Insanity or T25?

Hey guys! Thinking of purchasing one of these programs and looking for some feedback. Anybody done T25 yet and love it? Or should I go with Insanity? TIA!!


  • oceanchica
    oceanchica Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on week 2 of T25 and love it. Depends what you want really, Insanity is longer (45+ minutes 6 x a week) whereas T25 is only 25 minutes 5 days a week, but T25 is non-stop and can be hard to keep up with. I completed Insanity and am having to modify in T25, but it gives you a lot of room to progress as you do each phase for 4-5 weeks.

    Either one is a winner really in my books, I love all of Shaun T's workouts and always get great results! :)
  • demyumo
    demyumo Posts: 12 Member
    Do you think that T25 is hard on the joints? I'm thinking of doing it too, but was a little worried that my knees wouldn't be able to keep up!
  • KayronM
    KayronM Posts: 165 Member
    I'm doing T25. They are both excellent programs. It depends if time is a factor or if you need something that not too high impact I would say go with T25, otherwise do Insanity.
  • oceanchica
    oceanchica Posts: 10 Member
    demyumo - I find T25 MUCH easier on the joints than Insanity. After I completed Insanity I had a bit of knee pain and it flares up now and again, but with T25 I haven't had any issues.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks for your replies! 25 minutes a day does sound really good!! hmm and I do have some knee aches every once in a while..
  • demyumo
    demyumo Posts: 12 Member
    demyumo - I find T25 MUCH easier on the joints than Insanity. After I completed Insanity I had a bit of knee pain and it flares up now and again, but with T25 I haven't had any issues.

    That's brilliant news, and definitely time is a factor. I think I'll order it!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
  • bara_rei
    bara_rei Posts: 49
    You'll have to let me know how it goes! I've been trying to decide which one to get next myself!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    T25 is meant for people who are working out under time constraints. If you have the luxury of being able to devote more than 30 minutes a day to your workout session there are better programs out there, and once the novelty of it (as the newest beachbody program) has worn out, people will realize this.
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Yeah I was going to get Insanity, but I am not sure....I may try T25....but I reallllly want to challenge myself. I have 4 more workouts before I complete Hip Hop Abs and I saw modest results, but I see I have to take it up a notch,.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    T25 is meant for people who are working out under time constraints. If you have the luxury of being able to devote more than 30 minutes a day to your workout session there are better programs out there, and once the novelty of it (as the newest beachbody program) has worn out, people will realize this.

    I had similar thoughts. I havent done T25 but I have done other programs. I feel that in order to make a video seem shorter for people a lot of essentials are cut out such as a proper warm up and stretch. And you do always hear them say that if they need more stretching to do it on their own time. So I can only imagine what else they cut out of T25.

    Based off of that I would say go back and get your foundation program of HIIT training and start with the Insanity, but if time is a factor and you cant workout for more than 30 minutes (which i feel crazy even mentioning this) then the T25 sounds good for someone that just wants to not think about exercises, and run a stop watch. Get in, get out. Done!
  • Sunshine_Kubes
    Sunshine_Kubes Posts: 37 Member
    My cousin Nikki is a Team Beachbody Coach and she has done almost EVERY program they have.. She LOVES T25.. She says it gives her as much as a workout as Insanity, but quicker! She doesn't think she can ever go back to an hour long workout.. She's on week 5 of T25.. I actually just ordered my T25 Challenge pack last week and I'm excited! Can't wait to start it! ANYONE can do it.. There is always a modifier Tonya on the screen for lower impact moves..
  • I've done Insanity and now I'm 2 weeks in to T25. A couple important things. There is no pre-workout stretch and warmup in T25. There is a cooldown AFTER the Focus T25 workout proper is done. It's another 3 minutes or so. Unlike Insanity, there are no "intervals".

    Basically, it's Insanity without stretching or warm-up and without any intervals whatsoever. That's how he got the workout down to 25 minutes. It is a pretty crazy workout, definitely. I agree that I am working out as hard as Insanity. And I would say the beginning of T25 workouts do a reasonable job of safely warming up your muscles, since you just about always start with knee lifts and control jogging and such.

    I personally like that I'm done with my morning workout in 30 minutes, it's a plus for me. I'll see how the results seem and if I've slipped on fitness compared to Insanity.

    Oh yeah, and my wife is doing T25 as well, in a Challenge group with a coach. She loves it! She really prefers the intensity level of T25, which is definitely a notch higher than Insanity since you have no rest intervals.
  • Kbuis123
    Kbuis123 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on week 3 of T25. Love the results! I've done Insanity and it's also a great workout. I like T25 because it is a quick workout with great results. T25 is no joke!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for all of your replies. They are very helpful! I will have to think about it a little more as it is still a split decision. I do have the time(well sometimes, as I have 2 kids and they only behave when they want too) ha. But 25 minutes is tempting! Thanks again!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I'm currently doing insanity, but have T25 sitting in the box, I'm waiting for Aug 5th to start it.

    Honestly if I had T25 first I would not have ever started insanity, I hate working out for an hour, because I have to wake up extra early to be sure I get my workout in. But that is my downfall toward it.
  • Harry__Hood95
    Harry__Hood95 Posts: 3 Member
    If you've got the time, I would do Insanity. I'm into my 2nd week of Beta phase, and after almost every workout I debate switching back to Insanity the next day. There's no question that you will shed pounds and push your overall fitness level faster and harder with insanity. Plus, I feel like there isn't adequate stretching and cool down in T25 (which makes sense because it's all about getting it done in less than 30 minutes).

    That being said, there is definitely something to be said about being able to get a good workout in 25 minutes a day. During the winter months when it takes longer to get the kids bundled up, takes me longer to warm up and you never know if you'll need to go out and shovel...saving the extra 20-30 minutes by doing T25 at the expense of burning an extra 300-400 calories/day is worth it.
  • lelliott0307
    lelliott0307 Posts: 12 Member
    I completed Insanity and then completed T25. If this is your first time following a fitness program then you should start with T25. It's easier to work with your schedule and gives you less of a chance to quit because it is ONLY 25 mins a day. I feel like I lost a lot of muscle going from Insanity to T25. I wish I new about T25 first. Now that I completed T25, I just started Insanity all over again and although it is still extremely hard, I can see the difference when doing it again!! I feel more confident and I can last a lot longer without stopping. I love both programs but I would say start with T25 to get your body prepared for Insanity!.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
  • I was just wondering, is the calorie guide a little low? Are men (20yr) supposed to be eating only 1600 calories a day?