

  • Im pretty fed up with people dissing Herbalife, its not like its unhealthy and there should be more support for people here trying to loose weight and finding a way that works for them. Herbalife can be a great way to kickstart weight loss. And actually I have SAVED money being on it as the shakes I have for breakfast and…
  • You could try adding low fat natural or greek yoghurt. Or low fat creme fraiche to thicken it up!
  • Wow you look amazing thats so inspirational! I ran a full marathon once and found that I lost nothing at all. My body shape improved a little. I still run but not as much, maybe 5k twice a week. But its interesting you say you lost more doing weights, Im thinking of doing more core/strength workouts to help tone me and use…
  • Thanks, some great tips on there :-)
  • Hey! Im 29 and aim to loose about 15lbs, or 20 maximum by August :-). I am not overweight and my BMI is just about boderline normal, but would like to loose the weight Ive gained over the past year and fit into a size 8/10 and also improve my fitness before I reach the dreaded 30! I think because I dont have to loose that…
  • Hi snshine1028! My scheldule for running was 3-4 runs a week, doing anything between 5k and 8k. This was for 3 weeks whilst taking the shake and leading up til the 10k run itself. So in that time I lost 6 lbs. I reckon I could have lost more if I was a little bit stricter with my food and alcohol intake at weekends. Since…
  • I added low fat natural or greek yoghurt to mine once to thicken it up and it was good! You could also add creme fraiche too.
  • Hey I sent you a friend request there. I started Herbalife about 4 weeks ago, taking two shakes a day, one for breakfast and lunch and having my usual dinner. I took one or both days off at the weekend. I was training hard the first three weeks on it for a 10k run, so was building up muscle mass too, so didnt expect to…
  • One shake with semi skimmed milk is around 220 calories. I usually use skimmed milk or light unsweetened soya milk to lessen the calories a little and for a change in tase. I weighed myself last week, two days after starting herbalife and was 11stone. Really depressed me! Thankfully I dont have scales in my house otherwise…
  • Hey I am also on my second week of Herbalife :-). It's going well with me too, really good in fact! Dont have to think about what to have for breakfast and lunch and actually I thihnk I am saving money on it as some days I'd spend almost £5 on lunch and the shakes work out much cheaper. Yesterday was my day 'off' and…
  • 9lbs in 3 weeks is good! I want to loose about 20lbs in total by the end of June. Ive only tried the strawberry one and it's lovely :-). Apparantly the cookies and cream one is nice. But I'm going to stick with the strawberry one for now. I haven't tried the prolessa duo. Hoping to loose the weight by just the two shakes,…
  • Hey I'd like to join 'forces' for newbie Herbalife users also! I started on Monday, having one strawberry shake for breakfast, with a small orange, or I leave it as a snack mid morning. I'm having a shake for lunch with another piece of fruit. Mid afternoon I have a yoghurt or some nuts. Then just have my normal dinner,…