

  • Sound advice guys, thank you for your help
  • So if I went over my carb allowance by eating a ton of veg that'd be ok?
  • Born and raised in East Yorkshire but I've lived in Sunderland for 4 years now ^_^ Feel free to add me!
  • Thank you guys :) I think I might just have to buy a measuring tape and get to it! Thanks ever so much for the link to this MFP user too! Blimey! I'm going to have to investigate her blog further!
  • I don't think mine have steamed dishes on the menu, but I'll certainly ask! I was only going to have a small portion from my main dish, so I'll try and find a vegetarian one. Would roast pork be ok in a dish with it being roasted instead of fried? You're all great! Thank you so much for the help!
  • These were all my thoughts, so you've all confirmed them for me! I don't count anything other than "pure" water for my water intake, so I think i'm on the right track! Thanks guys x
  • Thank you sweetheart! I've got a friend who's selling the wii board, so i'm hoping hubby says yes, otherwise i'll have to start saving up :( I keep getting very annoyed with the amount of walking I do and the fact that i'm not loosing any weight! I walk pretty much every day, most of the time at a leisurely pace, but i'm…
    in Hi! Comment by hanansk16 March 2011