A new member looking for some new fitness pals

ressiegirl Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
This is my second day, and I already feel like I'm doing pretty good. Quit smoking three weeks, and found a Boot camp program to do twice a week with my daughter. Having fun, but got the aches and pains..:ohwell: .... It'll get better I know, just have to stay with it.

Good luck to all those that are making fitness a priority this year!:flowerforyou:


  • ldupless
    ldupless Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking thats such a huge accomplishment! Hope the fitness road treats you well! =]
  • bvanam
    bvanam Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome. I am starting my second week after some ups and downs last week. I had several great days and then blew it over the weekend. In the end, I lost 1 lb. and although I should have lost more, its better than gaining a pound. I think one thing which helped a lot is that I am working out 6 days a week. As you know, the aches and pains will subside and you will start to feel stronger. Good luck to you.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi there! I've been on MFP for a while now but just in the past two-three weeks have I started really going to town with watching what I eat and working out. Last week I got strep throat and that sucked, didn't work out for a whole week. But I stayed on my cals during all of that and still lost weight.
    The aches and pains get better, and then you'll push yourself and get them again. Get some glucosamine with msm in it in the vitamin section. Glucosamine is good for joint ache and msm helps repair muscles when they get ripped up working out. Take it consistently and you will feel soooooo much better!

    Congrats on the quiting smoking. I know how hard that is!
  • Congrats on the choice to go smoke free!
    This is my day 3. I like the accountability, and I find myself always thinking.... "is it WORTH putting that in my mouth?" Today I was doing GREAT until my husband's birthday dinner.
    Now if i could only get into the habit of exercising regularly, I'd actually be on the right track!
  • Hey, Welcome...I'm one week in and already lost 4lbs.For me that is something i didnt think i could ever do,being as i have no will power. My entire family (about 20 of us total) has made it our mission to "Bring Sexy Back" in 2010 and with everyones support i know that we will.Congrats on being smoke free for three weeks that shows you do have some will power and im sure you will do great....and im here fighting with you 100% of the way ....you go girl!!
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member

    I tried this website last year to lose weight for my wedding and it WORKED! Post wedding the weight came back on for various reason but now I'm back, and I know I can do this again. I've already lost 6lbs in just under 2 weeks.

    If I can do this you can!

    Good luck everyone and remember we are all awesome for being being here!

  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Good for you for quitting smoking, it's a tough thing to do. This site is a great spot for motivation and support, I wish you well on your journey!
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