Grocery Shopping

jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
This is chit-chat no games.

Has anyone else noticed the price of food rising? I went shopping yesterday and it seemed everything has risen to the point that there is almost nothing under $3 anymore.

Looking at the bacon, the popular name brand was $6.99 a pound. I was incensed. A box of cereal for my son cost $5.89. Meat prices are through the roof too.

My husband and I both work and I get an extra bit each month sent to me, but my God I'm spending all I make on food. Especially now that my son and his girlfriend have moved back in with us.

Thankfully produce and most healthy natural foods aren't as expensive as the processed crap they sell. Unfortunately, my son and his girlfriend exist almost entirely on processed and fast foods. I'm going to have to tell them if they want pizza, pop tarts, ice cream and the like they'll have to buy it themselves.

I told the DH and kids they're going to be living off hot dogs, ramen, mac and cheese, and canned soup from here on out. It's such a shame too because I love to cook and do so every night.

Maybe we should all give surviving off of air a try.


  • I also can't believe how much costs at the grocery store have risen... it takes a lot more money & I walk out with a lot less :ohwell:
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I haven't noticed. If anything, I'm spending less this year than I was last year.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I haven't noticed. If anything, I'm spending less this year than I was last year.

    Me too, but it's because I am eating a lot less. Things have gotten more expensive, even produce. A bag of apples is $5 at least. We go to Aldi- it is quite a bit of a savings compared to places like Kroger or Giant Eagle or even Walmart.
  • teamike
    teamike Posts: 83 Member
    Meat prices seem really high lately. Sometimes I go to different stores web sites and see if any of the items I buy are on sale.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I have to think it's seeing the prices on all that processed junk food. They've been gone for two months and I never bought a bit of that stuff while they were gone.

    My grocery bill has doubled since they got here. My other bills will go up too. For some reason they think it's a good idea to put a window fan in the window to suck in the winter air while the heat is running. Can't they just close the vents in their room?
  • jbriands
    jbriands Posts: 7
    I haven't noticed. If anything, I'm spending less this year than I was last year.

    Me too, but it's because I am eating a lot less. Things have gotten more expensive, even produce. A bag of apples is $5 at least. We go to Aldi- it is quite a bit of a savings compared to places like Kroger or Giant Eagle or even Walmart.
    I LOVE Aldis.
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    Due to work hours, we go grocery shopping an hour before closing on a Tuesday night - there is USUALLY (not always) meat marked down for quick sale, and sometimes you can get a hot bbq chicken for half price :) There is sometimes markdowns on fruit and vegetables and dairy goods but not really that often.

    Regarding meat, I do 'splurge' and buy a packet of shredded ham and use that to make a lot of things - mostly for my partner. Otherwise if there isn't anything on special we will normally buy some mince/ground beef as it's cheap, so are sausages (This may be a regional thing though) I'll sometimes get chicken legs for something different, as they're pretty cheap too.

    I buy a bag of flour and keep it in the fridge, and every couple of days I make up mini 'damper' pizza type things that are good to give my partner for breakfast and snacks, and they're not too bad with calories either, depending on what I put on top. I pretty much just use flour and water and mix together until it is a dough, though you can rub in some butter to the flour or add a bit of oil if you want. I used some light sour cream & flour the other day, and I've seen people use yoghurt and flour :) (The dough was nice and light that day, with a hint of sour cream) I'll put a bit of sauce on and then add combinations of tomato, onion, jalepenos, ham and cheese. I make them fairly small because then I can have one ;)

    Chilli is another great meal to make cheaply. I make up a batch in the slowcooker and add kidney beans and chick peas usually to get it to go further. It's a great meal to do every so often because it can make enough for a couple of days/meals and you can change it up so it's not the same every time. We often have it plain, but it's nice with rice or pasta, or with nachos. We have even spread it on a pizza base before and cooked it with some capsicum, onion & cheese on top, then added fresh tomato when it came out of the oven - it was awesome!

    We do have a lot of meat-free meals too :) I love making soups - especially tomato based ones and they're also budget friendly!
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    There's an Aldi's 15 miles away and in the town I work in, but I never go. I'm going to start shopping there permanently.

    Thanks for the less expensive meal ideas too. I'm going to have to pick up a crock pot too.
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    You could shop at a Farmer's Market for your fruit/vegetables way more affordable, quality is better and you've got more variety.
    (Here in California where I live we have that option.)

    To cut down on things like protein (meat) and so forth you could buy it straight from the butcher and prepare it yourself.
    (Yeah it's a little bit more work then buying it packaged but you save money in the long run.)

    Even better you could get involved with a food delivery service where they bring you your food frozen then you can use/prepare that food how you want.

    Inflation/High Transportation Gas Prices is what's causing food prices to rise in price.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    You could shop at a Farmer's Market for your fruit/vegetables way more affordable, quality is better and you've got more variety.
    (Here in California where I live we have that option.)

    This is a really good idea. Unfortunately I live in Ohio & our farmers markets are seasonal- usually May to October. Looking forward to the 1st one in less than a month!