mommys late 20 early 30's? support group



  • oh so I am currently at 159lbs!!!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    About me: as mentioned above, I have a miss 3 who is the reason I now weigh 89 kg (down from 95 kg four weeks ago) which is about 199 pounds for the non-metric users. Hubby and I have been married for nearly two years (in July) and together for five. Goal weight is 65 kg (or 143 pounds). I have spent the last three years with all the pregnancy weight I put on and now that hubby & I are trying to baby number two I need to loose the weight for a successful healthy pregnancy.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    This is a great idea! I am 22 (hope I am not too young for this group), I have a daughter who is 3 (4 next month) and a little boy who is 2. I have been married for 4 years (5 in May). I have lost 34 lbs. on my own and kinda fell off the wagon, started eating out more often and before I knew it I was back where I started. I am currently 191 (at 5'8) and my goal weight is 140-135.
  • TNM1976
    TNM1976 Posts: 18 Member
    I love the idea, thank you for suggesting it! I'M IN! Hi, I'm Trisha, 34. A married, full time working Mom of 3 great kiddo's (5 - 3 - 1). I have a wonderful supportive (good looking) husband that is in shape, but willing to put away all the crappy food and eat healthy with me. The pregnancy thing surely got the best of me and I really need to put some effort into losing the weight. I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks. I have improved on my eating, now I need to try to find some more time in my day to exercise. I bought The 30 Day Shred in hopes of starting in the next couple days, anyone want to joint me?
  • Im a mother of two 3 year old and a 8 month old. I'm a stay at home mom who is married to the man of my dreams. We will be married for 4 years in July. I'm currently 190 and looking to go down to 145-150... or wherever i'm comfortable and healthy. My husband has the worlds fastest motabilism and eats all kinds for crap and nothing not a pound but because i'm working so hard he has quit smoking, stopped drinking soda and it getting a gym card with me... It would be great to have mommy friends that understand how hard multiple kids are.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Im a mother of two 3 year old and a 8 month old. I'm a stay at home mom who is married to the man of my dreams. We will be married for 4 years in July. I'm currently 190 and looking to go down to 145-150... or wherever i'm comfortable and healthy. My husband has the worlds fastest motabilism and eats all kinds for crap and nothing not a pound but because i'm working so hard he has quit smoking, stopped drinking soda and it getting a gym card with me... It would be great to have mommy friends that understand how hard multiple kids are.

    My husband is the same way! He has literally been the same weight since 9th grade that was 17 years ago for him... He eats like a horse and is fit, has muscle ton and I DON'T GET IT!
  • Awesome! I would love to be a part of this support group! I am new to this site, 2 weeks on Monday. I am 28 and have 4 kids, ages 6, 5, 3, and 1. I was 170lbs after my last pregnancy and am currently 150lbs. I'm shooting for 130-135lbs, which is what I weighed before my first pregnancy! I live in Washington and stay at home and home-school my two oldest.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hi ladies, and thanks for the congrats! I'm so excited to be apart of this group! I have been on MFP for a year...and it works if you stick with it!

    I'm Melissa, almost 29, have an 19mo son and am pregnant due in June with my second son! I gained 44lbs with my first, lost 30 then got pregnant with my second. I am a total junk foodie and struggle with will power (especially when pregnant). I'm hoping to use MFP so that I don't gain another least not from crap foods like last time.

    I have been a stay at home mom since my first was born, and I think this lifestyle allows me to be lazy and keep packing on pounds, instead of using it as time to focus on my kids and our health. I was never an overweight person until now! Currently I'm 186lbs and gaining...but my ultimate goal will be around the 140 mark (and maybe a little lower!). I have a very supportive husband, he loves me big or little, and he eats like a pregnant lady with me. Lucky for him he's 6'4 and although he too is the heaviest he's ever been he is still long and lean and has the body of a swimmer...disgusting! (Kidding)

    Another factor for me is the fact that we have been married for 3 years, and have already bought and sold 5 houses and lived in 5 states. All the moving, hotel living, etc seems to derail my progress. But this is a lifestyle we live and it's time to man-up and just embrace it and stay focused!

    Sorry to be so long winded! It's good to meet you all!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    My name is Cori, I just turned 32 in January and have been married to my husband for 11 wonderful years. We've got 5 kids - 8 year old twin boys, a 6 year old girl, and 4 year old boy/girl twins. We live in Utah (about 25 miles from Salt Lake City). I've lost about 80 lbs and am currently at 179 - my goal is to get to 135-140. I was never oerweight until I had kids, and then I just get packing it on. I'm determined to get healthy and feel comfortable in my own skin so I can enjoy more activities with the kids.
  • Hi. I am Wendi. 34yr old sahm with a 41/2 year old and 21/2 year old girls. Had rough pregnancies with my girls and actually ended up weight less at the end of each pregnancy. after my first daughter i gained 30 pounds due medicine and stress. with my second daughter i lost right away but 6 weeks after she was born my grandma passed away and i packed on the pounds. i didn't realize how back it was until i looked at pictures from my 2nd 1st birthday and i was at my highest 220. luckily i have a supportive hubby who got me a treadmillin december of 2009 and i have lost 25 pounds since then. i am wanting to be at 170 for my daughters 5th birthday in may. only 20 pounds to go. looking for online support because the friends that i have here aren't very supportive.
  • Well this week was a bad one for me food I thought, I went out of town for 2 days and thought for sure I was going to gain weight... I normally weigh in on thursday b/c that is the day I started but I wasnt home, and I only weigh in the mornings. So needless to say I weighed in this AM...and I am down another 3lbs!!!! yay!!!

    so I am at 156 :) stoked... hoping to lose at least 5 more before my anniversary... March 6th... we are headed to Vegas!!!

    when do you ladies when in? good or bad this week?
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    This sounds great! I am new to MFP, and would love a support group! I am 31, married mother of a 5yo girl. I weigh 145lbs and would like to loose 10-15lbs and tone. I am having a hard time figuring out the best meals to eat along with exercise to achieve weight loss and tone at the same time. I am currently doing 40 min of circuit training 5 times a week, along with eating more protein, less carbs. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I would really like to see some weight loss too!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    This sounds great! I am new to MFP, and would love a support group! I am 31, married mother of a 5yo girl. I weigh 145lbs and would like to loose 10-15lbs and tone. I am having a hard time figuring out the best meals to eat along with exercise to achieve weight loss and tone at the same time. I am currently doing 40 min of circuit training 5 times a week, along with eating more protein, less carbs. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I would really like to see some weight loss too!

    Make sure you are taking your measurements as well. I find that even when the scales go up instead of down the measurements just keep dropping.
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