

  • Pickles.. .only Garlic Dill. I have to be careful of the salt though because I just might finish the bottle... turns no so healthy after that many :) Also Pickled Herring . Sounds awful, but it is amazing. I think I have a pickling issue
  • I ALWAYS go over in sugars. My calories are very close to the right amount, fats usually slightly lower as well as Carbs. Fruit will do it on the counter. I dont worry. I have lost so much more weight with my spinach/mixed fruit smoothie, and feeling awesome in the morning I decided it wasn't worth the stress if it's…
  • My hubby brought home some fettuccine Alfredo from Olive Garden I used to LOVE. I dont know if it was a Ehh cook, or since it's been so long and I have been cooking a ton more, but it was terrible! Mine is way better and way less calories! Of course, I did eat it all... I was hungry. lol
  • My Dr said it will never be FULLY fixed without surgery (Which I can not have... don't have the money) But that some women have seen results to minimize the looks though certain workout and veering away from others. She is a general family doctor (specializes in pregnancy, post pregnancy, and children, but the male doctor…
  • As with a lot of people, I actually dont lose weight with a too low calorie def. I get stuck. Metabolism goes into starvation, and stops trying to burn the calories and fat. Also I don't have any energy to excersize. When I eat my minimum (sometimes a little over when I am overly active) I lose so much quicker. Now, these…
  • My favorite is strawberry, blueberry or mango with 1 tb chia seeds (protein, energy, and thickens and helps so the smoothie doesn't separate, and I love the flavor) and big ol' handful of spinach. I do add a little pure OJ since all my fruit is frozen, but I don't add any added sugar. Works great since I HATE break fast,…
  • I am a little confused by this. I understand the calorie portion on WHY eating less good calories is bad, but the alternate calorie calculator is COMPLETELY different than MyFitnessPal (http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ ) It shows me LESS calories to be eaten than MFP, but my friend I am working out…
  • Thanks for everyone's advise. I talked to my sister in law, and had my feet and gait checked out. Everyone was right, I need training support shoes. Thank goodness she knows all about that stuff and got me a good deal on some Mizuno inspire shoes :) She had a few others she would have preferred, but I couldn't afford them…
  • I am lactose intolerant (but LOVE cheese and creamy foods) other than the occasional stomach upset when pregnant if I ate too much dairy, I never knew something was up. I eliminated dairy 2 months ago for 2 weeks, and my skin cleared up a lot, lost a few pounds, and did nothing else different other than cutting out dairy.…
  • Goodness! That's quite a shoe!! I should... My sister in law actually used to work for a store in Cali that did all that (she is now a trained physical sports therapist) I guess I am going to have to grovel to her to set me up as we don't have anything like that around here. Sounds like you all are seeing what I didn't…
  • I have to have some sort of caffeine... Just not the shakes with the flavorings I WAS drinking (okay, as a treat I still do... it's 500 calories of heaven in a cup!! Today was one of those days actually) So I do green tea for the 90% of the time. But I am ADHD, so caffeine helps with balancing my energy and focusing. Never…
  • I would love one of those, but my legs are really short. We got the treadmill cheap used from a friend, but I'll keep an eye out to see if I can find a cheap elliptical that I can reach :)
  • Oh, and only about 2 months old.
  • Honestly, I don't know much about them (new to excersizing on a tread mill.... before having kids I did areobics classes, but I didn't have as many knee and joint issues back then) They are snug fitting tennis shoes from a family member that works out. Champion brand. So I assume they are for running. Do you have any…
  • Actually carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks are dehydrating. If you are working out and such, it is really not good to calculate anything other than plain water as "water consumption" Now, I hate water. Just do. So my Dr recommended adding sliced fruit, over night in the fridge. I do on occasion also add some club…