

  • It may be your posture. Lumbar Lordosis, or Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) can make your stomach look bigger. Try flexing your abs & glutes while "tucking in" your hips/tailbone and see if it helps. You can also google for common issues/fixes for anterior pelvic tilt,…
  • Agreed. Maybe try taking pictures or measurements on a weekly or monthly basis? :)
  • If you just registered today, I'd assume you haven't been logging accurately until now, therefore making it unlikely that you've been eating at enough of a deficit to lose weight. Get a food scale, measure everything (drinks, soda, the fat you use to cook stuff too!) you put into your mouth and log it appropriately.…
  • Start lifting weights. Your body will start building muscle at some point and use calories to repair and build more of them as you go on instead of mostly storing them as fat. Doing some cardio and eating at a caloric deficit will help to get rid of excess fat. At some point you may want to bump up calories again to be…
  • Lustig? Seriously? Please...
  • It is, however, a healthier approach than just jumping to 1200 to 1300 calories + working out a lot, thereby crashing your metabolism and setting yourself up for subsequent binging and weight regain. @giseli Determining your TDEE and eating at a small deficit is a good start. Don't make the deficit too big so you have some…
  • Don't listen to them, they are wrong. The main reason lowering carbs makes you lose weight is because you are also lowering your overall calories. Same thing if you stay off them and re-introduce them at a later point -> you are just eating more calories again. What matters is calories consumed vs. calories burned. You…
  • No. Lowering your overall calories or increasing exercise is completely sufficient.
  • Height: 5'5" Weight: 129lb Waist: 26.5"
  • It's a vacation. ;) Stressing out about your weight will be detrimental to your fat loss efforts and to your enjoyment of your free weeks. Being realistic is a good approach. :) Maybe treat it like a short PLANNED diet break? By taking control over what you are doing, you are less likely to binge - and to feel guilty…
  • Hi there. :) First of all: Chill out, weight loss is not a linear process - especially not in women since most of us have significant weight fluctuations due to retaining water because of our menstrual cycle. If you are exercising as well, fluctuation can also be muscle gain - or even more retained water- which will mask…
  • Hi :) I don't have much to lose, but I'd love to help out someone who's made the decision to get going. :) Edit: Especially since you stated that you want to do it in a healthy way. Honestly, the more moderate and sustainable your approach, the more likely you are to stick with it and make it a permanent lifestyle change…
  • Hi there, I think your best shot is to slowly increase your calories week by week, depending on how long you've been dieting instead of jumping to maintenance immediatly. Maybe try 1550/day next week, 1600/day the week after that and so on, until you hit 1700-1800 (if that's your maintenance). As far as I understand, the…
  • I think this may be the issue, you may be consuming a lot more calories than you think. If you have no prior experience of frequently weighing your food, it's incredibly easy to underestimate - even if you think that you are acutally overestimating, Especially foods that are high in fats really add up, since they are so…