
My husband and I just finished week 1 of Insanity and I am currently up 1.2 pounds. It has me completely discouraged. I don't know if I am doing something wrong....
I haven't been following the calorie intake it said I needed because I thought it was way too much. I've been eating about 1300 calories a day, and the program said I needed 1950 initially to lose 1 pound a week. And I didn't understand the whole 40/40/20 ratio. I kind of still don't. I do eat the 5 meals a day and they are healthy choices. This is probably a stupid question, but if anyone could give me their thoughts/concerns/commentary, that would be wonderful. Nothing wrong with a little help. Thanks a bunch!

If it helps, I am 5'5'', 167 pounds now, (was 165.8 when I started Insanity) and am 23 years old.


  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Did you measure? Did you use a pair of pants or skirt to see if it fits better? Throw that damn scale away, girl! :sad:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I put on 5lbs in the first couple of weeks... It's water not fat.

    You will burn out way before you finish the 60 days on 1300 cals...
  • My jeans "feel" the same. I haven't measured anything since the first day we started. My husband said I should wait until 2 weeks is up, along with weighing myself. I "feel" stronger and I have more endurance while doing the exercises. I've always had body image issues. I am seriously so discouraged! :frown:

    And I just readjusted my calorie intake. I am going to start doing the 1,950 calorie intake a day.
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    Measuring would be a good thing to do. It may also be water retention. If its just something you jumped into your muscles may be retaining water to repair themselves. Once they become accustomed to the workout you should notice a loss
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    My husband and I just finished week 1 of Insanity and I am currently up 1.2 pounds.
    Ok, first problem is the "just finished week 1" statement. I am a firm believer and though personal experience, it takes about a month for changes to start taking place (this includes gaining and losing weight). So hang in there.

    Second problem is "I am currently up 1.2 pounds". this is a very small amount of change to even worry about. My own body weight fluctuates in a 5lb range throughout a typical day. Additionally, the typical meal weighs 2lbs+ and most morning constitutions will show a larger than 2lb weight loss.

    My advice is, Don't sweat the small stuff and look further out. Stick with the program and take your measurements when the program tells you to. TRUST me... if you are doing even half of what Shawn T says, you will not only lose weight, but your core and overall strength will grow. The largest key to the insanity program is not to keep up, but to do what the schedule tells you to do. Don't cherry pick your workouts, don't skip warm ups, don't skip cool downs and just try to keep up as best you can. Face it, no one will ever keep up with that psycho Asian cyborg.

    I have completed this program 2x for a loss of 40lbs+.

    Good luck and hang in there.
  • Thank you for the encouraging words. :)
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    I do like the fact you two are doing it together. Just make sure you guys are holding each other accountable and keep motivating the other. I have seen some couples even start competitions with wagers to be won.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    make sure you're drinking lots of water
    make sure you are logging everything you eat/drink
    measure yourself (bust, hips, waist, arms, legs etc)
    40,40,20 refers to 40% carbs 40% protein 20% fat-that's what you need to shoot for for macros within your calorie goal

    good luck
  • We actually enjoy the workouts Shawn T has us doing. Its definitely not a walk in the park, but seeing we can endure more and more each day is an accomplishment in itself. I can actually do push-ups now. (When we first started I could barely do 1.) I just need to stop focusing on my scale.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    We actually enjoy the workouts Shawn T has us doing. Its definitely not a walk in the park, but seeing we can endure more and more each day is an accomplishment in itself. I can actually do push-ups now. (When we first started I could barely do 1.) I just need to stop focusing on my scale.
    Buah ha ha ha ha! I'll check back on you love birds in a month or so and see if you still feel the same about Shawn T. And yes, going from 0 to 10 to 30 pushups is an amazing feeling.
  • lelliott0307
    lelliott0307 Posts: 12 Member
    When I first did Insanity, I felt the same way. DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF!!! If you do not have a tape measurer then go buy one. Measure as soon as you possibly can. Do not look at a scale. You need to worry about building muscle before burning off weight from fat. Eating healthy is very important and make sure you guys have a good Whey Protein to recover with after your work outs so your muscles can repair themselves. Oh and take your measurements when you do your fit test. If you do it to often then you will be discouraged. Most people give up on Insanity after the 2nd week because they don't like the results. That's your make it or break it point. You are either going to do it or quit. Don't quit! I m 5'5 1/2 and I started Insanity weighing 144 and now after completing both Insanity and T25 (back to back) I weigh 139. A solid 139. I cant get below 135 and stay there. It's my body type but I have lost over 6 inches in my waist, legs, and built muscle I never knew I had! Add me if you like, I can show you my personal before and after pictures! Good Luck. Don't give up!
  • korycheer
    korycheer Posts: 7 Member
    Alright, first of all--congratulations on getting through Week 1! Second of all, the second week is meant to break you down (not trying to scare you but it is really tough). Third of all, week 3 is awesome! You start to feel like you can do this! The soreness gets better--don't get me wrong, I still take my aleve daily!

    What I learned with the first round is to make sure I am eating lots of good quality calories. Like you I tried to keep it to 1300 calories per day but soon my body was shutting down. After talking to a friend about how I was feeling, he showed me this site. It was a lifesaver and it got me through Insanity with incredible results.

    As others have said, DON'T worry about the weight. I promise it will drop if you are pushing through and eating enough quality calories. You might find the weight drop is not extreme because of muscle mass being built up but the inches that you lose and the toning that takes place is incredible.

    Good luck! You can do it! Shaun T is amazing. And you will feel amazing when you finish!

  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    you have to eat back lots of calories you burn hence the high goal. stick to what it says and see if you loose then, no point just presuming :D well done and good luck!