bvanam Member


  • I have seen a lot of people lose weight and end up looking older. My sister lost 80 lbs and her face was really saggy for the first few months, but it is slowly starting to regain some of its elasticity. Of course, those extra pounds we carry around do make us look younger, but we know the pounds are actually taking years…
  • I have exactly the same issue with protein and I have done South Beach, as well, which changes your eating habits. I tend to avoid carbs because most are higher in calories and sugar, especially now that I am tracking my input. I personally think it is okay that our protein is high as long as we are getting it from lean…
  • The answer is quite still burn calories (albeit at a slower rate than awake) when you sleep and you lose them in the form of heat and moisture (aka sweat, but not necessarily to the extent where your skin feels damp). I am also assuming you go to the bathroom before you weigh in. Basically, you are dehydrated…
  • Congratulations on your first week results. I am finishing my second week and I got my husband to join, too. Having others along definitely helps. Good luck to you and your friends.
  • No worries...someone else mentioned that Biggest Loser gives their contestants a "cheat meal" each week and I know that Body for Life (or Fit for Life...not sure which one) has a free DAY every week during which you can eat whatever you want all day!!! (I know this because I have a friend whom has lost 40 pounds and kept…
  • Evenings are my toughest time too. I always have to save some extra calories for after dinner. I typically save enough for a scoop of Healthy Choice (or some other light) ice cream and when I'm all done cleaning up the kitchen, I sit down and treat myself to the ice cream. Somehow knowing I still have something to look…
  • Welcome. I am starting my second week after some ups and downs last week. I had several great days and then blew it over the weekend. In the end, I lost 1 lb. and although I should have lost more, its better than gaining a pound. I think one thing which helped a lot is that I am working out 6 days a week. As you know, the…
  • You may want to consider The South Beach Diet which is a sort of modified Atkins, but in my opinion, much healthier. They both are based on low carbs and high protein, but South Beach promotes lean protein and after 2 weeks reintroduces healthy carbs, such as fruit and and whole grains. Our whole family has had success on…
    in Atkins Comment by bvanam January 2010
  • These ideas are great! Another tip is to check out some food suggestions on the South Beach Diet since it is a low carb, low fat, high protein, high fiber diet. Something I learned to love on that diet was nonfat plain yogurt (the greek one at Costco is really rich and creamy) with some slivered almonds and a drizzle of…
  • I just started today and I plan to get my husband to join this evening. I will be sure he checks your post for support from other men.