Smoothies - yes? no?

I was just curious as to whether smoothies have aided in your weight loss/diet. I know they contain a lot of sugar and so can have quite a high calorie intake and so i was just wondering if anyone has any low-calorie smoothie recipes or whether I should stay clear from them!


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    In many smoothies the sugar comes from the fruit (fructose). For those where sugar is added, you can typically replace with splenda or honey for some extra sweetness.

    Of course, dumping that much sugar into your bloodstream can have some negative impact, so I wouldn't do it every day, or certainly not the large smoothie. Counteract it by having the smoothie along with a high protein meal. In this case, the change in blood sugar brought on by the fruit actually aids in protein absorption. Great after a workout.

    Bottom line: all things in moderation. I wouldn't have one every day, but I wouldn't avoid them either.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I drink them. I figure, if it fits into my calories, then why not? I either have yogurt plus fruit and water or juice (if there is any on hand) or almond milk plus fruit. of course, i add ice to each concoction. I make sure to measure out what goes into the blender and calculate it out calorie-wise.

    Oh, and I'm down 8 lbs so far.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    i drink them all the time. the only sweetness comes from some fruit and a date. mine are mostly greens. what would be wrong with drinking a smoothie??
  • RLPearce92
    good point if i track exactly what i put into the smoothie then I should know exactly how much sugar etc ill be having so can fit it into my diet :) i should try them after a workout! i always feel so tired after working out they might be a great pick me up
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    good point if i track exactly what i put into the smoothie then I should know exactly how much sugar etc ill be having so can fit it into my diet :) i should try them after a workout! i always feel so tired after working out they might be a great pick me up

    you can add protein powder too.

    i entered my favourite ones as recipes so its easy for me to add
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    I drink smoothies quite often which I make at home. My favorite smoothie so far is Strawberry and Banana, but there are lots of different combinations, however I usually stick to my favorite.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    good point if i track exactly what i put into the smoothie then I should know exactly how much sugar etc ill be having so can fit it into my diet :) i should try them after a workout! i always feel so tired after working out they might be a great pick me up

    And they can be moderately caloried, too. A nice fruit or fruit mix can flavor it and then you can pack it with leafy greens. I often use non-fat yogurt in mine or low-fat soy milk (almond milk is next), but some people use water or milk. You can add in healthy things like flax meal or protein powder or a little bit of oats to make them more filling (protein and fiber). You are in control and I actually know of a lot of people who incorporate them into their plans every day and do very well.
  • ColetteM6
    ColetteM6 Posts: 138 Member
    Most definitely! 1/2 cup favorite fruit juice and then ALL the things. I throw in celery, spinach, sprouts, and a banana.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Honestly, for someone just starting on weight loss, they are amazing, healthy, full of energy and super foods.
    But for me, trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds, I find they can be too calorie heavy preventing calorie deficit at times. When I'm maintaining and won't want the deficit ill be heaving one every day for energy and health.
  • kasey98226
    My favorite is strawberry, blueberry or mango with 1 tb chia seeds (protein, energy, and thickens and helps so the smoothie doesn't separate, and I love the flavor) and big ol' handful of spinach. I do add a little pure OJ since all my fruit is frozen, but I don't add any added sugar. Works great since I HATE break fast, so usually I just eat an egg when I get up, and sip on my smoothie until lunch. If I don't drink it I am very low on calories in the beginning of my day and I just drag. Nothing wrong with it! Mine calculates to about 135-150 calories. My friend though swears by adding a TB of coconut oil for weight-loss and complexion. Not sure about it though.
    My daughter drinks them too, and I sneak in her Fish oils :) She thinks she is the coolest 5 year old because she makes it "all by herself" So they are also a good way to get veggies into the kiddos too
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    my favorite kind of smoothie is very simple - chocolate soy milk or chocolate almond milk with frozen strawberries, and some flax seeds. i prefer almond milk because i think it's healthier than soy, and it's only 30 calories/cup! (for the unsweetened vanilla, compared to around 90 calories/cup for soy milk). i usually have smoothies as post workout snack, as that's when it's good for the body to get some high GI foods, such as from bananas and other fruit.
  • dunlol
    dunlol Posts: 57 Member
    Make sure to add some healthful fats from nuts or nut butters so that it slows the digestion of the sugar. You can also add flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, or avocado for some slow-digesting carbs, fiber, and fat. With respect to losing weight, the spike in blood sugar will not hurt that much as long as your TDEE + calories burned in workout is greater than your caloric intake. Avoiding spikes in blood sugar is good for cardiovascular health as well as avoiding risk for diabetes.
  • pan0ramic
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with smoothies provided that you're only putting in healthy things. Fruit is typically at least half fructose which is slow burning. People often don't eat that much fruit to begin with, so it would be unwise to skip it just because it has a bit of sugar. It's a small hit in calories/sugar for the nutritional benefits.

    Smoothies turn unhealthy if you're adding sugar, ice cream, etc. Skip that stuff and stick to fruit, nutritional powders, and skim milk (or soy/almond/rice milk).
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • RLPearce92
    i love all these suggestions, i definitely will be experimenting with different flavours, i made some today using banana skimmed milk and honey and it was lovely, hit my sugar craving right on! Adding oats and/or protein powder seems like a great idea i'm going to try that too that may make them more filling!
  • justified111
    justified111 Posts: 18 Member
    OK guys, if any of you are peanut butter fans are you ready to have your mind blown? I LOVE peanut butter but it's super high in calories. I found this last year:

    I add it to all my smoothies and they're amazing. It has 85% less calories than peanut butter because all the oil is removed.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I love smoothies, but in general, I strive to drink a small portion of my calories, so I don't have them too often. If I'm using a recipe, I usually skip any added sugar for fruit smoothies because the fruit is typically sweet enough. I use almond milk and/or juice and any fruit I like, and sometimes add a bit of peanut butter if I'm in need of protein.