How to become and ectomorph?

I am a 78kg individual with 170cm of height. Since i am a child, i have always been fat, it's like every excess calorie i eat goes to my body fat, while my cousin, who is very skinny can eat however he wants and still not gain weight even without any excercise. All my life i have always had one goal regarding my body, that is to go on diet, do heavy weightlifting excercise and get my body weight on proportional size in order for me to be able to eat as much as i want without gaining weight and can say goodbye to any excercise just like my cousin. Just about a year ago i started doing intermittent fasting and able to lose my weight from 89kg to 75kg in few months.

However after that losing weight has become difficult, therefore i searched the google and found out about weight plateau problem. And at the same time i also found out about Somatypes, the ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. I understood right away that my body is considered an endomorph, and my cousin is an ectomorph. My reason is by looking from my hips size, which is pretty wide because of the bone structure, unlike my cousin's hips which is pretty narrow. If this is true, then would my goal be an impossible task?

According to the somatypes theory, even if i successfully cut my body fat to really low, i still have to keep my diet in order to maintain it since an endomorph stores all excess calorie into fat. then my goal of becoming a skinny individual that can eat as much as he wants without gaining weight will be impossible. Then again i also notice that my body can never become like my cousin's, since his hips is much narrower than mine, and my hips is pretty wide even with almost no fat. However is there still any way to become an ectomorph like my cousin? I really want to become like him, who can eat anything without worries of gaining fat.


  • thefiley
    Start lifting weights. Your body will start building muscle at some point and use calories to repair and build more of them as you go on instead of mostly storing them as fat. Doing some cardio and eating at a caloric deficit will help to get rid of excess fat. At some point you may want to bump up calories again to be able to build muscle, but in the beginning your body will still manage to do it at a small deficit.

    There are lean/buff "endomorphs" around. Somatypes are just a convenient excuse for some people to not put in the effort. Sure, some people will have it easier than others, but honestly ... I never saw someone who started lifting weights and looked worse for it.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    since an endomorph stores all excess calorie into fat. then my goal of becoming a skinny individual that can eat as much as he wants without gaining weight will be impossible.

    I don't expect to be about to change this about my own self. What I do plan is to be able to maintain a range of weight, between 175-185 lbs (80-84 kg). This diet is going to be a lifestyle, 360 days out of the year. The other 5-6 days are going to be awesome moments of unbridled gluttony -- but they are going to be exceptions and not the rule.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    This is an unrealistic goal and not attainable. Stop worrying about your cousin. Everyone is different and some people have really high metabolisms. You cannot turn your body into the type that can eat anything without gaining weight while not exercising. Your body functions how it functions. You can change its appearance, but not its base method of working.

    Again, stop worrying about your cousin, worry more on the reality of the situation and that you have the body functions you have.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Click your heels three times while repeating "I am an ectomorph." Boom! You're now an ectomorph. You're welcome.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Click your heels three times while repeating "I am an ectomorph." Boom! You're now an ectomorph. You're welcome.

    Don't forget to wear the ruby slippers!
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi there!

    Your body type is in your genes. You can't 'become' one or the other. It is possible to transform your overall appearance with exercise, preferably lifting, but will have to adjust your nutrition and training program according to the desired body composition. Set a goal body weight with a healthy body fat percentage, and start building some pretty muscles!

    Happy training!