

  • Hi everyone, I'm going to ****post my twitter in the hopes some will join me in conversation about DYELs trying to alpha up and fat people stories. and damn sidekek, chug a gains shake before you go to bed. You'll be out of hungry skeleton mode in no time.
  • No. Everyone wants some Scoobeus.
  • None of the above. They both look like garbage. Maybe skinny guy with 'abs' if you are a girl in puberty that is having her hormones screwed up with birth control. ::EDIT:: I see the new question and the answer is no.
  • Not a recipe, but a good trick for the bulkers. Have a tough time eating your rolled oats? Don't cook them. Equal parts oats to milk. It's like cereal. I was able to eat 8 cups of oats this way in one sitting, just to see if I could. When I used to cook them I would have trouble getting down one cup.
  • Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I added you because you're a female lifter, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D
  • Scoobeus. 24 years old. Lifting since 2010. Also HNNNNNG are these grills real? pls b from london