sunnydayz71 Member


  • Feel free to add me as well. I'd love to have more MFP friends! Its fun to see everyone's progress and support each other :-)
  • I don't remember with my first, it was 14 years ago. But this one, I gained 40ish pounds and lost it all in 6 months. I was surprised it came off so fast (I'm in my 40's !) but it did and now I'm on a mission to lose 20 more.
  • hello and welcome :-)
  • That's a good point. I knew but had forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me :-) (about burning fat vs. endurance). I want to burn fat so I guess I won't worry about it. On a side note, I noticed that when I have my treadmill inclined (today for instance I walked 9% grade, 3 mph) the calories burned were way off (bm…
  • I'm loving mine too. I'm not sure about trusting the number of steps it says I've taken. I'm going to watch that a bit. It says I took more steps during the time I spent feeding my son his bottle and food, than when I was at the grocery store? Hmm. I wonder if it has something to do with the rocking motion of the rocking…
  • Got mine early this afternoon, couldn't believe it as the UPS man always come at night. Plugged it in to charge and then starting wearing it tonight. So far everything has gone smoothly. I can't wait to see a full days worth of info after tomorrow has gone by. I think it wouldn't have gone so smoothly if I hadn't been…
  • Hi, I just ordered one this week and tracking says it won't be here until next friday but it would be fun and motivating to go through it together if you like? I've been on MFP since April and have been successful but I've gotten off track and this is my new motivational toy :-)
  • I'm 42 and I've been on MFP since April... it works. I had a baby in December and that was pretty much my kick start to getting into shape. I've been a stay at home mom for almost 14 years. When we found out we were pregnant (after the shock and happiness of it all) all I could think of is that I hadn't lost those darn 30…
  • Hi. I had a unplanned c-section in Dec. and my recovery was very slow. My son is turning 9 months this week and I really am liking how I look in that area now. I'm 42 (so I think a lot older than you??) I bet if my body will get back to normal, yours will too. I don't do sit ups, etc. b/c I worry about my abs separating…
  • I had a similar issue, my son ended up being diagnosed with failure to thrive. Turned out I wasn't making enough milk. I was nursing all the time and he'd cry almost constantly if not nursing or sleeping. If your baby's weight is staying with the curve, he/she is probably fine. If the weight is dropping, then probably…
  • My son didn't like it either as a young baby. Then around 4 months he learned to flip over from back to stomach and slept that way every night since. When I'd get him in the morning he'd be wide awake doing 'tummy time' on his own... but still didn't want to do it for me. Last month, at six months, he learned to sit up and…
  • I have days when I feel like this. I can relate. My son is 7 months old and I don't still have it together yet, lol. I'm trying, though. Now that he's getting a bit more independent (he is sitting up and almost crawling) it is helping a lot because he can play without me having to hold him all the time. I exercise in the…
  • Anyone is welcome to add me as well. I just turned 42, had a baby 6 months ago and I also have a 13 year old daughter. I've been happily married for 15 years and life is great other than this weight. I gained 40 lbs with the baby and have lost it all and I'm now working on 40 lbs more. After I reach my goal, I'd like to…
  • Hi Brandi. Welcome to the group.
  • Hi, I just had a baby too. Well, he's 6 months old, a Christmas baby. Anyways, I just officially lost all the baby weight today and now am working on losing 30 to 40 lbs. more. Feel free to add me if you like. I log on every day and have had great success with MFP. Congratulations on your new baby :smile:
  • I'm a stay at home mom (13 years now). I love it. My dearest friend works full time and says she'd die if she had to be a stay at home mom, lol. Both of us have happy husbands and kids and we both feel fulfilled. I think it just depends on your personality and level of support. If you have an amazing job opportunity, then…
  • Hi. I believe that you don't have to track sugar from fruits (from what I've been told on MFP). I'm always going over on my sugar and protein but under in fat, calories and carbs. One of the issues with my sugar intake was the milk I put in my coffee. I have finally found a new milk I like that has no sugar. I don't really…
  • I have the Baby Bullet, baby food making deluxe kit. I haven't used it yet. My son is 5 1/2 months and has only had rice cereal. It was a gift and I look forward to trying it soon.
  • I'm new to this group and I'd love to be added if anyone's interested. I log on every day, been a member since April. I have about 50 lbs to go but I will continue on here after I hit goal (hopefully by Christmas). I don't want to blow it once I get to the maintain stage.
  • Hello everyone, i'm new to your group and wanted to say hi. I'm soon to be 42 and have been with my husband for 17 years. We have a 13 year old daughter and were delightfully surprised by our pregnancy last summer, a little boy who is 5 months old now. I've been with MFP since the beginning of April and I've lost 12 lbs.…
  • Hi :-) I just had my son this Christmas, he's 5 months. I also have a 13 year old daughter. I'm 12 lbs down and need to lose about 50 lbs more. I figure by Christmas I'll be at or near my goal weight. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I log on to MFP every day.
  • My son is 5 months old and at his 4 month check up was 13 lbs. I just moved him up to size two diapers b/c he always seems to poop out of his diaper but they are too big. He was around 7 lbs at birth. I think he might be considered small for a boy? not sure. People (the general public) seem to think he's younger than he is…
  • I have the same issue. I'm always over 10 to 20 grams. I think it was the live strong website that I read today that natural sugars don't count, only added sugars like in a cola or snack. I've only been at this for just under 2 months so I am still learning but thought I'd add my 2 cents. Actually I just looked it up in my…
  • My son is 5 months old and we don't do much of anything. Usually he falls asleep in my arms after his last feeding then I put him in the crib. However, this week I've been thinking that this might be a bad habit so 3 nights ago I decided to feed him a bit earlier so he doesn't fall asleep, then get his pj's on, change…
  • HI Carrie, Good luck Wednesday!
    in hi :) Comment by sunnydayz71 May 2013
  • Hi, I just had my 2nd baby, he's 4 months old, and I'm working on losing the baby weight. I would love to offer support to anyone who would like it. Please feel free to add me. I have already lost 8 lbs on MFP and plan to lose another 50 lbs.
  • Same here... we were happy with one child but did nothing to prevent another pregnancy. After 13 years we figured it just wasn't going to happen and that was fine... then just before I turned 41... surprise! We were so shocked. It took a few weeks to sink in. It is a lot of fun. I love being an older mom too. I am so much…
  • Hi, I'm new to MFP too. I also noticed that I am never able to meet my sugar amount the MFP sets. I'm usually a quarter to twice over what is recommended! However, on May 4th I'll hit my one month on MFP and I've lost 7 lbs. So I guess its okay, I"m happy with 7lbs a month. My sugar is coming from an occasional splurge on…