
has anyone have good results using herbalife?


  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I hear it makes people lose.................................money.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    mlm... run away!
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    Just Say No.
  • sunshineamy84
    Im pretty fed up with people dissing Herbalife, its not like its unhealthy and there should be more support for people here trying to loose weight and finding a way that works for them. Herbalife can be a great way to kickstart weight loss.
    And actually I have SAVED money being on it as the shakes I have for breakfast and especially lunch save me money that I would usually spend on buying supplies or takeout sandwiches, e.t.c. One tub of herbalife lasts me 4.5 weeks and only costs me £35, so thats working out at around £1 per day - having breakfast AND lunch!
    Also it suits MY lifestyle that I just shake and go as I am so busy and often ended up buying quick (and expensive) convenient food.
    I am only on week 7, by the end of week 3 I had lost 6 lbs, and I wasnt even being that strict on it. I havent weighed myself since as I woul dlike to leave that until the end of week 8, but Im pretty sure I have lost a few more lbs.
    My cousin lost 3 stone on it (she is now maintaining it)and another friend lost 2.5 and is still loosing.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Personally I would never go for a shake diet.

    If you are drinking a shake for breakfast ... or breakfast and lunch... how are you learning how to eat and lose weight? I get that people are busy and a shake is easier however with a bit of planning you can have a proper meal for the same time it takes to get a shake ready. When you are drinking a shake for a meal or two a day you are not learning how to cook, prepare, plan, etc those meals so that you can not only lose weight but also keep it off. You can also get much better nutrition from real food.

    It takes no time at all to have some oatmeal in the morning... or some eggs quickly scrambled in the microwave... or a salad with some protein for lunch, etc.

    The shakes will not give you any better losses than you would get if you were eating the same amount of calories of real food.
  • LHolobovich
    LHolobovich Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 30 lbs doing it! Love it. It is a no-brainer and I have never had so much energy. It takes all the complication out of "figuring it all out."

    I still have a shake every morning - so easy. I have tries other kinds of shake programs - none of them tasted as good as Herbalife does and NONE of them made me feel good like Herbalife does!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    There is a group that hikes the same trail my best friend and I do every weekend. They're an Herbalife support group; they hike together and do exercises at the top. They were very nice and informative about it, and showed us several before and after pictures. They definitely lost a good amount of weight, and seemed passionate about it. We see them every Sunday.

    But it's incredibly expensive and I don't personally believe in doing any kind of program. I don't want to train my body to take in certain products to aid in weight loss, because even if it works, I can't possibly afford to or want to be on it forever. And what happens if you stop drinking or taking that product? Will the weight come back? No thank you.

    I believe in eating well, and working out, so Herbalife is definitely not for me. I won't knock it, nor will I try it. :smile:
  • misstmarie1990
    Ah, Herbacult. Sorry, Herbalife.
    There are a few of these new age Jehovah's Witness's advertising their ridiculous priced crap on Facebook constantly along with so called "progress pics." Had to giggle when one guy going for the hard sale uploaded the same "progress" pic twice, one captioned 'before and after 4 months of Herbalife,' the other, 'before and after 2 months of Herbalife." :laugh:
    Absolute con.
    It's also amusing how the people used in these before and after photos have sprouted abs etc too. Is that down to Herbalife? No. Their fantastically toned bodies are down to actual exercise, not drinking some overpriced shake.
    Will you lose weight? Yes, probably. But I know I'd rather get up off my *kitten*, work out and eat REAL food, losing the weight whilst actually learning, rather than relying on an overpriced quick fix and then probably gaining weight back on once I return to eating actual food again.
  • broonie24
    broonie24 Posts: 5
    I totally agree with thisismeraw! A shake diet is not sustainable, you are not going to live on shakes forever. Losing weight takes a lot of hard work and effort. You need to change the type of foods you eat and it's all about re-educating yourself. I know many people who have tried shake diets in the past, slim fast, celebrity slim etc and all have regained the weight because they did not learn anything from replacing meals with shakes. Healthy eating and exercise is the route to follow. It does take time but you will get there and it will be worth it!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yeah...makes you wallet lighter. Kinda like weight watchers or jenny craig
  • jacintasim
    jacintasim Posts: 4 Member
    Ive actually been on this for the past month, I've gone from 115kg to 108kg. It is very hard, but like anything, it takes time to get into some sort of habit or routine. It's very filling and actually gives u last energy. U don't feel hungry between meals and easy. But if your someone like me, who wants extra help to lose weight, combined with workout classes and eating right, it's not going to hurt.

    Broonie24 is right on the money tho, it's about change. I don't want to rely or depend on herbalife forever, at some stage i'm going to stand on my own 2 feet. 80% food 20% exercise, if you can get that right, your already half way there.

    Herbalife suits me because of my lifestyle.. and the goal i'm wanting. it's different for everyone.
    Good luck to you tho... hope it works for you.
  • nikeeto
    nikeeto Posts: 1
    Yes when I had my kids I lost 30 lbs easy --tried it again s year ago -I'm allergic to soy do can't use it. Great products -Amway. Has a great weight loss program also.
  • feast4dabeast
    feast4dabeast Posts: 96 Member
    I have a serious issue with Herbalife. Guy in one of gyms I use was trying to sell it saying he had amazing weight loss results from it. However, what he could not grasp was that he had replaced his food intake with a shake with less calories and therefore was now in a calorie deficit. He thought it had some magic properties - I mean come on seriously?