Little, stressed, How long for results?

Hey guys, First off with a couple stats:
-Aged 18
-Currently weight ~120KG (~264 pounds)
-6"3 height
-Exercise 5-6 times a week, 40-50 mins of cardio burning 500-600 calories each workout according to machines (not sure how trustworthy that is
-Daily calorie intake is ~2500

And i've been working out for just over a week and a half (not long i know), and in this time my weight has managed to stay EXACTLY the same. I'm just wondering what's causing this, is it my diet? do i just need to wait longer? water retention? Personally it feels like my clothes are slightly loser, and i already feel more energetic throughout the day but i'm not sure if it's just placebo or not.

sorry for no diary, just registered today.

Anyone able to provide me with a solid answer of when i should notice results?


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    So until today you haven't logged any food?

    How do you know you're actually eating 2500 cals then?
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    Anyone able to provide me with a solid answer of when i should notice results?


    Could be a couple weeks, could be a couple months.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    First, it takes more than a week. Second, without logging, you have no idea how much food you're eating. You need to weigh, measure and track everything. Calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • expynent
    Calories were noted in a physical notebook, just not online.
  • thefiley
    If you just registered today, I'd assume you haven't been logging accurately until now, therefore making it unlikely that you've been eating at enough of a deficit to lose weight.

    Get a food scale, measure everything (drinks, soda, the fat you use to cook stuff too!) you put into your mouth and log it appropriately. Calculate your TDEE (, subtract the suggested 15% and consume that amount of calories for a few weeks, then assess your weight loss.

    If you've been logging through other means until now and already did all of that: Exercise may cause your body to retain some water, therefore masking any weight loss. It can take up to 4-6 weeks to see changes. Can be frustrating, but once things get going you'll probably drop several lbs at once. :)

    Also: If you are mainly doing cardio for weight loss, watch out. It will also make you more hungry and if you don't keep track of your food intake, you may be eating a lot more to 'compensate' without noticing.
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    Calories were noted in a physical notebook, just not online.

    Quit focusing on the scale, some would even suggest to just throw it out.
  • thefiley
    Calories were noted in a physical notebook, just not online.

    Quit focusing on the scale, some would even suggest to just throw it out.

    Agreed. Maybe try taking pictures or measurements on a weekly or monthly basis? :)
  • schulersam
    schulersam Posts: 17 Member
    It is good to hear you say you feel more energized and are noticing your clothes feel different. Getting in -shape, by working your heart and muscles is a good goal for someone your age and something you should continue FOR LIFE!!!
    The weight loss is a related, but separate thing. As has been stated, energy in must be less than energy out. The numbers suggested here don't work for everyone. You metabolism will fluctuate, water in your body will fluctuate (drink as much as you can at this stage) you will build new muscle cells as you reduce fat cells so may not see net loss, but it may be happening. Look at how long many people have been on this website...years in some cases. You are going to be changing attitudes, habits not just body composition. Settle into an exercise routine you can maintain, learn what you can about food, look at your lifesyle, and you will be a healthier person. The weight will happen.:wink:
  • beatricelombule
    beatricelombule Posts: 96 Member
    You need to log what you eat and check your weight once a week. For you to notice the changes you will have to weight like maybe 30-40 days, but your weight will be going down, the body just takes longer to notice. You have to make sure that you are losing more than what you are eating. Also you have to see what you are eating. Have patience, the first few weeks might be hard to notice because of the sore muscles. When you start working out for the first time or after a while you gain weight the first period because of the sore muscles and the muscles have to repair themselves, this will all change in the future.