

  • just to address the second part of your post, should you eat more when you're on your period - it's not necessary. however, if you find yourself fatigued or run down during menstruation, then you may be needing to eat more iron, and it isn't harmful to just eat a little more in general to help improve your energy. you do…
  • hey! i recommend you go to and check out her 'i quit sugar' tag! she has a looooot of info & advice on her blog if you go back through it, and if you like what you read and you want more, she has a ebook IQS plan, and an IQS e-cookbook. theres also an #iqs tag on instagram that i love. i did the IQS…
  • i haven't quite quit, but i've seriously cut down! the trick is, i reckon, to just find the most appealing beverage substitute possible. i mainly drink tea now, but for a while i was buying diet cordial and mixing it with soda water - it was far far cheaper, and i would take a bottle full of cordial out with me and add it…
  • thank you for the replies guys! im hoping ill be able to see a change in 'tonedness' within 2 or 3 months like you suggested, hopefully quicker because i am quite slim already? i only weigh 46-47kg (5'5) so im hoping that having reasonably little fat will allow any muscle development to be obvious quicker than it would if…
  • hey, thank you! your reply is exactly the sort of stuff i want to know... by this point i started to figure that my body can adapt to what it has to, hence why my weight has stabilised on 1,200 cal. my amateur theory was that if i have gradually adjusted to a lower intake without any real weight loss, i can do the reverse.…
  • thank you for replying! my estimated maintenance is only 1540 anyway though? and i'm about 5'4 too, and 20 years old. my activity level is pretty low - i work in a sedentary job, and currently don't do any form of exercise (awful, i know! it's why i'm here!)