I need some help getting in my calories...

Heres the deal:

I'm an a medical diet right now and I'm having a hard time reaching my calorie goal.

I have to stay between 1000 and 1200 cals. And I can't go over on carbs. Its okay for me to go over a little on fat or protien.

I prefer not to eat meat AT ALL but I do have turkey breast to use as a lean protien for the purpose of keeping my carbs lower.

I'm having a hard time reaching 1000 calories without going over on carbs. Can someone offer some suggestions to balance it out?

:heart: To rule out any confusion and answer questions/criticism before its posted:

I have a teeny, small frame, 1000 calories is fine for me as directed by my medical team. I am anorexic and eating is not my friend. Too much too fast is dangerous. I also need to lose alot of weight as determined by my medical team.
I am NOT supposed to eat my exercise calories. I don't even workout at this point.
I don't eat meat because I have trouble digesting it.
I will ask my doctor at my next visit and I do have a dietician. Seeing her is not covered by my insurance and I have to pay $20 for 15 minutes with her, that is why I'm asking on MFP.
I am allowed to use the medical shakes from my doctors office, but I have chosen not to purchase them because I would rather eat food than drink shakes. But I may need to if I don't find a way to meet my calories everyday.

I only started logging on here this past Monday.

My diet should consist of:
Meal 1
1/2 protien
1 starch
1 fruit

Meal 2
1/2 protien
low-starch veggies...no limit
1 starch
1 fat

meal 3
shake or 1 fruit or 1/2 protien

Meal 4
1 protein
low-starch veggies, no limit
1 starch
2 fats

Meal 5
shake or 1 fruit or 1/2 protein

Any sggestions are appreciated that will help me reach 1000-1200 calories without going over on carbs. I'm set at 50% carbs, 25% protein, and 25% fat.



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Good luck. One easy way to increase fat and protein without adding many carbs is by adding nuts and seeds to your diet. They are full of calories, and you don't need many.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I love both almonds and cottage cheese (low-fat) as foods that are low in carbs. 1/4 c. of raw almonds (I get the kind without added salt) has 160 cal - 14g fat (the good kind!), 6g protein and 6g carbs. The low-fat cottage cheese I get is 100 cal for 1/2 cup - it has 3g fat, 12g protein and 5g carbs. Cottage cheese is good to mix with fruit (and many other things) and almonds can be eaten alone or tossed in a salad or even added to veggies like green beans.
  • bvanam
    bvanam Posts: 10 Member
    These ideas are great! Another tip is to check out some food suggestions on the South Beach Diet since it is a low carb, low fat, high protein, high fiber diet. Something I learned to love on that diet was nonfat plain yogurt (the greek one at Costco is really rich and creamy) with some slivered almonds and a drizzle of honey. You can also add a bit of dried fruit if you'd like. This way is a lot healthier than the yogurts with the fruit already added and I think it tastes better.
  • leavinglasvegas
    My doctor did call this a South Beach Diet type diet. And I love South Beach!

    I haven't tried nuts because its not on my food list.

    I'll try more cottage cheese and plain yogurt. My main problem is adding more food period. I really really don't feel like I can eat anymore food. But I just have to deal with it I guess. Pull up my big girl panties and eat the dang cottage cheese.

    Thanks for your suggestions!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    One warning on the cottage cheese - it tends to run pretty high in sodium, so be careful with that. I always look around at the various brands my grocery store carries and make sure I buy the low-fat kind that has the lowest sodium. The lowest I've been about to find is about 380mg per serving. Some run as high as 500.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Horizon Organic is about 390. Nancy's from Whole Foods is 304.

    I look at sodium at a certain time of the month. But otherwise its not a problem. I have really low BP so sometimes I need more sodium.

    BTW, that Nancys Cottage Cheese has live cultures as well. Great for digestion!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    What about eggs?