justshann0n Member


  • Congrats to you! You look fantastic. Huge difference in your tummy, face and hips! I'm starting Level 2 tonight and I'm super excited. Threads like these are definitely what keeps me going when the scale isn't moving! :)
  • I am getting married October 19th of this year and putting off my dress shopping until the last possible second, lol. Luckily, my favorite style of dress is the lace-up back which seems a lot more forgiving. I've lost 24 lbs. and quite frankly I would love to lose about 50 more before my wedding, but no matter what I'll…
  • Amazing results! Way to go! This looks like WAY more than 2 inches. I'm on L1D6 and I hope my results are half as good! :)
  • Are you talking about Mingua Brothers? I live in KY and they sell it in stores around here and it's AMAZING!!! As for me, BS chicken breasts. There's just so many options! :)
  • If your office chair has sturdy arms just push yourself out of it repeatedly and/or push up and hold your position for so many seconds. You can either let your feet rest on the floor, or lift your feet off the floor for a challenge :) I also do squats. They made a small "peddler" that fits under a desk I'm looking into but…
  • I'm on Level 1 Day 5 and it is amazing how much my endurance has raised in such a short time span. I was doing like 2 pushups and then breaking, now I can hang on until the end. And my soreness gets easier each day. I can't wait to compare before and after pics at the end! :) Congrats on your great success! :)
  • I live in Kentucky, but I'm from Ohio (and work in Ohio!) Go Bucks! :)
  • Hi all. Fairly new to posting on the forums, but have been reading them for years :) Would love to find some new friends Female Age 30 5'8" SW 279.8 CW 255.4 GW 170 UGW ??? (don't know what I even look like at 170 so we will see) :) Feel free to add me :) -Shannon
  • My wedding dress! :) I am getting married October 19 of this year, and although I won't be my goal weight, I will be in much better shape than I am now :)
  • Chipotle, hands down. It's a good thing the closest one to me is about 75 miles - haha. My go-to's at Chipotle are Chicken Burrito Bowl or Chicken Salad. I guess it could be worse :)
  • I do a couple different things: 1) Dice up an onion very fine, and throw in a packet of Lipton's Onion Soup Mix. 2) Juice of 1 lime, course sea salt, and when it's done, add cilantro and fluff! (If you've ever had Chipotle's rice it tastes VERY similar) If you use Basmati rice instead of brown rice it's identical.
  • Hi all, I'm new to this topic but I am a Friday weigher, so here goes: Lost 3.2 lbs. this week, for a total of 24.4 lbs. since 2/24/13 :)