BachMa2000 Member


  • Our cell membranes are made up of phospholipids which contain 2 fatty acid chains. They can be saturated or unsaturated. Cholesterol is also an important component but we make cholesterol in our bodies so we don't need to worry about consuming enough cholesterol.
  • I think that the doctors statement is true to an extent. I accept full responsibility for gaining weight. It was due to choices that I have made. But at the same time you can't deny that there are different levels of attraction towards food among different people. There are also different natural responses to hunger and…
  • I don't think most people who eat a keto diet or just low carb in general are saying that. Low carb is a tool that helps to create a calorie deficit. In many people like myself it helps suppress my appetite so it is not a constant struggle to keep under a colorie limit. For me the level of carbs makes a huge difference in…
  • Low carb has always worked best for me. It really suppresses my appetite which is what I need to be able to stick to a calorie defecit. I don't feel deprived at all because I am eating foods I enjoy. My problem has always been hunger not really craving specific foods. I don't believe that low carb is some kind of magical…
  • I don't weigh everything but I do tend to round up if there is any uncertainty. I have been steadily losing so I am not too concerned with it. Maybe when I get closer to my goal I will need to tighten up my process but for now it seems unnecessary.
  • I am getting married in August and while I have been making steady progress I am not where I want to be and I am stressing about it. I wish I had some words of advice for you but I don't know how to make myself feel better with this issue. It seems like I am more critical of my body now than when I started my weightloss…
  • My diet before actively trying to lose weight was for the most part what people on here would call "clean eating". I just ate way too much. I have always been able to put away a lot food. I don't really like a lot of processed food, don't really eat fast food and prefer savory to sweet food for the most part. I have always…
  • Personally I say no to lowfat cheeses because they are just not as satisfying as the full fat versions.
  • I wish that was the case. I was a fat clean eater for many years. Maybe if you were eating very calorie dense food and you switch to less dense food you could lose weight without counting but most people need to have some form of portion control to stay on track with their weightloss goals. To answer the original question:…
  • Personally I hate the whole label of "clean" for certain foods. It creates a dichotomy of good and bad foods. There are also way too many definitions of what it means to be clean. Is a salad from McDonalds clean? Is a cake I made from scratch with flour, eggs, butter and sugar clean? Is protein powder (I know many self…