

  • That is extremely incorrect. Try reading this to get a better approach http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/952996-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy
  • keep doing what you're doing. We can't spot reduce.
  • No one with "Eating foods with cholesterol will give you heart disease," yet. Really? Chocolate gives you acne. Anyone remember those chips from the 90's that were good for you? I think they were called WOW! Turns out they were good for anal leakage, but not much else. My favorite: "Booze is bad for you." Sorry, but me…
  • Check out Nerd Fitness. Plenty of stuff to do at home or in a park.
  • Try reading this. You can probably eat more and still lose weight. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/952996-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy
  • Most of the MFP 2 lb/wk goals are too low. (You feed yourself so little that you actually wind up doing more harm than good, even you have immediate results...it's kind of fad-diet-like...) If you like eating back exercise calories, then try doing 1.5 or 1 lb per week. If you don't care about eating back calories, or don't…
  • Your metabolism isn't going to decrease because you are eating more. That's backwards. Metabolism slows down when you lose Lean Body Mass and/or when you feed it less than it needs to function for a long period of time...and hormonal things can have a part in that as well. Please give it 4-6 weeks of eating at this level…
  • Phrick is right. It can take some time to see results. We don't know the calories you were eating or the calories you are eating now. We don't know what your TDEE is or if you are eating at -20, 15, or 10%. All of those things make a difference. Have you changed anything about your exercise? There are a lot of factors…
  • I understand the frustration with dealing with these posts, I really do. I also figure that everyone has to pay their dues by responding to them, so I don't mind doing it for the time being. This is what I have a REAL problem with: This is much more dangerous than people telling MFP they want to lose 2 lbs a week and…
  • DO NOT feel like a failure. You are trying. Just in case you need to be reminded, there is a popular quote...by someone I can't recall that says, "The only failure is the failure not to try." You are already NOT FAILING because you are trying. Keep going with it, or with something else if you decide that this particular…
  • Ha! I almost went on that same rant! Except I'm apparently somewhere in no-man's land between hourglass and pear. Seems to be that since my bust is only 9.5 inches bigger than my waist that I can't actually be an hourglass, because it HAS to be 10 inches. Forget that my shoulders are bigger than my bust and I actually do…
  • To be fair, that also depends on how you count your calories burned. If counting through MFP calculations, 50% should be about right since they overestimate so much. 50% of HRM calories might mean that they are holding over calories for something else or they don't trust their intake estimates. There are a lot of…
  • No offense to the person who wrote this, but this is some of the worst advice I have ever seen on MFP. There is a lot of bad information out there, but this is absolutely the worst. This is not how the body works. At all. She did get the 3500 calories = 1 lb of fat right, though. So good job there. BMR = how many calories…
  • Someone's gotta like the petite girls. Might as well be you, right? I love having petite girls as friends. When they annoy me, I can either shot put or leg press them away from me. :D
  • I'm like a magnet for people with bipolar disorder. I don't know if it's because I want to be close to them of if it's because they want to be close to me, but we love each other. So, I already like you. :) First of all, the doctor who is prescribing you the medicine should have noticed and talked with you about your…
  • "Ideal weight" is a really hard thing to define because of different bone structures and body types. 110 could look completely healthy on one girl who is 5'4" while another girl could look like she needs to eat a biscuit. At 140, those same girls might look overweight and completely healthy, respectively. IMO, weight is a…
  • I have a hard time believing that you are going to be completely sedentary while studying for exams. I graduated less than a decade ago (closer to the half-decade than full decade) from a BCS, major state university and Dead Week = Drink Week. And I was working. I understand that there is a lot to do and a lot to study,…
  • Essentially, you are a relatively low weight for your height, but your body fat % is higher than you want. Unless there is some miracle out there that I don't know about, the only way for you to lose BF is for you to either lose weight and also weight train so that you don't lose any more Lean Body Mass, or you can gain…
  • I agree. She looks a lot more like a girl than a pear. In fact, she looks like a girl who is getting pretty close to goal. Good job!
  • It depends on which method you are following. You know your TDEE and you know your MFP goals, but which are you following? Are you doing a TDEE-x% or are you doing MFP method? They are based on different models. If your consumption is based on TDEE, then your exercise is most likely (unless you specifically didn't include…
  • If you're doing a program where you eat back your exercise calories, you can eat them whenever you want. You can eat them before you workout, after you workout or even 10 minutes before you go to sleep. Do whatever works for you. The main reason people say not to eat past a certain time is because people tend to over-do…
  • I know this isn't what you want to hear, but this is an issue with your head, not your legs. There are plenty of slim people with thicker legs. I don't think anyone would say that Keira Knightley is anything other than skinny, and she has thicker thighs compared to the rest of her body. For a more muscular look, Hayden…
  • From what I've read, it might take 2-4 more weeks. Keep paying attention and if you are continuously gaining, then it might be that your guesstimate of TDEE was a little off. If that happens, you can do some math based on how much you've been gaining to find your surplus, which will then give you your true TDEE.
  • I hate this thread. It's 1:30 AM and now all I want is sushi. You people suck.
  • MFP's 1370 also means you need to eat back your exercise calories, so that's NET'ing 1370, which probably wouldn't put you in a very different position than your calculations of TDEE most days. So, I don't think it really matters between the two, it's just a preference of whether or not you want to calculate and eat back…
  • Weight loss happens by consuming a deficit over a period of time. It doesn't matter what period of time that is. You can drink tomorrow night and still lose weight overall. Be careful of eating less and drinking the same amount as normal though. You'll probably get drunker faster. Make some decisions you can live with. 350…
  • I've recently started trying to increase my fat intake and I'm finding that a small amount will keep me a lot fuller for a lot longer. A snack of a half an apple with some natural peanut butter will keep me actually full for hours. I don't mean full as in 'I have no desire to go eat something,' I mean, 'There is not a food…
  • If it will fit your calories and your macros and you want it, eat it. Fit everything else in around it.
  • Oh, yeah. I also do my weekly weigh in on Friday mornings so that I'm not worried about the scale on Monday.
  • I'm a little cynical, so it's probably just that there is too much money available in fad diets. People are always looking for an easy way to do something that's hard. I mean, even knowing what I know and after having some success with eating more, if someone told me they could wave a magic wand and I'd be at my goal…
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