lorrm Member


  • @nyclove81 - why are you waiting til you've lost the last kilos to lift weights. You should start to incorporate weight training into your regime now. It's not going to make you big & bulky, you will be tighter and more 'toned' (I hate using that word :) ) I do very little cardio, when I do it's HIIT & modified strongman…
  • There is no difference between whey protein for Men & Women, it's just the marketing departments that decided to make some of the containers pink to target women. Whey will not make you fat - it's a great way of getting protein to your muscles quickly after an intense work out. I log it in my food diary & ensure that i'm…
  • I use Sunwarrior Raw Vegan Protein - it's made from rice protein (soy free- dairy free) - costs $42 for 1kg from iherb I don't do very well on dairy products, the couple of whey proteins i've tried make me feel sick. 1 scoop (21g) Calories - 80 Carbs - 4g Protein - 16g i usually use it as PWO, but sometimes have a scoop in…
  • This is my first week logging so will have to see if this plans out but what I did was sat down on friday evening - did a plan of 3 meals & 2 snacks for each day - Sat to Fri. Put it into MFP, tweaked it a bit, did a shopping list & hit the shops & market on sat morning. When I get in from work I prep dinner plus my…
  • Try to rise above it - give it time, they will be asking you for tips & advise on how to get your body very soon!! I used to get defensive when people (friends) commented on my weight training - now I just say 'do I look like I'm getting big and bulky? Can you let me know when I start looking like Arnie?' I couldn't care…
  • My gym has started selling Herbalife - I almost cried when I saw it. What happened to teaching people about nutritional values and portion control. Then I woke up & realised the gym is there to make money and benefits from people stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting. If there was a magic weight loss pill obesity would be a…
  • Joining you guy, if I may... 5ft 2in & 138lbs as of this morning. Got a friends wedding at the end of July - would love 10lbs off by then! Started on weightloss in Aug 2012 weighing 161lbs. I've not taken a huge amount of notice to my diet until now, I've cut out all processed foods, no wheat & no dairy. I have been…