XLombardX Member


  • Hmm...per capita, firearm homicides are 138 times higher in the US than UK, violent crime is 4 times higher, homicide is 4 times higher...I'd take my chances in the UK without the pepper spray.
  • Thank you for all of the replies, I really appreciate them! I eat about 90g of protein per day, and I always start the day off with protein. My doctor said that my cell volumes indicate I need to eat more protein, but I'm not sure that's possible! I eat a lot of fibre, protein and fat and I don't eat wheat or white grains.…
  • Respect, to be treated as an equal. An equal partner in decision-making. Affection, emotional intelligence, ability to communicate feelings, especially love. A lack of passive aggression, I hate that *kitten*. Physical attraction, a high sex drive. Having the courage of his convictions, not being too cowardly to discuss…
  • Height 5ft 7 Weight 124lb Waist 26 inches Chest 34 inches Hips 34 inches
  • There's a difference between a nice guy and a Nice Guy. Here's a reformed Nice Guy talking about the difference: http://www.shakesville.com/2007/12/explainer-what-is-nice-guy.html Why do we talk about girls friendzoning guys, and not guys girlfriendzoning girls? Why doesn't a girl go to her friends and say "I met this guy…
  • They CAN BE good, when you use the professional ones that actually work. I know my physio and orthopaedic doctor have Galileo vibration plates, which are the only ones that I know are proven to work. The results have been published and replicated by peer-reviewed journals. However, without professional training you can do…
  • I have an underactive thyroid, and the fatigue really doesn't help with weight loss. Nevertheless with the correct dose of synthroid/L-thyroxine I've lost 12kg in 12 months, going from a BMI of 26 to 20. When I cut out gluten (delicious, fluffy, soft, gluten...) the weight falls off me, and I have a lot of water retention…
  • I missed your question in my first post...how to deal with comfort eating cravings? My first question would be, what does food mean to you? Does it mean love and self-care? Does it mean being nice to yourself when the world is being nasty? What messages did you get about food as a child? For example, in my family home,…
  • Oh honey, I've been there. I'm posting below a reply I put in this thread a few months ago: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1032441-mental-health-problems-illness-and-diet-and-exercise It can be so hard to deal with the weight gain on antidepressants, and it always felt to me that doctors didn't take it seriously.…
  • Very funny. Here are some definitions of those big words to educate you: Malnutrition is a broad term which refers to both undernutrition (subnutrition) and overnutrition. Individuals are malnourished, or suffer from undernutrition if their diet does not provide them with adequate calories and protein for maintenance and…
  • My medical doctor diagnosed me with gluten sensitivity.
  • My more filling low cal meals would be: home made veg soup (80 cals) Cheddar cheese, beef salami and rice cakes (120 cals) Home made chilli con carne without rice or other carby side (200 cals) Home made Indian or Thai curries without rice (beef, veg or chicken) (200 cals) Steak (180 cals) Guacamole/hummus with veg sticks…
  • I know nothing about CrossFit, but this article scared me half to death: https://medium.com/health-fitness-1/97bcce70356d
  • Seriously read the Aeon Magazine article though, it's fascinating: http://www.aeonmagazine.com/being-human/david-berreby-obesity-era/
  • I'm sorry for being unclear, I shouldn't have said mitochondrial dysfunction "causes" CFS... I think that CFS needs a trigger like EBV, traumatic stress etc, which causes mitochondrial damage. The damaged mitos are hard to get back into good condition again, and that's what keeps us sick. When we push ourselves we damage…
  • Me! I had CFS for about 5 years, but I'm slowly climbing out of it. One thing that's really important to me is NOT pushing myself too far and causing Post-Exertional Malaise. I believe CFS is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, as you can read here: http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/cfs_book.pdf I'm not crazy about some of Dr…
  • I doubled my body weight while on Zyprexa. I couldn't think about anything except eating, couldn't study. As well as making me crave food all the time it exhausted me, and I slept up to 18 hours a day. I also "sleep ate", like sleep walking only for food. I'd wake in the morning with a pain in my stomach and no food left…
  • Hi Lemonsquare, You say that you binge and then fast to get rid of the "toxins"...do you think of food (or too much food) as being toxic to you? This worries me to read. I would also wonder what triggers the binges in the first place? I think you should try to see a therapist if you can afford to. I've known many people…
  • Firstly, you look great, well done! Secondly, I'm one of those stretch mark-prone people too, so I know how it feels. I remember reading about a mother whose 5 year old daughter asked her what those marks on her belly were. The mom said "they're my tiger stripes, and when you grow up you'll have them too." The daughter was…
  • That sounds like an issue that a personal trainer would be best placed to help you with, as the wrong exercises could be downright dangerous for you. Your doctor sounds like a butcher, you poor thing! Best of luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • I have all of the above, caused by some kind of mitochondrial cytopathy (i.e. my lab results show that my mitos aren't working very well, but I have no idea why). It also gives me hypothyroidism. It's really hard to have these autoimmune-type diseases and be trying to lose weight. "Jut exercise more!" is not good advice…