

  • I stayed under but only because I stayed home to watch the game. Hopefully I won't have to avoid parties just to stay on track. :blushing:
  • lots of mixed feelings about this one but i have to say i disagree on the luna bars. they are an excellent grab n go item for me. i rarely have time to come up with something quick and if i'm hungry i'd rather not wait until my stomach starts to control what i eat.
  • yes the not enough sleep is killing me cause when i'm tired it makes me wanna eat to stay alert
  • i feel like 2 pounds per week is a healthy amount. I am walking at a brisk pace for 45 minutes and yes I am eating my exercise calories. I'm eating things like high fiber oatmeal, slimfast shakes, luna bars etc. If I eat fresh fruit it takes me over my sugar intake really fast. I suppose I need to drink more water…
  • Great advice!!
  • I think when our lives are that busy, we get into that really bad routine. I recommend planning out your meals for the week and doing some food prep on the weekend to make it easier to throw stuff together when you get home. I also like to keep snacks in my purse like a luna bar or something that'll tide me over so I'm not…
  • This is the best one I've found by far!!
  • Focusing on the long term. Having a bad day or even a bad week is normal. Forgive yourself and move on!! Keep your eye on the prize!
  • Doctor says if ur gonna have cheese then American is better than cheddar because cheddar has a lot of oil. I'm staying away from cheese now for the most part but a little fetta goes a long way: i.e. spinach, fetta, egg white wrap, a sprinkle on a spinach salad is wonderful too. Fruit has way more sugar than i realized. If…
  • I have found that I have to be very careful about what I choose to eat. I'm allowed 1270 cals/day and I walk 3 miles, 4 times per week which gives me a 300 cal credit. It's still hard but make sure you are logging everything u eat cause every bite counts. and make sure you are logging accurately with regards to serving…
  • For a fast meal on the go, skip the crap food and grab a Starbucks Egg White, Spinach & Feta Wrap. Delicious, 280 cals and tons of nutrition, and u can eat it with one hand.