Operation Hot Bod (8/19-11/23)



  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Hey all! Today was TF 30 and CLX Burn 2! I have been getting extra activity in (but not loggin it) because we are selling our house so I'm constantly cleaning and gardening and what not....it's exhausting!

    My diet is staying good so I"m happy about that.

    How is everyone? Going to have a good weigh in on Friday?!!

    I'm doing good, gj on getting in your workouts! Last night was chest and triceps at the gym, started a new routine which was sort of neat and challenging. Going to sort of miss the old sets we were doing, cause I knew what weights I was at and could see the progression, and with the new ones it feels like starting over, but this was the beginning of week 9 with the trainer, so I know it was about time to switch things up. Also managed to get down a lot of food yesterday, almost 2k calories, which was good, not quite what I needed to eat but a lot more than I have been on strength days.
    Not looking forward to my cardio too much today, as my calves are still protesting horribly, lol - woke up this morning, and if it is possible, they were more sore than yesterday. Probably end up just doing some walking this afternoon, see how I feel after warming up.
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Well for the last weigh in i lost 2lbs and exceeded my water targets. Now I just need to get back in the swing of training. Bought the Nike + chip for my trainers today. I seem to work better knowing my progress is being recorder, as I don't like running just for the hell of it. Any advice for learing to love running? It seems like such an effective workout. Trying to get back into my 30 day shred as well. I tried the Tracy Anderson method mat workout and HATED it with a passion. Caused lots of aches and sides didnt feel equa.
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Well for the last weigh in i lost 2lbs and exceeded my water targets. Now I just need to get back in the swing of training. Bought the Nike + chip for my trainers today. I seem to work better knowing my progress is being recorder, as I don't like running just for the hell of it. Any advice for learing to love running? It seems like such an effective workout. Trying to get back into my 30 day shred as well. I tried the Tracy Anderson method mat workout and HATED it with a passion. Caused lots of aches and sides didnt feel equa.

    I don't know if there is any sure way of learning to love running, but maybe looking a bit out and find a goal to work towards, so not just running for the hell of it? Like find and sign up for a 5k or something - that's what I'm doing, and it has changed the way I think of my cardio. It isn't now just something I HAVE to do cause cardio is good, etc etc, it's something i'm doing to train myself for the 5k. It's still the same stuff, but it just frames it differently in my mind. Maybe can work for you too.
  • Lindre
    Lindre Posts: 16 Member
    Just got back on. I flew right into a hurricane it seems lol. So, I haven't been on plan this week to be honest, apart from with my water. I think I got tendonitis? and I totally let it get to me. I weighed in at 185 this morning, so I think my initial weight was just a tad higher, but I haven't lost any this week. I'm back on track now, my leg/knee feels a little better and I'm ready to resume some exercise. I'll try to get caught up and see what's been going on, but I might be a little inactive doing some storm clean up and catching up on work this week. Just letting you know so you don't think I fell off the face of the earth.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I missed my walk this morning...sort of slept through my first alarm. Definately a "dress n dash" day! Will walk on my lunch today, which will give me at least 15 minutes in and then 15 min later today. Don't always log my exercise when it's such a small amount. I am getting my 8 glasses of water in and am thrilled with that! Still craving salt big time. My doctor has me on elete drops to boost my enzymes/minerals etc... that I am deficient in and that should keep the salt craving at bay, but not working yet. It's only been a week and was sort of lax this weekend with them.

    Good luck this week! Lets have a great weigh in day on Friday!!! My body fat is still hovering at 27% GRRRR
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Just got back on. I flew right into a hurricane it seems lol. So, I haven't been on plan this week to be honest, apart from with my water. I think I got tendonitis? and I totally let it get to me. I weighed in at 185 this morning, so I think my initial weight was just a tad higher, but I haven't lost any this week. I'm back on track now, my leg/knee feels a little better and I'm ready to resume some exercise. I'll try to get caught up and see what's been going on, but I might be a little inactive doing some storm clean up and catching up on work this week. Just letting you know so you don't think I fell off the face of the earth.

    Thanks for checking in! Stay Dry and good for you for being honest and getting back on track! You only fail if you stop trying :)
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Well for the last weigh in i lost 2lbs and exceeded my water targets. Now I just need to get back in the swing of training. Bought the Nike + chip for my trainers today. I seem to work better knowing my progress is being recorder, as I don't like running just for the hell of it. Any advice for learing to love running? It seems like such an effective workout. Trying to get back into my 30 day shred as well. I tried the Tracy Anderson method mat workout and HATED it with a passion. Caused lots of aches and sides didnt feel equa.

    I used to be in a similar boat. I hated running. I thought, "what is the point?" I couldn't just go on a treadmill and just run and not end up anywhere, no point A to point B lol. Same with running outside, I was like "what, I'm just going to run around the block?! lame!" lol But I really liked the idea of running. I wanted to be a runner! You don't need anything to do it, but your legs and it can take you places :) So I started doing interval running until I got up to a mile. Then I started adding mile loops to my workouts. Then I signed up for a 5k so I had a distance to work up to.

    But for me, it's not about racing, it's about two things 1) I find it clears my head. If I go for a run with music or without, there is no thinking, no choreography, I just go and I find it like therapy 2) I like the way I feel when I do it. I used to be a lot heavier and couldn't run at all so it's empowering to me because I know it's something you have to build your endurance in. It makes me feel fit. It's kind of like my internal fit test :)
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    sigh....stepped on the scale and it's still 252 :(.....I want that number to go down with all my hard work! I've been busting my butt the past 3 days.....but my eating hsn't been the greatest. I can't always seem to eat back my calories. One day I for got to eat lunch and I barely got to 1000 calories that day. I really want to get down at least 30lbs if not more by Christmas.
  • Today I got all my water in, did my Tracy Anderson and Zumba on my Turbo Fire Schedule it had HIIT 15 and that particular workout does nothing for me at all I have a bad knee and I follow Ali and it is honestly just a waste of my time so I changed it up a bit lol...I had a lot of fun I always forget how much I like my Zumba lol

    Other than that I am trying to not get onto the scale until Friday I am on a mission to not become so obsessed with that number because it is amazing how that number can mess with my head in the sense of it going up from water weight can make me feel bad not workout eat crap food etc...or if I ate crap food and it went down well then logically I can have those cookies again right lol...this is my own little mission to workout and eat healthy for me not the scale (even though I am really excited about what it says on Friday and fingers crossed if it doesn't move that I will be able to accept that lol)
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I decided to step on the scale this morning and I know longer have to look at 252....it's now 251, I hope I can be at 250 by Friday. So, with the competition with my hubby I have to loose 45lbs now. The only thing with that is I don't have a date to shoot for. You know 45lbs by January or something like that. I'm hoping I'll get results the last time I tried losing. I lost 40lbs in 31/2 months! Then hit a wall and got discouraged.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I decided to step on the scale this morning and I know longer have to look at 252....it's now 251, I hope I can be at 250 by Friday. So, with the competition with my hubby I have to loose 45lbs now. The only thing with that is I don't have a date to shoot for. You know 45lbs by January or something like that. I'm hoping I'll get results the last time I tried losing. I lost 40lbs in 31/2 months! Then hit a wall and got discouraged.

    I wouldn't weigh in every day, it should be a weekly event. You pick a day and weigh yourself first thing in the morning as soon as you use the bathroom. Wear the same thing or type of thing each time, or weigh-in in the buff. Clothes do make a difference. Your weight will fluctuate during the day so always do it first thing.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Hello everybody--

    We've had less chatter...maybe it's time to bring back the QOTD! lol :)

    I'm doing good! I've had some hiccups this last week but I keep getting back on track so we'll see what happens come Friday!

    We've had a few people express some struggles lately (myself included!) so...

    QOTD: What do you tell yourself when your inner voice tells you to give up? When it tells you to just eat what you want, push snooze on the alarm clock, whatever it is that will help you reach your goals but you're just not feelin it! What do you say to silence that voice?
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    QOTD: What do you tell yourself when your inner voice tells you to give up? When it tells you to just eat what you want, push snooze on the alarm clock, whatever it is that will help you reach your goals but you're just not feelin it! What do you say to silence that voice?

    Well, I'm a bit OCD - and by a bit I mean my family jokes that I'm like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory =p, so generally when am focused on something I do pretty well about it. But for me, I guess when i'm feeling lazy about doing something it's probably the accountability aspect of it for me that keeps me going. I see my trainer 3 times a week, and he does complete measurements, a weighin, body fat test, etc, every other Friday - so what keeps me going is probably a combination of me wanting it and also that push to do a bit more, not have a sub-par progress check day and get the friendly **** from the trainer, heh. It isn't just myself that I have to answer to when I am falling off my goals, but the trainer too - and he's a big dude.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Ummm...not to focused since I hit my goal. Hoping to do better now that I'm in this challenge. Got my water in every day so far!!! I blame the snooze alarm due to the fact that I only get 6 hours sleep at night. Just can't get up any earlier, so I walk at lunch time. I get my walk in when I can!
  • Just checking in - I did my FIRST EVER run today! Started on day 2 week 5 of the couch to 10 k app (half jogging / half walking as I didn't want to kill myself!) and ended up staying out for 2 hours along the prom, using the outdoor gym on my way back. I never thought I'd even try - and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Something very peaceful about running along the beach at twilight. I covered around 6 miles in total (not including playing on the gym thingies :D)
  • Just checking in - I did my FIRST EVER run today! Started on day 2 week 5 of the couch to 10 k app (half jogging / half walking as I didn't want to kill myself!) and ended up staying out for 2 hours along the prom, using the outdoor gym on my way back. I never thought I'd even try - and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Something very peaceful about running along the beach at twilight. I covered around 6 miles in total (not including playing on the gym thingies :D)

    Wow WTG!!! That's amazing!
  • Hey guys! I weighed in today at 171 which is a 1 pound loss. Not in the 160s this week but hoping for next week! 2 pounds is doable!
  • Lindre
    Lindre Posts: 16 Member
    Weighed in today at 183, so that's a 2lb loss. Back on track and my knee is feeling a lot better. I'm off right now to go looking for some better shoes (definitely a shoe issue) and knee straps so I can keep it up.

    QOTD: What do you tell yourself when your inner voice tells you to give up? When it tells you to just eat what you want, push snooze on the alarm clock, whatever it is that will help you reach your goals but you're just not feelin it! What do you say to silence that voice?

    I remind myself of all the reasons I want to do this for myself and for the people around me. I mentally picture myself at my goal and start getting in the mindset that I've already succeeded. I tell myself that if I could go from smoking 2packs a day and not being able to walk then I can do anything I put my mind to. What's a little exercise and eating right compared to all the obstacles that I've pushed through before.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I weighed in at134.4 today! A .6 loss....small, but a loss none the less. In total since I began this journey I have lost 48.6 pounds. WOW...I never would have believed how easy and fast it came off. I had my water each day this week and did my exercise each day too. This has been great! Thanks for the enocuragement everyone!
  • Down 1lb this week, to 213lb - nother sort of dissappointing loss week, but we'll see how it pans out next week - upped my calories ALOT this week on my strength days, so may just be adjusting.
    Speaking of strength days, I did get in the weekly challenge already, and doing a 3rd session tonight. I also had my water everyday.