lelliott0307 Member


  • Yes it really works! I didn't measure when I completed my first Insanity round but I bet I lost at least 3 inches around my waist. I lost a pant size comfortably and my stretch mark pooch is less noticeable now! I would post pics but I don't know how to on here.
  • I feel the same way today! Yesterday was my day 1....AHhhh! I love it
  • When I first did Insanity, I felt the same way. DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF!!! If you do not have a tape measurer then go buy one. Measure as soon as you possibly can. Do not look at a scale. You need to worry about building muscle before burning off weight from fat. Eating healthy is very important and make sure you guys have a…
  • I completed Insanity and then completed T25. If this is your first time following a fitness program then you should start with T25. It's easier to work with your schedule and gives you less of a chance to quit because it is ONLY 25 mins a day. I feel like I lost a lot of muscle going from Insanity to T25. I wish I new…
  • I completed my fit test last night and I'm doing the first work out this evening after work. Let me ask everyone, when is the best time for you to work out?
  • I just completed my T25. I didn't order the Gama phase so I can't speak for that but I did t25 after completing insanity. I feel like I lost a bit of the muscle that i gained from insanity. Iv noticed my ability to do push ups has lessened over time while doing the t25 BUT I feel like I toned and leaned at the same time.…
  • Iv completed insanity once already! It's hard but so worth it! Don't use a scale. Always measure for results! Even if you think you're not getting results, you are!! You will notice in your fit tests! My first round of insanity I could only do 4 push ups jacks during the 60 second time frame and now I am at 25! Iv never…
  • I'll be doing it as well! I'll be behind both of you though. Starting tonight. Completed fit test yesterday
  • I just completed Insanity yesterday. Stick with it!! Amazing amazing amazing results! It never gets easier but you always get better. Put as much effort in it as possible. I have never been someone to work out but I wanted to change, so I did insanity. With my experience, I only lost 4lbs total but I went down a pants size…
  • Today was beginning of week 2 month 2 of insanity with MAX Carido Power- feels great!