thing called Bluemile. Planning on going next month!
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Well, I did go get some Vibrams today - took 'em out for a test jog. I knew to keep it light, thankfully from reading other folks in transitioning to them. I can definitely see why - my calves are on fire! Totally feel the burn there. Overall I think I like them, once my calves adjust to the activity anyway - right now they are definitely the limiting factor - I had to alternate walking every lap to just let them relax a bit.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Yay for the new shoes Josh!

    As far as running shoes, I totally reccomend going to a place that fits you and checks your strike. For years I didn't and then I did and it has made a world of difference. So much more comfortable....the first place I went to, just watched me walk and then I tested them on a treadmill. Then I went to Endurance House and they have heal strike analysis and video you running and slow it down and analyze it and all the bells and whistles :)

    So this weekend I've been very active but wasn't able to follow my Inferno plan. We are selling our house and had showings all weekend which meant lots of cleaning and then we have to leave the house a lot and it was over meal times so we ended up eating out, kids were hungry and we needed to kill time.

    So Inferno will resume Monday-Friday this week. I'm going to get under 170 this week!!!! I can do it :)
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey all! I did Turbo Fire 45 and HIIT 20 this morning! It's exhausting but fun!

    I set up those cheap full length mirrors in my basement where I work out and it really helps keep me motivated. So I can see myself working out and it keeps me going...I don't ever stop...even when I'm exhausted!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Hi everyone! I logged in but had a hectic weekend so I didn't visit the community boards at all. I managed to get my 8 glasses of water in each day...big score for me as I hate drinking water. I only got a 20 minute walk in on Saturday and then again Sunday. I am set to be back on schedule now. Was over on calories on Saturday, but not by much. So hard to be good at a wedding reception although if I would have skipped a drink or two I would have been under. Looking for a great week!

    Good info on the running shoes. I plan on running a 5k next August and didn't realize that the shoes made such a huge difference. I will have to see if there is a shoe store out here that tests for all those things. Thanks for the info guys!
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've had a few crappy weeks (life not going to plan) but hopefully everything will be back on track from now on :). Will go back to logging everything I eat and signing in everyday to catch up on how everyones doing. The only thing I can really say is that I'm doing great with the water, having given up all forms of soda completely for a few months now, and drinking 2-3 ltrs a day.
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Argh! I just scanned back over the previous comments, I'm so out of the loop!! Can anyone fill me in?
  • texastae1010
    So I decided to take off yesterday as an off day that way I can keep my sunday as my off day which was good and bad I watched sad tear jerker type tv shows and movies all day I didn't do it on purpose it just seemed to be everything I picked was sad and pitiful lol

    So for today I did my Tracy Anderson Level 2 of Omni and yeah felt like a fool lol...and I did my Turbo Fire 30 S 10

    I got all my water in and probably then some once I hit 14 servings I honestly stop counting lol

    I wasn't the smartest cookie in the box today after getting my workout down early this morning I was feeling so good that I decided to deep clean my bedroom, moved furniture, it was a bit insane, and this led me to taking an epsom salt bath and I hope that I can walk tomorrow lol its the down fall of exercise for me I always feel so energized that I find these projects that seem to make me hurt the next day lol we shall see

    Hope everyone had a great Monday

    Go Josh and his great run in his VIbrams that is wonderful

    Curly welcome back ...don't beat yourself up just get back on the wagon one step at a time increase your water and decrease your soda etc.

    Trispire great job in the Inferno Plan this morning

    Ana great job on the water maybe one day you will learn to love it....I'm happy that it sounds like you had a good time at the wedding reception we all deserve a little fun now and then :)
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey all! Today was TF 30 and CLX Burn 2! I have been getting extra activity in (but not loggin it) because we are selling our house so I'm constantly cleaning and gardening and what not....it's exhausting!

    My diet is staying good so I"m happy about that.

    How is everyone? Going to have a good weigh in on Friday?!!