Operation Hot Bod (8/19-11/23)



  • Lindre
    Lindre Posts: 16 Member
    Today I completed W1D3 of my couch to 5k program and stayed on track as far as food goes. My daughter is sick today and it's been such a draining day. Normally I would throw myself on the couch and stuff my face with chocolate on a day like today, but thanks to this group I've stayed on track. Now I get to kick back, soak up the sun and sip my mojito without feeling guilty!

    Kay, that's so wonderful. The mindset that it's not over and it's never too late to turn it around is absolutely key to success. I would always do the same thing. If I screwed up even a little I'd go on these awful binges, but when I realized I could get right back on track and it wasn't the end of the world is when I lost 60lb. If you reaaally want something there is nothing wrong in indulging, as long as you get right back on the horse :)

    I'm excited to have a group that will keep motivating me to stay on track, a place to lay it all out and I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hey everybody-
    Great job on day 1. It sounds like you all pushed through! We all have similar goals for the most part and reasons for wanting to shed our extra pounds.

    My workout today was running for 1/2 hour. I do this twice per week. I typically do TurboFire and Chalene Extreme but I'm doing the Warrior dash next month and so I need to make sure I am able to run too :)

    My food was not great. I stayed within my range by my quality of food was poor. I had a great breakfast and lunch but ended up eating cookies and cream ice cream cake from the grocery store for dinner! Good news is, I skipped dinner and snacks for the rest of tonight to stay within my range. Ugh. It was left over in the freezer. I stopped eating it when I did and didn't eat more food or extra (even though my husband got McDonalds for the kids) because of this group! So thank you! THis is exactly why we have this!

    I did meet my calorie goal but tommorow I will make a stronger effort for quality of food! We are going to Corn Fest and Africa Fest I think - my sister will be here from out of town but she is doing Weight Watchers so she won't complain to stay healthy :)
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    My workout today was running for 1/2 hour. I do this twice per week. I typically do TurboFire and Chalene Extreme but I'm doing the Warrior dash next month and so I need to make sure I am able to run too :)

    Is that the warrior dash in Vegas? I think I remember there being one there in september - a buddy of mine is doing it, wanted me to fly out there and do it with him.

    My workout's on Friday's is strength w/ my trainer guy - we do an hour on legs and shoulders on Fridays. My strength days are normally organized like major muscle group, major muscle group, minor, then some sort of high intensity cardio for 45-60s, then repeat. Tonight went through a total of about 36 sets including the cardio 'bursts' - can't remember everything, but included leg extensions, equivalent hamstring exercises, hanging knee raises (ugh, the captain's chair, my arch-nemesis), push throughs, lateral raises, alternating cable front raises, rear delt rows. Most the burst cardio tonight were 'ball slams' - not sure if that's an official exercise title, but it's what we call it.
    Getting to the point where I think I should probably invest in a HRM - I've always just used the generic 'strength training, 60m' when logging this activity - I think I may be cutting myself short on calories burned; from start to finish in that 60m I probably don't stop for longer than maybe 30s every fourth set (the cardio) now-a-days.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    My workout today was running for 1/2 hour. I do this twice per week. I typically do TurboFire and Chalene Extreme but I'm doing the Warrior dash next month and so I need to make sure I am able to run too :)

    Is that the warrior dash in Vegas? I think I remember there being one there in september - a buddy of mine is doing it, wanted me to fly out there and do it with him.

    My workout's on Friday's is strength w/ my trainer guy - we do an hour on legs and shoulders on Fridays. My strength days are normally organized like major muscle group, major muscle group, minor, then some sort of high intensity cardio for 45-60s, then repeat. Tonight went through a total of about 36 sets including the cardio 'bursts' - can't remember everything, but included leg extensions, equivalent hamstring exercises, hanging knee raises (ugh, the captain's chair, my arch-nemesis), push throughs, lateral raises, alternating cable front raises, rear delt rows. Most the burst cardio tonight were 'ball slams' - not sure if that's an official exercise title, but it's what we call it.
    Getting to the point where I think I should probably invest in a HRM - I've always just used the generic 'strength training, 60m' when logging this activity - I think I may be cutting myself short on calories burned; from start to finish in that 60m I probably don't stop for longer than maybe 30s every fourth set (the cardio) now-a-days.

    It's in Wisconsin...they have them all over...you can check out warriordash.com but going to Vegas for it sounds awesome!!!

    I love my HRM! I would definetely reccomend getting one. It is very motivating for me to see the actual minutes worked out and calories burned. I have a Polar and it's awesome! I never have any problems with it. I had my last one for 2-3 years before the battery died, I had it replaced at a department store but that broke the seal and it started acting up and I needed it for a tri I did this summer so I just replaced it. If you ever run they have footpods you can get so you can just run out your door and not have to map out distances and your stride is counted and tells you your pace, distance, etc. I got mine on Amazon....

    Sounds like you do lots of ST....good for you! So excited to see our "afters" :)
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Where is everyone? Hopefully the lack of posts is due more to busy weekends than unhealthy choices! :)

    I had a day filled of festivals! Africa Fest and Corn Fest! I didn't eat anything but 2 ears of corn at corn fest! My sister is in town and wanted to go out for mexican and I got her to instead, make whole wheat, reduced fat cheese and fat free bean quesadillas at home!

    My workout today was Fire 45 EZ from Turbo Fire and Burn 3 from Chalene Extreme.
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Ya, busy. Actually got called in by work early AM this morning (thankfully going to work for me basically entails opening my laptop).
    Oh, and I went out and went ahead and bought myself a HRM (polar FT7). Did my first workout with it today, just a bit of cardio, jogging, definitely makes you want to push harder doesn't it? Looking forward to wearing it through my trainer's session on Monday.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Where is everyone? Hopefully the lack of posts is due more to busy weekends than unhealthy choices! :)

    Unhealthy choices!! :cry:

    The inlaws came to visit. I feel like I have to constantly have to prove myself to them. They are all 100+ Kg (210 Ib+) and they all look at me like I dont eat! I do! I struggle with weight too! I feel like I have to eat everything they do, so I am not considered 'difficult' or vain. That meant today for breakfast there was bacon and eggs and cereal and 4 slices of toast each (I got away with 2 slices of toast, 1 with peanut butter and the other with an egg but still I was hassled!) This was followed by chinese for lunch. Each time my plate was finished they re-filled it (I had to scrape it onto my hubby's plate). I had 2 dim sims, about a cup of fried rice (they refused to order plain) and 1 spring roll. I was stuffed. The day ended with lamb shanks for dinner with mash, bread and butter and wine. I got by with 1 shank, a little mash and salad (I was the only one who ate it!), 1 slice of bread with butter but couldnt resist the wine! For some reason it's always harder to knock back the wine when they visit. Funny that.


    The only one thing that went well today... was that I excused myself from the day of feed. I went for a walk that turned into a run. The longest run EVER! I used to struggle with running for 1 minute and today I managed to run for 45 minutes without barely breaking a sweat. One victory for today.

    Really lovely people the in-laws but just different to me. There is no way I could stay indoor ALL day and just eat without doing anything else. Unless I was sick. I never thought eating less or differently to others would be so difficult or make me feel so uncomfortable. How do you deal with it?
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Josh- That's awesome, so glad you got one! I think it will help push you to the next level too :)

    Laura-Good job on getting a workout in - as far as the family issue - first let me say I know exactly what you're going through and I have the same issue with my inlaws. This is what I'm trying to do.....and it is a work in progress, but what I put in my body is my choice. Why should I eat excessively or unhealthy to make other people feel more comfortable? If I need to eat fatty foods to make my overweight family feel better, then that is a problem and the problem isn't with me. I've decided that it is silly to damage myself and not meet my goals to make other people happy. That doesn't make any sense. What will I say 10 years from now, still 25 pounds from my goal? I didn't do it because I didn't want my family and friends to feel bad about me making healthy choices???
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?

    I am working on simply saying no thank you. This can be hard when tempted at work, at home and with family and friends. When I'm going out to eat, I will find something healthy on the menu that fits within my plan. If I'm in a situation that there are limited options and this plan doesn't work, I will track my food and exercise to ensure I don't exceed my 1200 calorie net per day. If I am confronted by someone regarding my food choices, I will explain that I am trying to live a healthier life style. I won't be intimidated to eat and I can always come on here and talk to you guys :)

    Right now we have family over and everyone is eating bacon and pancakes 5 feet from me while I type this! I'm going to make my healthy alternative, english muffin I think with some greek yogurt (you can check my log later :) So thanks for the talk today because it's sometimes easier when you know others are going through the same thing.

    Now I have a trip coming up in a few weeks to the Apple Orchards with my inlaws. THis is an annual trip where we go to this diner and EAT like crazy! They make batterfried cheese curds as big as golf balls that are my favorite thing ever. To order a salad in this environment causes some looks, so this may be a post I need to come back to!
  • Lindre
    Lindre Posts: 16 Member
    Just checking in real fast to say I'm still here and still on track, just have a busy weekend (on vacation with family) and next week I will be traveling for 2-3 days. Just letting you know so you don't wonder if I'm a little inactive on here right now.

    Laura, I hear you. I married into an italian family where everything revolves around food. They're always trying to push things on me and it's not easy to say no.
    I use some of these tactics to deal with them, especially the stalling and "can I have it to go?" That seems to make them happy and they don't need to know that I go right home and throw it away.

    Btw, amazing job on the run! That's an awesome accomplishment and you should be super proud. I can't wait till I'm there myself.

    Hope everyone continues to stay on track and good so far guys :)
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Just checking in,

    Very busy the past few days, will have a proper read through the thread tomorrow to catch up on how everyones doing.
    May take a few days for the motivation of this challenge to kick in :(. I've got to be careful to get back on track after not having anytime to work out the past week, don't want to get lazy.

    Hope everyones good!
  • lux1990
    lux1990 Posts: 6
    First, may I say sorry I skipped out yesterday! That doesn't happen often for me, promise. I spent the night at a friend's apartment to dog sit and totally forgot my laptop. Anyways, I am back online :) Great job to everyone keepin' up the enthusiasm!!

    Laura--I so know what you mean! I live with three guys (I move out in under a week, thank goodness) but they just eat and eat all the time. It's hard for a girl to think in terms of portion control when a young adult male usually doesn't have to think twice about it. In fact, their diet consists of as much chocolate milk and Poptarts they can consume after midnight. So, I feel what you mean. The influence of other people is strong, even against our best efforts. So, this leads me to the question of the day:

    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?

    I know that my body works unlike anyone else. It is up to me to understand it, nurture it, and care for it in every way possible. This means that, even if my boyfriend ordered the carb-iest dish on the menu does not entitle me to do as well. I should look for the option I know will leave me feeling best after I leave the table. It's hard not to think, "Well they are doing it, why can't I?" It's just as simple as wanting the results or not wanting the results. I don't want to ignore social situations because I'm afraid of the food. I want to have the will power to say 'no,' and go with the healthier options. If you practice making good choices enough, soon it will become natural, right? That's the plan, anyways :)
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?

    I guess I need to stop feeling guilt when I leave food on my plate (any one else had this drummed into them as a kid?). I am paranoid about wasting, which also stops me trying a lot of new things, in case I don't like it.. Luckily my boyfriend is very understanding, and encourages me to stop when I'm full etc, and just relax and not worry. I'm not to bothered about other impacting my choices, It's myself I have to watch out for!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?

    I guess I need to stop feeling guilt when I leave food on my plate (any one else had this drummed into them as a kid?). I am paranoid about wasting, which also stops me trying a lot of new things, in case I don't like it.. Luckily my boyfriend is very understanding, and encourages me to stop when I'm full etc, and just relax and not worry. I'm not to bothered about other impacting my choices, It's myself I have to watch out for!

    Yes! I was always told that too...and it's not like we picked our portions right? I still struggle with this. A couple weeks ago I was at a friend's house and his partner offerred to make us dinner (which was a big deal) and he served my portion and it must have been at least 2 cups of pasta (white no less - which I never eat) with chicken and red sauce. I wasn't hungry to begin with (poor planning on my part) but felt like I needed to eat and a good amount so I didn't offend the cook! I didn't finish my plate but felt bad for stopping when I did!

    My sister came up to visit with my nephew this weekend. She is a "finish everything on your plate' mom and I'm not. This caused some issues with the boys. I'll give my son a little of everything and before he leaves, I'll tell him he has to eat "X" which is usually his lean protein (fish or chicken - we don't eat beef or pork) and some of his vegetables/fruit. I give him small amounts and say ok, finish your fish and take two pieces of watermelon. I don't make him eat the carbs if he doesn't want to. So at lunch yesterday, both kids had turkey sandwiches with cheese, watermelon and chips (picnic) and my son said he didn't want to eat anything and so I told him he had to eat the turkey off his sandwich and 2 pieces of watermelon. My sister made her son eat his entire plate before he could play! I didn't say anything but I'm more of the, my kids will eat when their hungry, give them balanced choices parent because I don't want him to have food issues. But I'll probably end up giving him some anyway! lol
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I'm still here! Haven't dropped off! It's just hard for me to get on the computer over the weekends. I usually get on while I'm at work :embarassed: ...it's much more difficult to find a minute to post on the weekends. I update my food and exercise from my phone, but I HATE typing on it more than neccessary! Anyway, it's Monday morning and I'm baaack!

    QOTD: What will you do to put yourself first (which is hard for a lot of people) and not let others impact your choices to eat healthy and exercise to meet your goals?
    When I read this question, I realized that I don't really put myself first and not let others impact my choices. This is definitely something I'm going to have to work on. Mostly I just try to make my choices around theirs. My fiance doesn't have the best eating habits. Yesterday, everything we ate was restaurant food. We're never home long enough for me to have a chance to cook on the weekends. That cannot be an excuse anymore. I need to sit down with him and have a talk about it. My step-daughter is affected by the choices we make. Of course she would rather have McDonald's, but it's our responsibility as her parents to make the right decision for her.
    Mostly I guess I need to get more organized. If I know we're going to be crazy busy on the weekend, I need to plan ahead and pack healthy food for us to take with us. I feel like there's not enough hours in the day, but that's because I fly by the seat of my pants. I need to get it together NOW, because for the time being we only have one child, and only have her half the time. What is it going to be like when we have more??!! Help!

    What do you guys do to keep your busy families healthy?
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Ha Kacy! Your post made me smile...
    I struggle with this too! They are building a McDonalds right on our route home like a mile from our house and my son screams I love mcDonalds everytime we pass it!

    I explain that sugary sweets, french fries, McDonalds, etc. are "sometimes foods" and that they aren't the healthiest choices to make us strong and healthy so we only have them once in a while (I have a 4 and almost 2 year old).

    My husband thinks I'm nuts and kids should just eat whatever they want because they are kids but I'm like, so when he is like 12 you're going to just wake up and tell him he can't have crap anymore? lol Not going to work!

    We always have added a fruit/vegetable to every meal so my son actually loves plain lean meats and broccoli! It's his favorite meal! But he also loves cookies and cakes and all that too. Sugary cereals for example, we have a rule that we have to swap out every other week with cereal with healthy vs sugary. So one week he can have Fruit Loops (his go to choice) and the next week he can pick from 3 cereals I choose for him (like Cheerios for example).

    For dinners, I plan the dinners once a week taking into account what they like and making healthier versions. Then I put the list out and whoever gets home first (me or my hubby) starts dinner. We pick quick things for during the week like a breast meet turkey we slow cook with vegetables while we are at work, wheat spaghetti and sauce, grilled chicken with steamer bags of veggies and uncle ben's rice, shrimp stir fry, low fat quesadillas (wheat tortillas, reduced fat cheese and fat free refried beans).

    The key is to plan. It's when I don't make time for planning that we end up going "hmm there is nothing to eat and we need to eat right now, so lets go to fast food or grab a pizza)
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I hurt my knee with my 11 mile walk on Saturday so I didn't get one in today. I contemplated it, but didn't want to do further damage so I figured one day laying low is ok. I will try something slow tomorrow just to get a walk in. I made good food choices though :)
    I'm behind in answering the questions of the day, but I will note that the reason I am doing this is pure vanity. I used to be the thin one and then all of a suddent I was the overweight one. All the overweight ones, lost weight and I gained and it was a complete turn about. After 10 years I just said "enough". That was on 01/18/2011 and I haven't looked back. I went through my old clothes today....I had a size 16 blazer and size 14 pants. Now I'm in a 3/4 or 5/6 and loving every minute of it. My belly will be the last to go. Everything else looks ok, but I need tone and definition now. I was so sick of wearing a hoodie and dying in the heat all summer. I still haven't gotten a bathing suit on this year, but I did buy one.....maybe next year :)

    The main thing I did to lose weight as I haven't exercised much at all throughout the whole thing....I pack my meals. No fast food and no pop (or soda as some of you say). If I'm in a jam I will stop at Subway and have a 6" oven roasted chicken on flatbread, no cheese, lots of lettuce and tomatoes and only some hot sauce for the dressing.

    Now I need my Operation Hot Bod friends to really make me get into the exercise swing. That will tone me up and I will be thrilled!
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Ok guys, finished my diary for the day and my food was pretty awesome! I always get worried on days I can't get a good calorie burn because 1200 calories doesn't seem to fill me up but today was good!

    I got 2 - 20 minute walks in despite this cold! It's not as bad as it could be so I'm hoping in a couple days I can get back to Turbo. Until then I'm walking and thinking maybe I'll even keep the walks a habit. :)

    How is everyone else doing? Operation Hot Bod! Stay committed so we have no regrets come November 23rd!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    So....I'm under my calories today, but I ate junk. I really need to get some more easy healthy stuff I can grab and go. That may have to wait though until payday. I'm trying to use up a lot out the stuff in my pantry right now. Meals can get interesting when youre cleaning out! I did get a good workout in. my best friend and I go every day, and it's sooooo much easier to go when you have some one expecting you! We did elliptical, weights, and bike. I'm starting to see some definition in my arms. Yay! Well I'm on my phone so I'll check in more at work tomorrow. Night ladies!
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Well, got to use my HRM for the first time with my trainer tonight - makes me think I'm going to have to seriously evaluate my food intake. For the last 6 weeks I've been just using the generic MFP 60 minutes strength training to log those sessions, which I think estimated ~300 calories; tonight stopped the HRM and my calories burned - 876, quite a bit of a difference. I may be able to get 'away' with that for a little longer with the weight I still have to lose but I think soon enough my body will revolt on that.
    This is probably going to sound like a worlds smallest violin type of problem, but anyone else have trouble after eating at a large deficit for awhile going up? Right now I'm so used to eating at the level I am right now it's hard to imagine going up even that 600 cal's a day difference.