Hope for a flatter stomach?

A little background here:
For the longest time, I was very underweight. This was just the way I naturally was as a teenager. And I mean very underweight, 5' 4" and 90 pounds. I had bones sticking out all over the place and got teased for it all the time. Anyway, once I hit my 30's and got a desk job (and after 3 kids) I finally started to gain. I liked it at first until I it went a little too far. I've never had much at all in the way of muscle, just skin and bones, and when I gained weight it was all fat. So then I was skinny fat. I lost 20 pounds, and went back to just being skinny, no butt, no muscle. Didn't like that either. So I decided that what I really want it to be fit, and gain some muscle. I started a "recomp" in April or so. I have since gained 5 pounds, and a lot of muscle (for me). My lower half is finally starting to have some shape; I used to kind of look like a stick figure.
My problem is, my belly sticks out way farther than I would like. It doesn't look too bad in my profile, but it often looks much worse than that. Sometimes I look pregnant. I know I can't spot reduce, but my belly is literally the ONLY place on my body where I want to lose anything. I know some of it is bloating because I do have a problem with that but not all of it. I guess my question is, if I try to cut a little to lose the gut, am I going to lose off of everywhere? In my family all the women seem to carry their extra weight right on the belly. Do I just need to accept that I am going to have a belly? I'm at a very healthy weight right now, 125 pounds, I'd just like a flatter stomach. I don't know if it's even possible though, without losing weight everywhere. I plan to continue to try building muscle and eat at maintenance, I'm just curious if there is something else I should be doing.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Maybe it'll flatten out a little bit or at least you'll like the appearance of it more with some weight training? Honestly, it might just be your shape. I think it's cute. My thighs stick way out, no matter how much weight I lose, they always will.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I think it may just be my shape.....the weight training has been doing wonders for my legs/butt, but hasn't flattened my stomach any (although my abs are like steel under the fat!). I'm liking my new lower half and don't want to change that at all so I guess if I have to choose I'll keep the new butt.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah, probably shape. I'm a pear and have been lifting heavy all summer. My arms, back and stomach look a lot better but my *kitten* is still taking it's old time. I think it'll come along for both of us.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I hope so! You look great, by the way.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Thanks! You too!
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    My first thought is...what does your diet look like?
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    You sound like me. Unfortunately I find the more weight I lost, the smaller my tummy is. That seems to be the only way I don't look pregnant! And I haven't even had any kids! I will just have to be skinny I think.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I have that exact issue! I'm starting to cut fats out of my diet and do a lot of core-strength exercises to try and tighten up. I figure if I reduce my all-around bodyfat and gain muscle, something will have to show up :)
  • thefiley
    It may be your posture. http://d.thumbs.redditmedia.com/abQb4SWHs13y70Y3.jpg

    Lumbar Lordosis, or Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) can make your stomach look bigger. Try flexing your abs & glutes while "tucking in" your hips/tailbone and see if it helps. You can also google for common issues/fixes for anterior pelvic tilt, there's a ton of material around.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    To me, it's looks like Bloating.
    Maybe have a look at what you're eating!
    When i have Rice (for example) with a Meal, afterwards i can look 3 months pregnant. But if i have the same Meal with Sweet Potatoes instead of Rice, i won't have the bloat - so guess what, i cut down on eating Rice. :wink:
    Same with White Bread & Pasta,.... always eat Wholewheat versions now.
    I'm not saying to never eat these things, but in my experience these foods didn't help.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah, I didn't want to tell you to lose any more weight cause you're at a healthy weight. But, it will decrease if you lose some. Also, I was thinking because someone asked about your diet-do you tend to be a bloaty person?
  • cristinadam34
    cristinadam34 Posts: 2 Member
    One thing to consider is also that your stomach muscles were stretched when you were pregnant. Do a LOT of core strengthening work for all of the abdominal muscles (not just sit-ups!) -- helps tone those core muscles and your inner "girdle." Hire a trainer to show you various exercises and also look online. Do this consistently a minimum of 3 times a week for the rest of your life -- great for a flat belly, but great for your overall fitness as well. That, consistent cardio, and continuing to eat a healthy and balanced diet with only complex carbs (not simple carbs like sugar, white bread, alcohol), will help. Good luck and congrats on looking great even with a tiny pooch. Just think of your 3 beautiful kids when you see it. :)
  • engineergirl1
    engineergirl1 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a friend who struggled with this, eventually she found out she actually had a hernia that was caused when giving birth to her children years earlier. She had corrective surgery for the hernia recently and now has a flat tummy!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    One thing to consider is also that your stomach muscles were stretched when you were pregnant. Do a LOT of core strengthening work for all of the abdominal muscles (not just sit-ups!) -- helps tone those core muscles and your inner "girdle." Hire a trainer to show you various exercises and also look online. Do this consistently a minimum of 3 times a week for the rest of your life -- great for a flat belly, but great for your overall fitness as well. That, consistent cardio, and continuing to eat a healthy and balanced diet with only complex carbs (not simple carbs like sugar, white bread, alcohol), will help. Good luck and congrats on looking great even with a tiny pooch. Just think of your 3 beautiful kids when you see it. :)

    I had two very large babies and do no added core work. Engaging your core while strength training is far superior than just relying on abdominal isolation work.

    OP: To me it looks like bloating. You can try an elimination diet to determine what's causing it. Those flat belly diets usually do a good job of removing the typical culprits of bloating.
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I do have major problems with bloating. I've cut/reduced some of the things I know trigger it (like apples) but I guess maybe I need to make note of the days it's really bad and see what kinds of foods I ate on those days to see if there's a pattern. I have irritable bowel as well so some days it doesn't matter what I eat, it's going to be bad.

    I know my posture is a problem as well......I've starting doing exercises specifically geared to correct lordosis (the forward curve of the spine) so I guess time will tell if that works!