

  • My son has a dairy allergy and I used to by Earth Balance for him. But now Becel has come out with one that is vegan. It is dairy free. For the rest of us it's unsalted butter!
  • I agree...smaller portions. Drink more water. And if staying somewhere that has stairs, go up and down them instead of the elevator and perhaps you can do a few sets of them so that IF you happen to go eat something that isn't our friend then you can help that by the little exercise.
  • I LOVE Aldis.
  • It has been suggested that I do water workouts since they are easier on the joints, but even then I still have to be cautious as I have a bad back injury and leg injuries too. So I can't lift weights, can't be twisting etc. I could sit and do upper body stuff but again I can't use weights because it puts pressure on my…
  • Thanks so much for the encouragement! You are right...we CAN and WILL do this!!!
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