

  • I'll be honest with you - I hate exercise for exercise's sake. I never feel good at the gym (I've never hit that "endorphin" thing either). However, I ALWAYS feel good when I see the results - the muscles getting more defined and the added strength my body has. I'm also very proud when it's over that I actually did it…
  • Female Christian Progressive, beyond college age. I mention the Progressive part in case you would prefer (or not) to associate with someone who is politically and spiritually liberal.
  • You could try something like Zumba or swimming that is fun exercise and that tones you up. Muscle takes up less space and is sleeker than fat, even though it makes you weigh more. I think with your wedding you are wanting to look good, not just count calories, so anything that tones you up should give you extra space in…
  • It's funny, the one thing you didn't ask about was flavor. If it doesn't taste good, I don't care how much it costs or how healthful it is, I don't want to eat it. On the flipside, if it has quality ingredients (organic, no GMO, free range etc.) and tastes good, I'd be willing to pay extra for it.
  • From what I've seen with friends, there's someone for everyone. You just have to keep it in your head that you deserve the best and not put up with bs from anyone who wants to drag you down or put you in a box, no matter what your size. I have several friends who are morbidly obese and they are happily married, and they…
  • Wow...just wow, KilikiMom. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about regarding medicine and morbid obesity and its causes. So much for this program being a positive environment to get fit.
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