help! has my metabolism slowed, or these cals ok?

Hi guys!

FIRST - just want to say that i am NOT looking to lose further weight, nor do i wish to gain at all. i am looking to maintain. this question is more out of curiousity/concern that my metabolism might be a bit messed up.

about 7 months ago i decided i wanted to track calories to lose weight - i was about 113-115lb (51-52kg) at the time, and kept to an intake of about 1350 cal / 5600 kilojoule.

7 months later, i am 104lb (47kg) and eating 1,200 cal a day without losing any further. i havent lost any more weight in about two months.

the calorie calculators say i should be eating significantly more to maintain - at 165cm, MFP says my BMR is 1230, and maintenance is 1540. however, i read a study that suggests that if you DIET down to a certain weight, your bmr is likely 3-5% lower would be predicted for somebody who is NATURALLY that weight.

given this, i would be eating at just above my bmr, and the gap between bmr and maintenance is very small for me.

do you think it is likely i have damaged my metabolism? if i eat at around estimated "maintenance", will i gain? or is it more likely that my metabolism is still relatively fine, just slightly lower than predicted, and that i am no longer losing weight because there is not a significant calorie deficit? please help! any advice welcome :) xx


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You haven't damaged anything, but you've proven to your body you can sustain on 1200 calories, which is not healthy for anyone.

    I had a similar experience a few years ago when I was 100 pounds, and I ate like a bird because I was very stressed in my work environment. It took a couple of years to come out of that funk physically.

    My advice, up your calories now. Atleast start with 1500 daily, until you get to your maintenance. How tall and old are you, and what is your activity level? You will need to find out your maintenance.

    For reference, I am 36 years old, moderately active (4-5 hours in the gym per week), 110 pounds at 5'4" and my maintenance is around 1850-1950.
  • basilbunches
    thank you for replying! my estimated maintenance is only 1540 anyway though? and i'm about 5'4 too, and 20 years old. my activity level is pretty low - i work in a sedentary job, and currently don't do any form of exercise (awful, i know! it's why i'm here!)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'd say 1500 is on the low end, probably more like 1800-2000 would be your real maintenance because you're so young, but you're going to have to play with the numbers. You'll also gain weight initially, but that is to be expected. It will all even out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    The human body is extremely is always trying to maintain weight. We can override the bodies attempts by cutting a lot of calories or increasing a lot of calories and thus cut and bulk...but ultimately, the body catches up. Your body has learned to maintain on 1200 calories.

    Your concerns are exactly why you're supposed to tier your weight loss goals...i.e. slowly increase your calorie intake to lose slower the closer you get to your maintenance...this way the transition is not so abrupt; you're not going from an 800-1000 calorie cut back to're only going from a 250 or so calorie cut to maintenance.

    Unfortunately, many don't do this...they slam on the breaks and up their calories to maintenance...such an abrupt change in calories usually leads to some temporary weight gain. I would suggest slowly upping your calories...try 100 or so per week until you get to maintenance to let your body adjust to the shock of a higher caloric intake.
  • basilbunches
    hey, thank you! your reply is exactly the sort of stuff i want to know... by this point i started to figure that my body can adapt to what it has to, hence why my weight has stabilised on 1,200 cal.

    my amateur theory was that if i have gradually adjusted to a lower intake without any real weight loss, i can do the reverse. i was thinking of a slower increase - about 70-80 cal every 3-4 weeks until i hit estimated maintenance.

    do you have any opinions on increasing this way, slower than the 100 a week? i guess i am thinking along the lines of the slower i go, the more likely my body is to adjust to such small changes without storing extra fat.
  • basilbunches
    anymore feedback, anyone?