Lose 10 pounds in February? You bet we can!!!!



  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm adjusting my challenge a little. I do a strength training class twice a week that definitely covers the challenge for the whole week... My fitness goal for this month is to be able to jog 5kms!

    I lost 10 lbs last month, hopefully February goes just as well!
  • Here is the chart. It is my first go at publishing anything like this so hopefully it works.
    Please mail me if I have missed anyone off or if I have any details wrong.
    I closed the group on page 6 as we have nearly 100 members. If you posted after this you haven't been included - I'm really sorry.


    Thanks for doing this!

    Up at 6:30 for the gym this morning! Did the challenge again today!
  • TinyToni
    TinyToni Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love to try! I'll see how I get on eeek!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I'm going to post this so I feel like I have someone holding me accountable. My weight has crept up just from last Tuesday. That's annoying. I know what's happening. While I am below my caloric goal, I'm eating a lot of really junky snack foods. So, my personal goal for the rest of this week is to keep my sugar below level (as well as continuing with keeping my calories below level). We'll see if that helps at all.
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    This looks great .... I am excited....
  • atrayubrandy- from what i've read/ heard, foods/ snacks with high levels of sugar cause spikes in blood glucose levels and can inhibit the body's ability to metabolize sugars....so low-glycemic foods will give you energy and keep your fire burning those sugars up in a steady efficient way....so you are probably right in your assumption. Also a diet that is high in salt can cause water retention....so maybe all the salty snacks = water weight? if that's the case, drink lots of H20 and it should level out! =)

    I love snacks! My co-worker discovered that trader joe's makes a personal size microwavable popcorn (like 98% fat free too) and it is a great snack substitute!

  • Looks good. I have complete my stairs for the day will do the rest when I get home from work.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hi losers,

    I am not completing the daily exercise challenge; but, I did get in over 60 minutes on the cybex, stair climber and swimming...burning 504 calories...oh, yeah

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Got all my Challenge 20s in and then some:tongue:

    Great workout day:
    Elliptical 20 min
    Kinesis Wall 45 min
    Zumba 60 min
    Power Yoga 30 min
  • Whirligig
    Whirligig Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All,

    A good few days for me so far!

    Managed to complete the challenges each day - I'm adding them on at the gym, before or after my usual gym classes.
    Did Spinning class on Wednesday and did Circuit Training this evening.

    My food intake is sensible too....... so far so good!
    I'm feeling really motivated at the moment!

    3 days down - 25 to go!
  • I would like to join(i thought i did but can't find my post) my goal for this moth is 18lbs bring be to 187, i know its a bit high but i have to expect alot of myself or else i know i won't work as hard.

    Feb 1(Starting weight ) 205

    ETA: Sorry didn't see the chart and that its closed. Thanks
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    Things are still going pretty good for me this week. I've been having some difficulty finding time to get in long workouts but I've gotten in a small session every day plus the challenge. I'm a little concerned about the weekend because I tend to loose my dedication, but I'm going to try to stick it out this weekend and keep motivated to work hard and limit my calorie intake.

    Keep up the good work everyone! :happy:
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member

    I love snacks! My co-worker discovered that trader joe's makes a personal size microwavable popcorn (like 98% fat free too) and it is a great snack substitute!

    Have you tried Snack Salad's Crisp Snap Peas? I bought them at Trader Joe's a few days ago and they make an amazing chips substitute. I love finding healthy snack foods that I'd eat even if I weren't on a diet! (although, I should warn that they are almost as many calories and fat as potato chips...but the serving size fills you up as opposed to chips)
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Love the challenge. My gym has 21 steps.
    I go up and down them at least twice. So yay.
    I'm about to do my push-ups and lunges and squats.
    Can't wait for weigh-in on tuesday :)
  • sambolinafrank
    sambolinafrank Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all

    Can I join your challenge? I'm not quite sure if I'll manage 8 pounds, as I'm quite close to my target weight and actually, I'm not sure if that'll be too much for my build - however with me it's more about body fat, which is high. So I've been trying cutting calories and exercising more. However, I really need some extra motivation as I just don't seem to be able to stop treating myself everyday with high fat foods / like chocolate! I keep telling myself that I need to give it my all and not eat it but then I let myself down again.

    I would love to have a few more friends on MFP so we can motivate each other. Please add me.
    Sam x
  • TNM1976
    TNM1976 Posts: 18 Member
    Better late than never, can I still join your challenge? I've been readin the posts and this sure seems like a fun motivating group. I'm pretty shy about stuff and I really need to get a little more social to help myself on this weight loss journey.

    Screen name:TNM1976
    Goal for February 28th: 166
    February 1st (starting weight): 176
    February 8th:
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • TNM1976
    TNM1976 Posts: 18 Member
    I just saw the list and that this challenge is closed. Thank you and I'll try to be a little more prompt next month. ;)
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I have not gotten in the push ups the last few days. The scale is behaving though. I'll get the push ups today!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Really glad I have the challenges to meet today...it's probably the only thing that moves me to workout, and once I get moving that's usually enough to keep me going...thx :heart:
  • I am thinking 8 pounds would be a more realistic goal for February as it is a slightly shorter month. I am finding it way more difficult to lost weight now that I am getting closer to my goal weight. I have recently started doing weight training to try and build a little bit of muscle and keep my metabolism up. Any suggestions for getting over a weight loss plateau?
This discussion has been closed.