Quick question about water intake

Does it matter when you drink your daily recommended water?
I tend to find I drink a glass or 2 in the morning, then a few cups of tea, and 4 glasses in the evening.

Should you try to distribute water intake evenly throughout the day, or does it not matter at all as long as you're getting it in?

Very interested to see replies!


  • nuovocapitolo
    I would say it doesn't matter as long as you get 8 glasses in. This means 8 glasses of water, not tea, coffee, or any other liquid. 8 glasses of pure water.
  • kcarlson22
    kcarlson22 Posts: 27 Member
    Your urine should be clear if you are hydrated. Drink water in the morning until it is clear, and then you can drink additional water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I think it probably doesn't matter as long as you are getting it in...but I try to drink more throughout the early part of the day, and drink my last water before/during/after my workout (I exercise in the evenings after work) because if I drink too much water too late at night, I wake up every hour to pee :blushing:

    I suspect "nuovocapitolo" is right about it needing to be "pure water" and not tea, coffee, etc. But I don't really know. Would love to hear others' thoughts.
  • kcarlson22
    kcarlson22 Posts: 27 Member
    Pure water is great, though all fluids count towards water intake if they are not caffeinated. You need to drink an extra serving of water for every caffeinated beverage.
  • Dancinhiphop4life
    I try to drink more in the morning and afternoon cuz then i can usually sleep through the entire night instead of waking up during the middle of my sleep
  • hanansk16
    hanansk16 Posts: 12
    These were all my thoughts, so you've all confirmed them for me!
    I don't count anything other than "pure" water for my water intake, so I think i'm on the right track!

    Thanks guys x