TNM1976 Member


  • Feel free to add me :). I have about 35 pounds to lose. I've done a couple things that only resulted in the yo-yo effect. It was not until I started Les Mills Combat that it help my attention. I completed a full 60 day challenge with an on line challenge group and have now started another round hybriding it with Les Mills…
  • I have tried many of the same workouts. It was not until I started Les Mills Combat that it held my attention. I completed a full 60 day challenge with an on line challenge group and have now started another round hybriding it with Les Mills Pump. Both have amazing music, with multiple workouts that range from 30-60…
  • I have tried many of the same workouts. It was not until I started Les Mills Combat that it help my attention. I completed a full 60 day challenge with an on line challenge group and have now started another round hybriding it with Les Mills Pump. Both have amazing music, with multiple workouts that range from 30-60…
  • One of my favorites has been my own version of coleslaw. Chopped up cabbage, add green onion, a few slivers of apple, then some of the Walden Farms Raspberry vinigarette dressing. Topped with some warmed chicken breast is good too. About a cup or cup and a half fills me up. Do you like squash at all? Butternut squash cut…
  • Thanks for your input. I'm pretty excited, this morning (start of day 3 on HCG) I've lost 4 lbs.
  • Hey there! I just re-started this yesterday. I started about 6 months ago and fell off track and am really feeling much more committed and ready for weight loss now. I have 3 kiddo's 6 - 4 - and 21 months. With the first two I was able to get about 10 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight, but #3 well she did me in ;) Following…
    in Hi I am new Comment by TNM1976 June 2011
  • Hey! Looks like we are looking for the same thing. I'm Trisha, married, full time working Mom of 3 kids (5yrs -3yrs-16 months). I lead a very busy life with little room to take care of myself. I'm trying to make this My Time!
  • I love the idea, thank you for suggesting it! I'M IN! Hi, I'm Trisha, 34. A married, full time working Mom of 3 great kiddo's (5 - 3 - 1). I have a wonderful supportive (good looking) husband that is in shape, but willing to put away all the crappy food and eat healthy with me. The pregnancy thing surely got the best of me…
  • I just saw the list and that this challenge is closed. Thank you and I'll try to be a little more prompt next month. ;)
  • Better late than never, can I still join your challenge? I've been readin the posts and this sure seems like a fun motivating group. I'm pretty shy about stuff and I really need to get a little more social to help myself on this weight loss journey. Screen name:TNM1976 Goal for February 28th: 166 February 1st (starting…
  • Still working on this ticker think, not working so well.
  • Thanks for the encouragement!